Mosque refuses to bury Boston suspect

I don't see American Muslim's lining up to call these guys heroes, do you?

"......Earlier this week, Imam Talal Eid of the Islamic Institute of Boston told The Huffington Post: “I would not be willing to do a funeral for him. This is a person who deliberately killed people. There is no room for him as a Muslim.....”

Boston bomb suspect's aunt: Mosque won't bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev - U.S. News

I also saw an interview on Fox earlier this week with one of the elders from the Mosque. He said that the older one was very disruptive during services on several occasions and was asked to leave. At one point he objected to MLK being compared to Muhammad and became very belligerent.
WHAT???? Why isn't he already buried at sea as was done for OBL? Are we to believe we respected OBL's traditions more then we do this Muslim? I see no reason for any Mosque to have to bury him.

BTW how do you know they are not just grandstanding?

I am serious, why was OBL buried at sea so quickly?

Why can conservatives never stay on point? Especially when it's something positive that goes against their ideology and propaganda. The fuck does Osama have to do with anything?

Let's see, something positive yet ignore the negative.

I think I am on point, we are discussing the burial of Muslims and the Muslim tradition. Were we lied to by the Obama administration? Why doesn't the government just bury him at sea along with OBL?

Sorry I am not going to start loving Islam because a Mosque refused to bury a jerk for whatever is their reason.
becuase he has an American family that has a right to bury their relative.

You guys just dont care about rights do you
I don't see American Muslim's lining up to call these guys heroes, do you?

"......Earlier this week, Imam Talal Eid of the Islamic Institute of Boston told The Huffington Post: “I would not be willing to do a funeral for him. This is a person who deliberately killed people. There is no room for him as a Muslim.....”

Boston bomb suspect's aunt: Mosque won't bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev - U.S. News

I also saw an interview on Fox earlier this week with one of the elders from the Mosque. He said that the older one was very disruptive during services on several occasions and was asked to leave. At one point he objected to MLK being compared to Muhammad and became very belligerent.

snd the entire congregation or whatever you call them spoke out saying LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE
It's been pretty disgusting to watch the usual gang of brain dead idiots on here being openly prejudice against Muslims. The American Muslim community is super cool and are no different from the rest of us Americans. They worked hard trying to nail the Boston terrorists and they consistently work to show their patriotism and loyalty to this country. It's retarded to piss on literally millions of people and more specifically hundreds of thousands of our country men because of conservative paranoia and fear.

I find your protest a tad bit hypocritical since you were more then willing to accept Obama using drones to kill innocent Muslims. Rights should be protected at all times.

Bull shit.

rw's loved killing hundreds of thousands and putting our country into debt we won't be able to pay off for decades to come.

Paying the Costs of Iraq, for Decades to Come - James Fallows - The Atlantic

And, the same idiots would love it if we bombed Iran and/or N Korea.

Republicans and their followers have no respect for the rights of Americans.

What the hell are you doing entering into a discussion in which you obviously know nothing about? BB and I have been discussing this topic for a few days. I guess if we waited for you to post something about what you knew about we would never read a word from you.

Did you pick your screen name by your favorite drug?
WHAT???? Why isn't he already buried at sea as was done for OBL? Are we to believe we respected OBL's traditions more then we do this Muslim? I see no reason for any Mosque to have to bury him.

BTW how do you know they are not just grandstanding?

I am serious, why was OBL buried at sea so quickly?

Why can conservatives never stay on point? Especially when it's something positive that goes against their ideology and propaganda. The fuck does Osama have to do with anything?

Let's see, something positive yet ignore the negative.

I think I am on point, we are discussing the burial of Muslims and the Muslim tradition. Were we lied to by the Obama administration? Why doesn't the government just bury him at sea along with OBL?

Sorry I am not going to start loving Islam because a Mosque refused to bury a jerk for whatever is their reason.

The topic is about a mosque refusing to bury the terrorist suspect of the Boston Bombings and has absolutely nothing to do with Osama. You're bringing this up and trying obfuscate this issue because you have a prejudice against muslims and want to tinge any positive story you can with silly bullshit to confuse the issue. You've brought up Osama, some sixteen year old kid no one gives a fuck and now your hatred for Islam. Seriously, no one gives a fuck about any of this.
This asshole has an American family.

they returned the body to that family for burial

OBL has family too. Remember they shot his wife.

Again tough tits. You consort with terrorists, you're going to get what's coming to you. I feel no remorse for that pig.

So, using your theory then the whole of the middle east is a legitimate target.

The 16 year old boy I keep telling you about was NOT consorting with nor was a terrorist. Even the Huffington Post, as I showed you, agrees. We are killing innocent Muslims under the pretense of securing our safety. Since we have now had the failure of the Obama administration in protecting us from domestic violence I do believe that trial by Hellfire isn't working out too well.

But let's use your logic. You and your family are at home and a bunch of terrorists take over you house. The government sends in a Hellfire missile, or some other means, and wipes you all out. Would your position be the same? Or is just those innocent families in the ME that are fair game because they happened to be near a target? What would your surviving family think when they heard the news?
Why can conservatives never stay on point? Especially when it's something positive that goes against their ideology and propaganda. The fuck does Osama have to do with anything?

Let's see, something positive yet ignore the negative.

I think I am on point, we are discussing the burial of Muslims and the Muslim tradition. Were we lied to by the Obama administration? Why doesn't the government just bury him at sea along with OBL?

Sorry I am not going to start loving Islam because a Mosque refused to bury a jerk for whatever is their reason.

The topic is about a mosque refusing to bury the terrorist suspect of the Boston Bombings and has absolutely nothing to do with Osama. You're bringing this up and trying obfuscate this issue because you have a prejudice against muslims and want to tinge any positive story you can with silly bullshit to confuse the issue. You've brought up Osama, some sixteen year old kid no one gives a fuck and now your hatred for Islam. Seriously, no one gives a fuck about any of this.

I can take the discussion any where I want. What do you want me to say? It is pretty cut and dry, they won't bury him, good for them. All I am saying is that the government obviously told us a pack of lies considering their treatment of this guy and OBL.

And no, I am not going to forgive all terrorists because of this story. What is disingenuous is that the left always is making the case that somehow Muslims are being persecuted. Considering what Muslims have done to this country, not the majority but a radical few, it shows America's goodness that Muslims are not persecuted. The left just wants to make up stories which they can then tear down easily. Intellectual laziness.
OBL has family too. Remember they shot his wife.

Again tough tits. You consort with terrorists, you're going to get what's coming to you. I feel no remorse for that pig.

So, using your theory then the whole of the middle east is a legitimate target.

The 16 year old boy I keep telling you about was NOT consorting with nor was a terrorist. Even the Huffington Post, as I showed you, agrees. We are killing innocent Muslims under the pretense of securing our safety. Since we have now had the failure of the Obama administration in protecting us from domestic violence I do believe that trial by Hellfire isn't working out too well.

But let's use your logic. You and your family are at home and a bunch of terrorists take over you house. The government sends in a Hellfire missile, or some other means, and wipes you all out. Would your position be the same? Or is just those innocent families in the ME that are fair game because they happened to be near a target? What would your surviving family think when they heard the news?

Where was he when he got killed? If it's not in America then I honestly don't give a fuck.

Let's see, something positive yet ignore the negative.

I think I am on point, we are discussing the burial of Muslims and the Muslim tradition. Were we lied to by the Obama administration? Why doesn't the government just bury him at sea along with OBL?

Sorry I am not going to start loving Islam because a Mosque refused to bury a jerk for whatever is their reason.

The topic is about a mosque refusing to bury the terrorist suspect of the Boston Bombings and has absolutely nothing to do with Osama. You're bringing this up and trying obfuscate this issue because you have a prejudice against muslims and want to tinge any positive story you can with silly bullshit to confuse the issue. You've brought up Osama, some sixteen year old kid no one gives a fuck and now your hatred for Islam. Seriously, no one gives a fuck about any of this.

I can take the discussion any where I want. What do you want me to say? It is pretty cut and dry, they won't bury him, good for them. All I am saying is that the government obviously told us a pack of lies considering their treatment of this guy and OBL.

And no, I am not going to forgive all terrorists because of this story. What is disingenuous is that the left always is making the case that somehow Muslims are being persecuted. Considering what Muslims have done to this country, not the majority but a radical few, it shows America's goodness that Muslims are not persecuted. The left just wants to make up stories which they can then tear down easily. Intellectual laziness.

Sure you can, I can start raving about Jesus or the Beatles right now in this thread but since those things along your ravings about Osama having nothing to do with anything being discussed in this thread it just makes you look disingenuous and stupid. Also you have no proof about your assertions about Osama and you come off like a bitter whacked out right winger who's conjuring up fantasies to justify your world view.

No one is asking you to forgive anything and honestly I don't even know where you're getting all that bizarre paranoia from in your second paragraph.
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Good. Put him in a pauper's grave where anyone that wants to can pee on him.

Terrorists, regardless of religion, beliefs or culture have no rights and deserve no form of respect in death. Why pollute the soil by burying these pieces of excrement. Cremate the bastards and flush the ashes down the toilet. Shit should always be disposed of through the sewage system.
Good. Put him in a pauper's grave where anyone that wants to can pee on him.

Terrorists, regardless of religion, beliefs or culture have no rights and deserve no form of respect in death. Why pollute the soil by burying these pieces of excrement. Cremate the bastards and flush the ashes down the toilet. Shit should always be disposed of through the sewage system.

Yep! Good to see you :)
WHAT???? Why isn't he already buried at sea as was done for OBL? Are we to believe we respected OBL's traditions more then we do this Muslim? I see no reason for any Mosque to have to bury him.

BTW how do you know they are not just grandstanding?

I am serious, why was OBL buried at sea so quickly?

I don't know, but I have my own little conspiracy theory about that: He's not dead. And, won't be dead until they've extracted every last, little bit of information they can get from him. THEN he'll be quietly dumped at sea.

If this were the case... Yeah I see nothing wrong with it.
It's been pretty disgusting to watch the usual gang of brain dead idiots on here being openly prejudice against Muslims. The American Muslim community is super cool and are no different from the rest of us Americans. They worked hard trying to nail the Boston terrorists and they consistently work to show their patriotism and loyalty to this country. It's retarded to piss on literally millions of people and more specifically hundreds of thousands of our country men because of conservative paranoia and fear.

I find your protest a tad bit hypocritical since you were more then willing to accept Obama using drones to kill innocent Muslims. Rights should be protected at all times.

Our Constitutional rights are reserved for US citizens.

Try exercising your constitutional rights in any middle eastern country and see how far you get.
Again tough tits. You consort with terrorists, you're going to get what's coming to you. I feel no remorse for that pig.

So, using your theory then the whole of the middle east is a legitimate target.

The 16 year old boy I keep telling you about was NOT consorting with nor was a terrorist. Even the Huffington Post, as I showed you, agrees. We are killing innocent Muslims under the pretense of securing our safety. Since we have now had the failure of the Obama administration in protecting us from domestic violence I do believe that trial by Hellfire isn't working out too well.

But let's use your logic. You and your family are at home and a bunch of terrorists take over you house. The government sends in a Hellfire missile, or some other means, and wipes you all out. Would your position be the same? Or is just those innocent families in the ME that are fair game because they happened to be near a target? What would your surviving family think when they heard the news?

Where was he when he got killed? If it's not in America then I honestly don't give a fuck.

The topic is about a mosque refusing to bury the terrorist suspect of the Boston Bombings and has absolutely nothing to do with Osama. You're bringing this up and trying obfuscate this issue because you have a prejudice against muslims and want to tinge any positive story you can with silly bullshit to confuse the issue. You've brought up Osama, some sixteen year old kid no one gives a fuck and now your hatred for Islam. Seriously, no one gives a fuck about any of this.

I can take the discussion any where I want. What do you want me to say? It is pretty cut and dry, they won't bury him, good for them. All I am saying is that the government obviously told us a pack of lies considering their treatment of this guy and OBL.

And no, I am not going to forgive all terrorists because of this story. What is disingenuous is that the left always is making the case that somehow Muslims are being persecuted. Considering what Muslims have done to this country, not the majority but a radical few, it shows America's goodness that Muslims are not persecuted. The left just wants to make up stories which they can then tear down easily. Intellectual laziness.

Sure you can, I can start raving about Jesus or the Beatles right now in this thread but since those things along your ravings about Osama having nothing to do with anything being discussed in this thread it just makes you look disingenuous and stupid. Also you have no proof about your assertions about Osama and you come off like a bitter whacked out right winger who's conjuring up fantasies to justify your world view.

No one is asking you to forgive anything and honestly I don't even know where you're getting all that bizarre paranoia from in your second paragraph.

Again, what is the subject of the OP? A funeral for a Muslim which the body of which is held by the government.

Besides, I want to send a thank you note to the Mosque unfortunately they didn't name the Mosques because the Aunt can't remember the name. So what's left to talk about? Let's talk about how another Muslim's "body" was handled. At sea the next day without witnesss, why not the same for this jerk? His death picture is even on the internet. I know why you on the left want to ignore the obvious.
I find your protest a tad bit hypocritical since you were more then willing to accept Obama using drones to kill innocent Muslims. Rights should be protected at all times.

Bull shit.

rw's loved killing hundreds of thousands and putting our country into debt we won't be able to pay off for decades to come.

Paying the Costs of Iraq, for Decades to Come - James Fallows - The Atlantic

And, the same idiots would love it if we bombed Iran and/or N Korea.

Republicans and their followers have no respect for the rights of Americans.

What the hell are you doing entering into a discussion in which you obviously know nothing about? BB and I have been discussing this topic for a few days. I guess if we waited for you to post something about what you knew about we would never read a word from you.

Did you pick your screen name by your favorite drug?

You brought it up. If you're that terrified of owning your own words, don't type them.

You chose YOUR name because its the opposite of your own beliefs.

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