Mosque refuses to bury Boston suspect

When a muslim dies, they are to be buried within 24 hours.

If he is out to sea in a boat far from land when he dies. Then he can be buried at sea.

But I have never heard of someone dying on land and then being buried at sea??

I have no doubt that the U.S. government followed Islamic burial at sea rituals.

But in reality, Osama bin Laden's sea burial was for political and future security concerns.
I find your protest a tad bit hypocritical since you were more then willing to accept Obama using drones to kill innocent Muslims. Rights should be protected at all times.

If that kid in your avatar was involved with known terrorists, then fuck him he got what was coming to him. And you wouldn't give a fuck about this if a Republican was in office right now.

Absolutely true.

Plenty of innocent kids were killed in Iraq during the illegal invasion by the US.

None of them wind up in any conservative's avatar.

I wouldnt give a fuck about what? That the guy is dead,, nope I wouldnt, not at all. If it's about Miranda, nope, I'm not for Miranda, it's's called being honest and consistant.....

what I have issue with is all the liberals that require miranda on everyone and bitch Bush mirandize the gitmo people....are now silent or defending Obama on short you and they are hypocrits......Swallow would never say a negative thing about his cult leader Obama......Obama could kill a fag on tv and Swallow would's cool...he had it comming.
If that kid in your avatar was involved with known terrorists, then fuck him he got what was coming to him. And you wouldn't give a fuck about this if a Republican was in office right now.

Absolutely true.

Plenty of innocent kids were killed in Iraq during the illegal invasion by the US.

None of them wind up in any conservative's avatar.


Saddams killed 300,000 people and sent a lot more into iran to be slaughtered in the late 80's. People are going to die in war. what world do you live on?

yeah, he gassed the kurds, but since the democrats didnt see them being anti-american, they dont care about them, only american haters should get protection..
When a muslim dies, they are to be buried within 24 hours.

If he is out to sea in a boat far from land when he dies. Then he can be buried at sea.

But I have never heard of someone dying on land and then being buried at sea??

I have no doubt that the U.S. government followed Islamic burial at sea rituals.

But in reality, Osama bin Laden's sea burial was for political and future security concerns.

Saddams two sons, when they died how long did it take to bury them?
When a muslim dies, they are to be buried within 24 hours.

If he is out to sea in a boat far from land when he dies. Then he can be buried at sea.

But I have never heard of someone dying on land and then being buried at sea??

I have no doubt that the U.S. government followed Islamic burial at sea rituals.

But in reality, Osama bin Laden's sea burial was for political and future security concerns.

Saddams two sons, when they died how long did it take to bury them?
I do not know the detains of their burial.

But again, according to Islamic practice the burial should take place within 24hrs. .. :cool:
When a muslim dies, they are to be buried within 24 hours.

If he is out to sea in a boat far from land when he dies. Then he can be buried at sea.

But I have never heard of someone dying on land and then being buried at sea??

I have no doubt that the U.S. government followed Islamic burial at sea rituals.

But in reality, Osama bin Laden's sea burial was for political and future security concerns.

Saddams two sons, when they died how long did it take to bury them?
I do not know the detains of their burial.

But again, according to Islamic practice the burial should take place within 24hrs. .. :cool:

The bodies weren't buried within 24 hours that I do know.
Good. Put him in a pauper's grave where anyone that wants to can pee on him.

Terrorists, regardless of religion, beliefs or culture have no rights and deserve no form of respect in death. Why pollute the soil by burying these pieces of excrement. Cremate the bastards and flush the ashes down the toilet. Shit should always be disposed of through the sewage system.

Yep! Good to see you :)

his family wants to bury him in boston but none of the cemeteries want to take him! :lol:


A Worcester funeral home director was scrambling last night to find a cemetery that would bury the marathon bombings mastermind, as protesters jeered outside his door demanding that the bomber’s body be shipped out of the United States.

Emotions ran high outside the Graham, Putnam and Mahoney Funeral Parlor, which is handling the unenviable task of burying terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

“He should burn in hell,” said Ann Mink of Worcester, who was part of the sign-toting crowd.

Added Theresa Noye: “I would put him on a boat and drop him in the ocean with Osama bin 

Funeral home owner Peter Stefan told the Herald he has reached out to four cemeteries where Muslims are buried and so far all have turned him down.

Stefan said it would be impossible to send the body back to Russia and added the family wants Tsarnaev buried in Boston.

“They want to bury him here, in Boston, in a Muslim cemetery,” he said. “I’m not going to hold him too long, the federal government is involved in this. If need be I will request help from them. A person has to be buried. Period.

“If we had Hitler here, we would bury Hitler,” Stefan added.

A terrorism expert said the U.S. government should ship Tsarnaev’s body back to his parents in the Caucasus region of Russia.

“I don’t think any cemetery deserves this kind of development. I think any burial — as long as it’s known where he is — they might vandalize the cemetery,” said Edith Flynn, professor emeritus at Northeastern University and a terrorism expert. “My idea in terms of returning the body to Dagestan would be a way to get rid of the problem.”

Flynn said the U.S. government should put Tsarnaev’s body on a military cargo plane a soon as possible.

No one wants to bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev | Boston Herald
Tamarlan should be buried in an unmarked, unknown grave. Certainly there is some open space up in the mountains where they can dig a hole and cover it up.
I don't see American Muslim's lining up to call these guys heroes, do you?

"......Earlier this week, Imam Talal Eid of the Islamic Institute of Boston told The Huffington Post: “I would not be willing to do a funeral for him. This is a person who deliberately killed people. There is no room for him as a Muslim.....”

Boston bomb suspect's aunt: Mosque won't bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev - U.S. News

It is a well known fact that mosques have been watched by the US government for well over a decade. Sounds to me like they want off the watch list.
WHAT???? Why isn't he already buried at sea as was done for OBL? Are we to believe we respected OBL's traditions more then we do this Muslim? I see no reason for any Mosque to have to bury him.

BTW how do you know they are not just grandstanding?

I am serious, why was OBL buried at sea so quickly?

Another question, why wasn't their wide spread revenge activity as predicted after OBL was "killed?" After all there were protests over an alledged video why wouldn't there be protests over OBL being killed if he were such a Muslim hero?

Well, if what has gone on in the last few years is our retribution for the crusades as some think it is, even though the US didn't exist during the crusades, no doubt they are just biding their time.
WHAT???? Why isn't he already buried at sea as was done for OBL? Are we to believe we respected OBL's traditions more then we do this Muslim? I see no reason for any Mosque to have to bury him.

BTW how do you know they are not just grandstanding?

I am serious, why was OBL buried at sea so quickly?

Why can conservatives never stay on point? Especially when it's something positive that goes against their ideology and propaganda. The fuck does Osama have to do with anything?

WHAT???? Why isn't he already buried at sea as was done for OBL? Are we to believe we respected OBL's traditions more then we do this Muslim? I see no reason for any Mosque to have to bury him.

BTW how do you know they are not just grandstanding?

I am serious, why was OBL buried at sea so quickly?

I don't know, but I have my own little conspiracy theory about that: He's not dead. And, won't be dead until they've extracted every last, little bit of information they can get from him. THEN he'll be quietly dumped at sea.

That would be awesome. :clap2:

Why can conservatives never stay on point? Especially when it's something positive that goes against their ideology and propaganda. The fuck does Osama have to do with anything?

Let's see, something positive yet ignore the negative.

I think I am on point, we are discussing the burial of Muslims and the Muslim tradition. Were we lied to by the Obama administration? Why doesn't the government just bury him at sea along with OBL?

Sorry I am not going to start loving Islam because a Mosque refused to bury a jerk for whatever is their reason.

The topic is about a mosque refusing to bury the terrorist suspect of the Boston Bombings and has absolutely nothing to do with Osama. You're bringing this up and trying obfuscate this issue because you have a prejudice against muslims and want to tinge any positive story you can with silly bullshit to confuse the issue. You've brought up Osama, some sixteen year old kid no one gives a fuck and now your hatred for Islam. Seriously, no one gives a fuck about any of this.

So what? fuck him and his wife.

I believe OBL would think the same of you and yours.

And now that cocksucker is dead and in hell.

Are we actually watching conservatives be remorseful for Osama? Has the ODS taken them this far our of reality?

res ipsa loquitur

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