Most Ethical Congress ever- A list of the bribes for PapaObama Care


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
People's Republic
Most Ethical Congress ever- A list of the bribes for PapaObama Care


Article: IBD

Tip Hotair

The bill contains unfunded mandates to states through the expansion of Medicaid but this time with new special treatment for the states of Nebraska, Vermont, and Massachusetts. These states will receive Federal Matching Assistance Percentages (FMAP) bonuses such that:
  1. Nebraska will receive 100% FMAP for newly eligibles indefinitely, making it the only state where the federal government will pay for all new enrollees. CBO estimated the cost to the federal government (additional funds to Nebraska) would be $100 million, which may look small compared to the other deals negotiated, yet over the long-term will cost far more, since funding continues indefinitely.
  2. Vermont will receive a 2.2% FMAP increase for 6 years for their entire program, thus receiving an additional $600 million over ten years.
  3. Massachusetts will receive a 0.5% FMAP increase for three years for the entire program, thus receiving an additional $500 million over ten years.
  • Despite $120 billion in Medicare Advantage cuts, the Manager’s Amendment found a way for Florida residents, as well as some individuals in Pennsylvania and New York, and potentially Oregon, to be grandfathered out of receiving the cuts.
  • Dorgan and Conrad’s “protections for frontier states” provision would, starting in 2011, establish a 1.0 hospital wage index and geographic practice expense floors for hospitals and physicians located in states where at least 50% of the counties in the state are “frontier”. Not surprisingly, states that qualify and benefit from the provision are Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.

Changes for Sen. Ben Nelson (Nebraska)
  • Nelson secured more than just 100% federal funding for Nebraska’s Medicaid expansion, the list of “sweeteners” (also called the “Cornhusker kickback” by Senate Republicans) includes:
    • An exemption from the insurance tax for Nebraska non-profit insurers, with language written in a way that only applies to Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company and Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans (BCBS) of Nebraska (and Michigan). According to news reports, Nelson’s office states that BCBS “would pay between $15 million and $20 million less in fees under the Senate bill than it would have without a change.”
    • An exemption from taxes for Medicare supplemental (“Medigap”) insurance providers. Specifically, Mutual of Omaha, will not have to pay taxes on Medigap insurance, while reports also indicate that this tax break will be extended to other companies.
    • Some changes requested by Nelson would benefit people across the country, such as the inflation adjustment to the $2,500 cap on tax-exempt contributions to Flexible Savings Accounts (FSAs) and exemptions for nearly 55 physician-owned hospitals that have a provider agreement to participate in Medicare by August 1, 2010 (pushed back from February 1, 2010
Changes for Sen. Levin (Michigan)
  • According to reports, Like Nelson, Levin sought an exemption from the $6 billion annual fee for non-profits, as non-profit insurers make up 76% of industry profits, but drew opposition from liberals. Ultimately, Levin got an exemption from the insurance tax for Michigan non-profit insurers, with language written in a way that applies to Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans (BCBS) of Michigan (and Nebraska).
  • Furthermore, the amendment changes the extension of section 508 hospital provisions so that hospitals in Michigan (as well as Connecticut) have the option to benefit under them if it means higher payments.
Changes for Sen. Landrieu (Louisiana):
  • Landrieu was one of the first Senators to secure a sweetheart deal, aptly nicknamed the “Louisiana Purchase”; she traded her support for bringing the bill to the floor for a $300 million increase in Medicaid funding for Louisiana. The underlying bill was cryptically written to increase federal Medicaid subsidies for “certain states recovering from a major disaster” during the past 7 years that have been declared a “major disaster area” — and is meant to replenish the decrease in federal money resulting from an “abnormally inflated” per capita income in Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina. This was due to an influx of insurance dollars, federal grants and increased labor wages.
Changes for Sen. Sanders (Vermont):
  • In addition the Vermont FMAP increase, the amendment includes a provision pushed by Sanders to provide an additional $10 billion in funding for community health centers and the National Health Services Corps which he argues would provide primary care to 25 million more people.
Changes for Sen. Bill Nelson (Florida)
Ø As noted above, Nelson was able to secure a deal to keep Medicare Advantage plans enrollees in Florida grandfathered in. Notably, when McCain tried to offer an amendment to allow all enrollees to be grandfathered in, 57 Democrats voted against it.

Changes for Hawaii: The Manager’s Amendment singles out Hawaii as the only state to receive a Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) extension.

Changes for Sen. Lieberman (Connecticut): Itamends the extension of section 508 hospital provisions so that hospitals in Connecticut (as well as Michigan) have the option to benefit under them if it means higher payments.

Changes for Sen. Dodd (Connecticut): It was a mystery until just revealed that Chris Dodd’s state will benefit from a cryptically awarded $100 million for a “Health Care Facility” at a public research university that contains a state’s sole public academic medical and dental school—criteria designed to apply to the University of Connecticut.

Changes for Sen. Baucus (Montana):
Ø Baucus secured a pilot program in the amendment to “provide innovative approaches to furnishing comprehensive, coordinated, and cost-effective care” to certain qualified individuals. A qualified individual “is an environmental exposure affected individual…who resides in or around the geographic area subject to an emergency declaration made as of June 17, 2009.” And who might these select few individuals be? Well, according to EPA, “On June 17, 2009, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson issued a Public Health Emergency (PHE) finding at the Libby Asbestos Superfund site in northwest Montana.” This provision would help residents of Libby by allowing them to sign up for Medicare benefits.
This crap is sooooo getting repealed.

They even trying to put in langauge that makes it unrepealable, which of course is absurd (and ileagal).
This crap is sooooo getting repealed.

They even trying to put in langauge that makes it unrepealable, which of course is absurd (and ileagal).

I saw that

Sen DeMint discovers that Reid has created a rule binding future sessions of Congress to a supermajority requirement to overrule the bill’s rationing board, the Independent Medical Advisory Board,aka "Death Panel" whose purpose (stated on page 1001) is to “reduce the per capita rate of growth in Medicare spending.”

Reread the provisions granting the Government the power to tax. The Congress can NOT exempt single States nor can it grant extra tax money to States over other States.
politics is the art of compromise and you idiots call deal making bribery.?

what a world, what a world.

the koolaid must be so much stronger this year.

Nutroot fisters lower themselves to bribes

Of course a rational mind would think that if PapaObama care is so wonderful then all the democrats would be happy to pass it without bribes

Of course, this does show which Democrat Senators were too stupid to get their payoff money for their own state
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Most Ethical Congress ever- A list of the bribes for PapaObama Care


Most Ethical Congress ever- A list of the bribes for PapaObama Care

This Liberalcare bill is as filthy and nasty as American politics can get. Further, it is flat out socialism in it's conception, as the voice of the American people is not even considered and they are inhibiting future congresses.

It is time for the liberal party, the democrats to be disassembled for good.

As we need a good solid change in Washington on both sides, across the board, it is imperative that the liberals be ran out for good.

Well this certainly explains the rush to get it done by Christmas. The more that comes out the worse it gets. The Democratic Party has no shame, no ethics and their selling out to the special interests over the American people.. In a word PATHETIC,
Well this certainly explains the rush to get it done by Christmas. The more that comes out the worse it gets. The Democratic Party has no shame, no ethics and their selling out to the special interests over the American people.. In a word PATHETIC,

Even MSNBC reported on it. Note the amount of derision in the report.

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The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Section 8 Article 1.

Article I | LII / Legal Information Institute

I've read your two postings on this subject and would like some clarification. What, specifically, do you think is unconstitutional?
This crap is sooooo getting repealed.

They even trying to put in langauge that makes it unrepealable, which of course is absurd (and ileagal).

They've got all of that extra TARP money now to bribe the Supreme Court.

It ain't getting repealed or they wouldn't have gone through all of the trouble.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Section 8 Article 1.

Article I | LII / Legal Information Institute

I've read your two postings on this subject and would like some clarification. What, specifically, do you think is unconstitutional?

It falls under the equal protection clause.

The Feds can't make laws that include one state and grants favors to others. Also, states can add more laws to federal laws but not take away laws.

I'm wondering why this corruption is OK for you. Are you living in Neb? If you're not you should be mad as hell because starting Jan you're gonna get your balls nailed to the wall.

Personally I think the Dems were so devious that they knew the favors they gave holdouts were unconstitutional and knew they would have to remove them from the bill. So they basically tricked these assholes into voting for nothing.

I would be willing to bet my paycheck you think that was clever and a good thing.
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I've read your two postings on this subject and would like some clarification. What, specifically, do you think is unconstitutional?

It falls under the equal protection clause.

The poster cited Art. 1, Sec. 8 not the Fourteenth Amendment. I was wondering what it was in the declared powers of Congress which he finds inconsistent with the bill

I'm wondering why this corruption is OK for you. Are you living in Neb? If you're not you should be mad as hell because starting Jan you're gonna get your balls nailed to the wall.

Personally I think the Dems were so devious that they knew the favors they gave holdouts were unconstitutional and knew they would have to remove them from the bill. So they basically tricked these assholes into voting for nothing.

I would be willing to bet my paycheck you think that was clever and a good thing.

You'd lose. I really have no opinion on it. It's part of the usual backroom dealing behind all US laws and I'm sure I benefit from that kind of thing as much as I don't. One of my senators, for instance, recently bragged about his ability to get federal spending for our state.

I've read your two postings on this subject and would like some clarification. What, specifically, do you think is unconstitutional?

It falls under the equal protection clause.

The Feds can't make laws that include one state and grants favors to others. Also, states can add more laws to federal laws but not take away laws.

This is the important part and well worth looking at. I don't think anything they are doing is Constitutional. How can you tell someone that they HAVE TO BUY anyhthing??

Was wathching Greta last night and she had Sen Thune on and he said they will be bringing their questions on some of these hidden little gems to the floor for debate. Seems the Dems will do just about anything to get this peice of shit passed and be part of this HISTORIC moment. Not cool.
It falls under the equal protection clause.

The Feds can't make laws that include one state and grants favors to others. Also, states can add more laws to federal laws but not take away laws.

This is the important part and well worth looking at. I don't think anything they are doing is Constitutional. How can you tell someone that they HAVE TO BUY anyhthing??

Was wathching Greta last night and she had Sen Thune on and he said they will be bringing their questions on some of these hidden little gems to the floor for debate. Seems the Dems will do just about anything to get this peice of shit passed and be part of this HISTORIC moment. Not cool.

the federal government can allocate funds any way it dems appropriate as long as that allocation violates no other laws...,kind of like when they gave Utah the same anti-terrorist funding as NYC.

please please please stop... the equal protection clause has nothing to do with the states. it protects INDIVIDUALS...

you know... like gays who want to marry the people they love.

now stop pretending you know anything about the Constitution, please.
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It falls under the equal protection clause.

The Feds can't make laws that include one state and grants favors to others. Also, states can add more laws to federal laws but not take away laws.

This is the important part and well worth looking at. I don't think anything they are doing is Constitutional. How can you tell someone that they HAVE TO BUY anyhthing??

Was wathching Greta last night and she had Sen Thune on and he said they will be bringing their questions on some of these hidden little gems to the floor for debate. Seems the Dems will do just about anything to get this peice of shit passed and be part of this HISTORIC moment. Not cool.

now stop pretending you know anything about the Constitution, please.

Of course some of your fellow legal scholars may disagree with you


Mandatory Insurance Is Unconstitutional

Why an individual mandate could be struck down by the courts.

Federal legislation requiring that every American have health insurance is part of all the major health-care reform plans now being considered in Washington. Such a mandate, however, would expand the federal government’s authority over individual Americans to an unprecedented degree. It is also profoundly unconstitutional.
the federal government can allocate funds any way it dems appropriate as long as that allocation violates no other laws...,kind of like when they gave Utah the same anti-terrorist funding as NYC.

please please please stop... the equal protection clause has nothing to do with the states. it protects INDIVIDUALS...

you know... like gays who want to marry the people they love.

now stop pretending you know anything about the Constitution, please.

Global Obstruction Pathology strikes again.

You're right. This has nothing to do with "equal protection." That issue is just a desperate attempt to contrive some basis for obstruction.

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