Mother Russia: What do the liberals think now

The way conservatism has devolved into repressive policies toward medical care, constitutional protections and ability to vote for common may as well BE Authoritarianism...

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I wonder, what do they think...


Russia's Crackdown On 'Gay Propaganda' And Popular Illiberalism

Mark Adomanis

Over at The Nation, Alec Luhn recently wrote a quite good summary of the recently-passed ban on “gay propaganda” and the generally perilous state of gay rights in Russia. I encourage everyone to read the full article, particularly because it does an excellent job of showing that Russian gay rights activists are themselves deeply conflicted and divided about what to do next. Some, particularly those that get the most attention in the West, want to focus on holding large public demonstrations of gay pride. Others think that Russian gays should adopt a more cautious stance that is based on coming out to family and close friends and then gradually broadening out from there.*

The point is that Russia’s gays are not united in lockstep behind a particular issue, strategy, or goal, but are people with all of the messiness, bickering, and spontaneity that that entails. That might sound rather obvious or banal, but in discussions about the ban on “gay propaganda” there is an unfortunate tendency to lump Russia’s gays together into some homogeneous and undifferentiated mass.

But what really struck me about Luhn’s article, what really got me thinking, was the widespread popularity of anti-gay sentiment. The Duma bill banning “gay propaganda” passed unanimously. Not a single member of the official opposition felt comfortable voting against it. Obviously the opposition doesn’t doesn’t control the Duma, United Russia does, but the Communists, the LDPR, and other groups have no problem voting against various sorts of economic and fiscal policies. Yes the Duma is hardly a paragon of democratic accountability, but unanimous bills are still quite rare and it seems worth noting how quickly its deputies fell in line behind the legislation.


Russia's Crackdown On 'Gay Propaganda' And Popular Illiberalism - Forbes

that its stupid to attack your own citizens.
Its you guys who LOVED Putin remember
I wonder, what do they think...


Russia's Crackdown On 'Gay Propaganda' And Popular Illiberalism

Mark Adomanis

Over at The Nation, Alec Luhn recently wrote a quite good summary of the recently-passed ban on “gay propaganda” and the generally perilous state of gay rights in Russia. I encourage everyone to read the full article, particularly because it does an excellent job of showing that Russian gay rights activists are themselves deeply conflicted and divided about what to do next. Some, particularly those that get the most attention in the West, want to focus on holding large public demonstrations of gay pride. Others think that Russian gays should adopt a more cautious stance that is based on coming out to family and close friends and then gradually broadening out from there.*

The point is that Russia’s gays are not united in lockstep behind a particular issue, strategy, or goal, but are people with all of the messiness, bickering, and spontaneity that that entails. That might sound rather obvious or banal, but in discussions about the ban on “gay propaganda” there is an unfortunate tendency to lump Russia’s gays together into some homogeneous and undifferentiated mass.

But what really struck me about Luhn’s article, what really got me thinking, was the widespread popularity of anti-gay sentiment. The Duma bill banning “gay propaganda” passed unanimously. Not a single member of the official opposition felt comfortable voting against it. Obviously the opposition doesn’t doesn’t control the Duma, United Russia does, but the Communists, the LDPR, and other groups have no problem voting against various sorts of economic and fiscal policies. Yes the Duma is hardly a paragon of democratic accountability, but unanimous bills are still quite rare and it seems worth noting how quickly its deputies fell in line behind the legislation.


Russia's Crackdown On 'Gay Propaganda' And Popular Illiberalism - Forbes

that its stupid to attack your own citizens.
Its you guys who LOVED Putin remember

you would like russia truth - plenty of cheap vodka
  • Thanks
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The way conservatism has devolved into repressive policies toward medical care, constitutional protections and ability to vote for common may as well BE Authoritarianism...

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what would left-wing idiots do if they couldnt spew stupid charges they can never back up?
I wonder, what do they think...


Russia's Crackdown On 'Gay Propaganda' And Popular Illiberalism

Mark Adomanis

Over at The Nation, Alec Luhn recently wrote a quite good summary of the recently-passed ban on “gay propaganda” and the generally perilous state of gay rights in Russia. I encourage everyone to read the full article, particularly because it does an excellent job of showing that Russian gay rights activists are themselves deeply conflicted and divided about what to do next. Some, particularly those that get the most attention in the West, want to focus on holding large public demonstrations of gay pride. Others think that Russian gays should adopt a more cautious stance that is based on coming out to family and close friends and then gradually broadening out from there.*

The point is that Russia’s gays are not united in lockstep behind a particular issue, strategy, or goal, but are people with all of the messiness, bickering, and spontaneity that that entails. That might sound rather obvious or banal, but in discussions about the ban on “gay propaganda” there is an unfortunate tendency to lump Russia’s gays together into some homogeneous and undifferentiated mass.

But what really struck me about Luhn’s article, what really got me thinking, was the widespread popularity of anti-gay sentiment. The Duma bill banning “gay propaganda” passed unanimously. Not a single member of the official opposition felt comfortable voting against it. Obviously the opposition doesn’t doesn’t control the Duma, United Russia does, but the Communists, the LDPR, and other groups have no problem voting against various sorts of economic and fiscal policies. Yes the Duma is hardly a paragon of democratic accountability, but unanimous bills are still quite rare and it seems worth noting how quickly its deputies fell in line behind the legislation.


Russia's Crackdown On 'Gay Propaganda' And Popular Illiberalism - Forbes

that its stupid to attack your own citizens.
Its you guys who LOVED Putin remember

Hey moron, the left was always kind to da motherland until they went after da gay, wait to ya see what sharia law has for them...:(
Russian Bear Rising

March 26, 2014 by Joseph Klein


The Russian Federation has annexed Crimea following its full-scale military occupation of the peninsula. Ukrainian soldiers are exiting and pro-Russian soldiers have assumed control over the last ships and bases once controlled by Ukraine’s military. Russia is now massing thousands of forces just across the Ukraine border, posing a clear and present threat to the eastern portion of Ukraine, at the very least.

Despite empty promises that he has no intention of seizing additional parts of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin laid down the pretext for just such an action in his speech last week to the Russian Parliament announcing his decision to annex Crimea. Commenting on the devastating effects of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Putin said “Millions of people went to bed in one country and awoke in different ones, overnight becoming ethnic minorities in former Union republics, while the Russian nation became one of the biggest, if not the biggest ethnic group in the world to be divided by borders.” It’s the same rationale he used in justifying the occupation of parts of Georgia in 2008, and would be the same rationale to justify occupation of eastern Ukraine and areas of the Baltic States such as Estonia.


What is happening instead? The United States appears weaker than Russia. While not true, of course, perception is often the reality on the world stage. Our allies are losing confidence in American leadership and our enemies are unafraid. Respect for U.S. resolve is alarmingly low among friend and foe alike. Adding insult to injury, even Hamid Karzai, the petulant president of Afghanistan – a country that itself was invaded by the Soviet Union and for which the U.S. has sacrificed lives and treasure to help secure the Afghans’ own future – is piling on. Siding with the likes of Syria and Venezuela, Karzai has publicly supported Russia’s occupation and absorption of Crimea. How low we have sunk on President Obama’s watch!

Russian Bear Rising | FrontPage Magazine
Russia has never been a liberal country; it was a Communist country. While liberals and Communists share a common belief in Marxism, Communists are far more totalitarian and brutal.

Liberal governments allow multiple parties and political viewpoints.

One of the "features" of Communism is that neither of those are allowed.

Additionally, capitalism is also a Liberal construct.

Is that why liberals in this country are trying to get radio, tv, newsprint and internet to comply with a "fairness doctrine?"

Is that why liberals don't tolerate Jews and Christians in this country?

Is that why liberals are forcing Americans to by insurance or be fined?

Today's liberals don't fit the definition of liberals in Kennedy's day, they have become warped and advance tyranny, not freedom.
Russia has never been a liberal country; it was a Communist country. While liberals and Communists share a common belief in Marxism, Communists are far more totalitarian and brutal.

Liberal governments allow multiple parties and political viewpoints.

One of the "features" of Communism is that neither of those are allowed.

Additionally, capitalism is also a Liberal construct.

Is that why liberals in this country are trying to get radio, tv, newsprint and internet to comply with a "fairness doctrine?"

Is that why liberals don't tolerate Jews and Christians in this country?

Is that why liberals are forcing Americans to by insurance or be fined?

Today's liberals don't fit the definition of liberals in Kennedy's day, they have become warped and advance tyranny, not freedom.

They did a bizarro world on JFK speech - [then] my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

[now] - ask not what you can do for your country — ask what your country can do for you.

Russia today is rounding up anyone in Crimea and Russia that speaks out against their illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Liberals deep down support arresting people for their speech that is counter to liberal views...
Putin's Angels: Inside Russia's Most Infamous Motorcycle Club
The Night Wolves are backed by the Kremlin, fighting in Ukraine and hellbent on restoring the empire

By Damon Tabor October 8, 2015

The Night Wolves, Russia's largest motorcycle gang, are led by their president the Surgeon and backed by their country's president, Vladimir Putin.


After his swim, the Surgeon strides over to a replica World War II fighter plane. A battle tank, imported from a film studio in Kazakhstan, sits parked nearby in the scrub grass. Both would be incorporated into the Night Wolves' bike show in several weeks — a phantasmagorical spectacle celebrating the Red Army's victory over Hitler and intended to feed Russia's growing Soviet nostalgia. "I'm very excited by the topic of war at the moment," the Surgeon says. "I'm not fucking interested in show just for show. I'm a warrior. I'm fighting for my country, for my history. I'm talking about what Russia is facing now. Especially America, putting the shit on it."


I had traveled to Russia in July to learn about the vision of the Surgeon and his fellow Nochniye Volki. A charismatic showman with a penchant for provocative bombast, the motorcycle club's leader is perhaps Russia's most recognizable nationalist star. Over the past decade, he has transformed a once-underground biker gang into a self-styled vanguard of patriotic holy warriors, reportedly 5,000 strong, with close ties to the Kremlin. In the Russian media, he can regularly be heard trumpeting the country's greatness while warning that its enemies — America, Europe, homosexuals, liberals, traitorous "fifth columnists" — intend to undermine Mother Russia. He and the other Night Wolves often hold motorcycle rallies to promote Russian patriotism and Orthodox Christianity, making rumbling pilgrimages to churches and holy sites. He has vowed to defend the Kremlin from Maidan-inspired protesters and has pledged to die for Vladimir Putin, the country's president. He has famously declared that "wherever the Night Wolves are, that should be considered Russia." Recently, the club held a three-day anti-NATO rally in Slovakia. Lately, the Surgeon has taken to praising Stalin.






Page 8 of Putin's Angels: Inside Russia's Most Infamous Motorcycle Club | Rolling Stone
Putin's Angels: Inside Russia's Most Infamous Motorcycle Club
The Night Wolves are backed by the Kremlin, fighting in Ukraine and hellbent on restoring the empire

By Damon Tabor October 8, 2015

The Night Wolves, Russia's largest motorcycle gang, are led by their president the Surgeon and backed by their country's president, Vladimir Putin.


After his swim, the Surgeon strides over to a replica World War II fighter plane. A battle tank, imported from a film studio in Kazakhstan, sits parked nearby in the scrub grass. Both would be incorporated into the Night Wolves' bike show in several weeks — a phantasmagorical spectacle celebrating the Red Army's victory over Hitler and intended to feed Russia's growing Soviet nostalgia. "I'm very excited by the topic of war at the moment," the Surgeon says. "I'm not fucking interested in show just for show. I'm a warrior. I'm fighting for my country, for my history. I'm talking about what Russia is facing now. Especially America, putting the shit on it."


I had traveled to Russia in July to learn about the vision of the Surgeon and his fellow Nochniye Volki. A charismatic showman with a penchant for provocative bombast, the motorcycle club's leader is perhaps Russia's most recognizable nationalist star. Over the past decade, he has transformed a once-underground biker gang into a self-styled vanguard of patriotic holy warriors, reportedly 5,000 strong, with close ties to the Kremlin. In the Russian media, he can regularly be heard trumpeting the country's greatness while warning that its enemies — America, Europe, homosexuals, liberals, traitorous "fifth columnists" — intend to undermine Mother Russia. He and the other Night Wolves often hold motorcycle rallies to promote Russian patriotism and Orthodox Christianity, making rumbling pilgrimages to churches and holy sites. He has vowed to defend the Kremlin from Maidan-inspired protesters and has pledged to die for Vladimir Putin, the country's president. He has famously declared that "wherever the Night Wolves are, that should be considered Russia." Recently, the club held a three-day anti-NATO rally in Slovakia. Lately, the Surgeon has taken to praising Stalin.






Page 8 of Putin's Angels: Inside Russia's Most Infamous Motorcycle Club | Rolling Stone
If it ain't a's just not a real motorcycle.
Russia has never been a liberal country; it was a Communist country. While liberals and Communists share a common belief in Marxism, Communists are far more totalitarian and brutal.
ANd evidently communists are more CONSERVATIVE than liberals.
Russia has seen what the normalization of homosexuality has done to the United States, how destructive the force is, and will not tolerate its promotion. Good for them. Someone has to stand up the gay mafia.

Someone has to stop obama. Russia stepped up in WWII to stop another mad man from his world wide ambitions. They are stepping up again today.

Russia Boosts Mediterranean Flotilla as U.S. Weighs Syria Strike - Bloomberg

Russia is sending two destroyers, including the Nastoichivy, the flagship of the Baltic Fleet, and the Moskva missile cruiser to the region, Interfax reported today, citing an unidentified Navy official. That follows last week’s dispatch of a reconnaissance ship to the eastern Mediterranean, four days after the deployment of an anti-submarine ship and a missile cruiser to the area, which were reported by Interfax.

Russia is sending a strong signal that the conflict surrounding Syria touches on its interests, to ensure that international law is upheld and there is no bypassing the UN Security Council,” Ivan Safranchuk, deputy director of the Foreign Ministry’s Institute of Contemporary International Studies in Moscow, said by phone.

Yes, obama is a madman, just like Hitler was a madman. They both thought they were dragging along an ungrateful world into the utopia of their own ambitions.

^ Pretty much gone full bore Russian supporter against her own country.

It's a shame that my own country has become so evil, so depraved, and become ruled by an utterly corrupt madman intent on his own gratification.

I never thought I would see the United States actually become what we fought against for over 200 years.

No I will not support perversion. I will not support a crazy person who imagines they are God. The only person to say "The State, I AM the State" and get away with it was King Louie XVIII. obama isn't entitled.

We need rescuing.
See the pretty colored lights dancing against your window pane? Its the cops coming to take you away...soon there will be a knock on the door and away you go...They have come to rescue the world from YOU.
Putin Praises Obama's "Strength"
April 14, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


This is A+ trolling. Count on a KGB guy to take Obama's "weakness is strength" meme and turn it around on him.


A very strong man. Let's get some context on that.


So Putin turned Obama's contention that weakness is strength and strength is weakness by praising his weakness as strength. Does Putin mean this? This is a regime whose propagandists depict Obama on toilet paper. But this throws in a dose of mockery and some trolling that Obama is unlikely to get as he's eating up the flattery.

Now if Putin does encounter a strong US president, he'll call him weak.

When asked whether he regretted Obama’s leaving office, Putin said, "We all go sooner or later, probably. It's pointless to regret."

I bet.

Putin Praises Obama's "Strength"




Last edited:
May 25, 2016
Putin and the Night Wolves
By G. Murphy Donovan

If nothing else, Vladimir Putin is a leader who paints Russia’s image with broad strokes. He overcame a KGB and Communist past to create a kind of democratic autocracy in Russia. He literally, and figuratively, restored Christianity and Orthodox churches across the land. In his spare time, Putin rides Harley Davidson bikes with the Night Wolves, Russia’s first post-Communist motorcycle club, an organization that might be the only state-sponsored political club for bikers on the planet.


The Russian president rehabilitated the Russian armed forces, too, in the wake of the Afghan/Chechen debacles. More recently, Putin has unchained the bear and altered the complexion of politics and dissent in the Caucuses, Georgia, Ukraine, and now Syria. Russian pushback against NATO expansion and regime change follies is a predictable, if not understandable, response to a hapless Brussels. Why European politicians seek a fight with Russia in the middle of an Islamic migrant blitz is a mystery to tacticians, strategists, and veteran diplomats alike.

The Russian president recently exposed Turkey, too, as NATO’s Achilles’ heel, a terrorist 5th column between East and West. NATO turned a blind eye to the Erdogan/Baghdadi oil cartel until the Russian Air Force began destroying northbound convoys. The CFO for the Turk/ISIS consortium appears to be Billy Erdogan, son of the duplicitous Turkish president. Across the border, Syria was another small war stalemate until Putin stepped in.

Russians still carry American astronauts into space, too, while Washington maintains spite sanctions against Moscow -- a testimony to Russian character and Obama era vapidity. With Putin, diplomacy is often just a door left ajar. The Russian space taxi serves Americans at NASA and affirmative action astronauts worldwide. The cutting edge of extra-terrestrial travel now requires a Kazak base and a Russian rocket.

Unlike European and American leaders, Vladimir Putin has no illusions about existential threats like open borders, Islamic imperialism, or religious fascism.

The Muslim world has been providing fighters to a half century of global jihad that targets and kills Americans and West Europeans with near impunity. Ironically, no Muslim nations are burdened with economic sanctions like those imposed on Russia. Indeed, America and Europe are now suffering from atrocity fatigue. Muslims continue to kill and maim while Washington and Brussels continue to rationalize global terror as the new normal.

For apologists, calling Islam a “great” culture is the feckless rhetoric of enablers.

The boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel is similar to the Russian sanctions, movements motivated by bias and historical bigotry. Just as Israel won a series of wars against predatory Arabs, the West won the Cold War with inept Communism -- and Europe still can’t take yes for an answer from a Russia that has reinvented itself.

Victory Day, celebrating Soviet success in World War II, has become the most significant holiday on the Russian calendar under Putin.



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