Moving the Goalposts...Again


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

So first, we were assured that Mueller would PROVE the known fact that Trump conspired with Putin to fix the 2016 election. THEN, we were assured that Mueller would find OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE in Trump's exercise of his legal discretion. Then we were told that despite no legal hint of same, the ENTIRE MUELLER REPORT would have to be made public. NOW, we hear that, not just the entire report, but ALL OF THE BACKUP MATERIALS must be made public.

Next one can only assume that the results of Trump's latest colonoscopy must be posted, with video, on Facebook.

Is anyone starting to see a pattern here?

Does anyone still remember that this whole sequence of events started with the Steele Dossier, a fictitious, totally discredited bit of oppo-research paid for by the Clinton campaign?

Schumer is, as Jed Clampett would put it, "lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut."

So first, we were assured that Mueller would PROVE the known fact that Trump conspired with Putin to fix the 2016 election. THEN, we were assured that Mueller would find OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE in Trump's exercise of his legal discretion. Then we were told that despite no legal hint of same, the ENTIRE MUELLER REPORT would have to be made public. NOW, we hear that, not just the entire report, but ALL OF THE BACKUP MATERIALS must be made public.

Next one can only assume that the results of Trump's latest colonoscopy must be posted, with video, on Facebook.

Is anyone starting to see a pattern here?

Does anyone still remember that this whole sequence of events started with the Steele Dossier, a fictitious, totally discredited bit of oppo-research paid for by the Clinton campaign?

Schumer is, as Jed Clampett would put it, "lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut."

The Mueller Investigation began with a fatal flaw that has only grown wider with time guaranteeing that it would never amount to anything, best summed up in this simple chart:

Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.
They had hoped that Mueller would somehow reverse the election. Then they hoped that they could at the very least indict and imprision Trump and maybe with luck Pence. Pence would have been icing on the cake.

Now the whole point is they realize that the democrats have no chance of wining the next election unless they can find some dirt so they are hoping for any tid bit of dirt in Muellers report. It does not have to be factual, it does not have to be anything but dirt. Look at the mileage they got out of the Steale dossier. Look at the sh-t Storm they were able to cook up with Kavanaugh.
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.

There are worse criminals than the ones already charged. How did this Investigation begin and under what pretense. I think America needs to know that truth now. Answer these 6 simple questions. Who, What, Where, When, How, Why! I think it goes to the very Top of The Previous Administration. Somebody prove me wrong!
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.

There are worse criminals than the ones already charged. How did this Investigation begin and under what pretense. I think America needs to know that truth now. Answer these 6 simple questions. Who, What, Where, When, How, Why! I think it goes to the very Top of The Previous Administration. Somebody prove me wrong!
Butt Hurt democrats. They only got two years of nonsense. Not enough to ruin the 2020 election.
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.

There are worse criminals than the ones already charged. How did this Investigation begin and under what pretense. I think America needs to know that truth now. Answer these 6 simple questions. Who, What, Where, When, How, Why! I think it goes to the very Top of The Previous Administration. Somebody prove me wrong!
Butt Hurt democrats. They only got two years of nonsense. Not enough to ruin the 2020 election.

Mueller concludes Russia-Trump probe with no new indictments
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.
And if you are a fan of setting people up to be sent to jail, for whatever they can find on you. I suspect 90% of people in America could be indicted and convicted of something, if the effort were put in their direction.
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.
And if you are a fan of setting people up to be sent to jail, for whatever they can find on you. I suspect 90% of people in America could be indicted and convicted of something, if the effort were put in their direction. are the guys shouting "lock her up".... fuck off
- So first, we were assured that Mueller would PROVE the known fact

An investigation at the beginning does not assure anything as it just investigates to find answers. It can exonerate someone or provide info that they should be prosecuted and a grand jury will determine if they must be indicted. Then a jury must find them guilt or innocent. Still the general public has not seen the report so speculation about its contents at this time is not an assurance of anything. are the guys shouting "lock her up".... fuck off
And we're STILL shouting it. And NOW the REAL investigation begins. Of Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Comey, et al, and the REAL Russian Collusion, and the illegal use of the government to go after Trump. LOCK THEM UP!

And YOU TOO. For whatever your crimes were. :badgrin:
- So first, we were assured that Mueller would PROVE the known fact

An investigation at the beginning does not assure anything as it just investigates to find answers. It can exonerate someone or provide info that they should be prosecuted and a grand jury will determine if they must be indicted. Then a jury must find them guilt or innocent. Still the general public has not seen the report so speculation about its contents at this time is not an assurance of anything.
The meat and potatoes is already here. No indictments.
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.

I hope the cops show up at your house in the dead of night and drag your sorry butt to jail for not cutting tags off your mattress. I'm serious.
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.
And if you are a fan of setting people up to be sent to jail, for whatever they can find on you. I suspect 90% of people in America could be indicted and convicted of something, if the effort were put in their direction. are the guys shouting "lock her up".... fuck off

Hate speech. Off with your head.
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.
And if you are a fan of setting people up to be sent to jail, for whatever they can find on you. I suspect 90% of people in America could be indicted and convicted of something, if the effort were put in their direction. are the guys shouting "lock her up".... fuck off
It is nothing less than amazingly sleazy that the bitch hasn't been locked up.
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.

I hope the cops show up at your house in the dead of night and drag your sorry butt to jail for not cutting tags off your mattress. I'm serious.

That's the really are serious.
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.

I hope the cops show up at your house in the dead of night and drag your sorry butt to jail for not cutting tags off your mattress. I'm serious.

That's the really are serious.

Don't want to live by your own rules? Whassamatter?

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