Moses parted the Red Sea-our president needs to drain the swamp.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In legend a long time ago Moses said to Pharaoh, “Let my people go”. Now Moses did not say, let all people go; He said, Let “my” people go. Clearly Moses was favoring his people over other people so even in the context of distant, biblical history, Moses was a populist. Moses was not satisfied with the system set up for his people by the Egyptians who believed the people were getting fair treatment by a benevolent government even in the face of solid evidence that the benevolence of the government was keeping the people at the bottom.

The legendary story of Moses and his people comports a lesson from a time when the people still had somewhere to go even if it involved an arduous expedition through a desert on the way to the Promised Land. Today in America the people have nowhere to go because the US is the last place on Earth where the freedom from the chains of an all-consuming government still exists. The people are being told that the Promised Land is right here in the government that provides fair treatment for the people even in the face of solid evidence that the people in the government are actually riding the horse while the rest of us are being dragged by it.

Baby Boomers remember a time when members of Congress were held in high esteem. They were seen as the best and brightest, almost beyond reproach. No more. Today they are viewed as corrupt and criminal and they fall below the contempt of the average citizen. Unfortunately the disrepute of the US Congress is well earned and richly deserved. Our new president was able to pull the sword from the stone because he came from a place where the people are held in the highest regard. Their desire to remain free from the chains of a bureau-centric, voracious, creeping government was a call he had to answer even if it exposed him to the slings and arrows of those who have burrowed into the Deep state of political aristocracy.

The American people have been fooled for a long time. They were led to believe that their leaders always acted in good faith and in their best interests. Reality tells a very different story. Citizens in the US have been sold out by their government every which way one can imagine from the offshoring of American jobs to the issue of socialized healthcare. The Obama administration double crossed the people to lobbyists for insurance companies with misrepresentations and outright lies while Republicans stood aside protecting their backsides and preserving their own globalist interests. How many US politicians on either side stepped forward and demanded that they give up their public sector pensions and Cadillac healthcare plans to stand in solidarity with average Americans? If you get a number higher than zero you better compute that again.

The issue of walls in our society is an interesting one as well. The current president has been heavily criticized for erecting walls on our southern border to stem the flood of illegal immigrants. Words like fascist and dictator have been applied to describe plans to protect national sovereignty. Apparently history has been forgotten because most of the walls thrown up by totalitarian regimes have been to keep the people in not interlopers out. The Berlin Wall only came down in 1989 and there is no evidence that anyone climbed that wall trying to get into East Germany. There were no sanctuary cities offering aid and comfort to those trying to flee freedom.

Moses was trying to lead the people to the Promised Land while our president is trying help the people escape from it. This wonderful government, this doer of mandatory good deeds is like the Boy Scout helping the little old lady across the street even though she didn’t want to go. The Promised Land here is surrounded by the razor wire of government regulation and flint-eyed insurance companies-and no one is allowed to leave. However those who have no historical or cultural connection to our way of life are welcome to crash our gates.

Moses had to part the Red Sea-our President has to drain the swamp.
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In legend a long time ago Moses said to Pharaoh, “Let my people go”. Now Moses did not say, let all people go; He said, Let “my” people go. Clearly Moses was favoring his people over other people so even in the context of distant, biblical history, Moses was a populist. Moses was not satisfied with the system set up for his people by the Egyptians who believed the people were getting fair treatment by a benevolent government even in the face of solid evidence that the benevolence of the government was keeping the people at the bottom.

The legendary story of Moses and his people comports a lesson from a time when the people still had somewhere to go even if it involved an arduous expedition through a desert on the way to the Promised Land. Today in America the people have nowhere to go because the US is the last place on Earth where the freedom from the chains of an all-consuming government still exists. The people are being told that the Promised Land is right here in the government that provides fair treatment for the people even in the face of solid evidence that the people in the government are actually riding the horse while the rest of us are being dragged by it.

Baby Boomers remember a time when members of Congress were held in high esteem. They were seen as the best and brightest, almost beyond reproach. No more. Today they are viewed as corrupt and criminal and they fall below the contempt of the average citizen. Unfortunately the disrepute of the US Congress is well earned and richly deserved. Our new president was able to pull the sword from the stone because he came from a place where the people are held in the highest regard. Their desire to remain free from the chains of a bureau-centric, voracious, creeping government was a call he had to answer even if it exposed him to the slings and arrows of those who have burrowed into the Deep state of political aristocracy.

The American people have been fooled for a long time. They were led to believe that their leaders always acted in good faith and in their best interests. Reality tells a very different story. Citizens in the US have been sold out by their government every which way one can imagine from the offshoring of American jobs to the issue of socialized healthcare. The Obama administration double crossed the people to lobbyists for insurance companies with misrepresentations and outright lies while Republicans stood aside protecting their backsides and preserving their own globalist interests. How many US politicians on either side stepped forward and demanded that they give up their public sector pensions and Cadillac healthcare plans to stand in solidarity with average Americans? If you get a number higher than zero you better compute that again.

The issue of walls in our society is an interesting one as well. The current president has been heavily criticized for erecting walls on our southern border to stem the flood of illegal immigrants. Words like fascist and dictator have been applied to describe plans to protect national sovereignty. Apparently history has been forgotten because most of the walls thrown up by totalitarian regimes have been to keep the people in not interlopers out. The Berlin Wall only came down in 1989 and there is no evidence that anyone climbed that wall trying to get into East Germany. There were no sanctuary cities offering aid and comfort to those trying to flee freedom.

Moses was trying to lead the people to the Promised Land while our president is trying help the people escape from it. This wonderful government, this doer of mandatory good deeds is like the Boy Scout helping the little old lady across the street even though she didn’t want to go. The Promised Land here is surrounded by the razor wire of government regulation and flint-eyed insurance companies-and no one is allowed to leave. However those who have no historical or cultural connection to our way of life are welcome to crash our gates.

Moses had to part the Red Sea-our President has to drain the swamp.
Let me say as an Atheist and registered democrat that you are one of, if not "thee" best posters here...not sure why I am being crossed out here:[edit]

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