Mortgage Lenders Bad, Student Loans Good

Frank, why do you think spiraling college costs and the associated crippling student loans are good? All the liberals are saying just the opposite.

frank is a good guy. he just finds the whole concept of government keeping lende
High school diplomas are worthless because the left has destroyed public education.

Really? Who were the ones who insisted on expunging all references to Evolution from the science books?

Right wingers.

Who insisted on cutting funding to education?

Right wingers.

There's plenty of blame to go around.

Who insisted on medicating the shit out of kids with Ritalin?


Public education is NOT about educating. It is about racketeering...government protects teachers unions and in turn the D party gets tons of campaign donations. Win/win.

again, if you ever got any education, it was a wasted effort.

There are a lot of problems with education. Part of it is because with the parents working four jobs, no one is making sure that kids are doing their homework.

The Left has run education down into the dirt. Even NYC Borough Presidents, who happen to be black, are decrying how horribly the inner city education system has become. It cheats their constituents children of a future, just as benefits the Democrat Party; that was their intent all along

We spent more money per student that any other country on the planet and it all goes to fund a sick, malevolent bureaucracy that practices intellectual pedophilia on school kids
Those who know the least, obey the best.

This is the motto of the p-school system...Win/win for the state.

those who know the least post the garbage you do.

i love how rightwingnuts hate education. you really should stop being angry and resentful and just go to school and do something with your life.
In the 2+2=5 Bizzaroland of Liberals we learn that having adult sign on for more home they can afford is evil and merits the death penalty but having young people just starting out in the world taking on more debt than they need to buy a starter home is, well, you tell me

Predatory lending is any lending practice that imposes unfair or abusive loan terms on a borrower. It is also any practice that convinces a borrower to accept unfair terms through deceptive, coercive, exploitative or unscrupulous actions for a loan that a borrower doesn't need, doesn't want or can't afford.

Obama is a Predatory Lender, right?


Why in the world are you trying to make this political? If you want to go there, liberals have been fighting against rising college costs for years, and that's one of the central themes of Bernie Sanders campaign,
Skyrocketing college costs is a moral issue, not a political one.

That is interesting. How have the liberals been fighting against rising college costs? I see nothing that is even close to trying to restrict college tuition increases. Even in a bad economy the cost just keeps escalating way above inflation.

No, what I see is that the liberal left is trying to not restrain cost increases but to get someone else to pay for those increases.j

Free ain't free and if they make college education free without restraint I don't think we will be able to afford it.
This is the motto of the p-school system...Win/win for the state.

I think you need to move to Somalia, Libertarian Paradise.

but they aren't libertarian. they're children stamping their feet and whining when they have to live by societal rules but are perfectly happy violating actual libertarian dogma which is stay out of people's personal morality.

they hate gubmint except when it tells women and gays what they can do.
The Left has run education down into the dirt. Even NYC Borough Presidents, who happen to be black, are decrying how horribly the inner city education system has become. It cheats their constituents children of a future, just as benefits the Democrat Party; that was their intent all along

We spent more money per student that any other country on the planet and it all goes to fund a sick, malevolent bureaucracy that practices intellectual pedophilia on school kids

Common Core and No Child Left behind were wonderful Republican ideas. How come you guys take no responsibility for your part in the mess?

I knew Bush was a lying scumbag as soon as he passed the chance to not only dismantle public education but let that fat fucking murderer Kennedy write the No Child Left Behind Bill
Frank's usually "Obama Shot My Dog" posting aside, there are some valid issues here.

The first is that because our business world has made a college degree a requisite for making anything near a living a wage, then it should be accessible to everyone.

The problem is, of course, is that we really don't need a college degree for most jobs. Business wants bachelor's degrees because HS Diplomas have become meaningless.

That's not even true. Those who work in the trades can make a livable wage, a more than livable wage. Before Clinton there were jobs at the mills where those with the inability or drive to become educated could earn a decent living. Those all dried up and went overseas, just as Perot predicted.
I knew Bush was a lying scumbag as soon as he passed the chance to not only dismantle public education but let that fat fucking murderer Kennedy write the No Child Left Behind Bill

But I'll bet you still voted for him twice.

Frankly, Bush was dumb and incompetent, but compared to the current batch of Republican candidates, he had something called 'dignity'.
Frank, why do you think spiraling college costs and the associated crippling student loans are good? All the liberals are saying just the opposite.

frank is a good guy. he just finds the whole concept of government keeping lende
High school diplomas are worthless because the left has destroyed public education.

Really? Who were the ones who insisted on expunging all references to Evolution from the science books?

Right wingers.

Who insisted on cutting funding to education?

Right wingers.

There's plenty of blame to go around.

Who insisted on medicating the shit out of kids with Ritalin?


Public education is NOT about educating. It is about racketeering...government protects teachers unions and in turn the D party gets tons of campaign donations. Win/win.

again, if you ever got any education, it was a wasted effort.

There are a lot of problems with education. Part of it is because with the parents working four jobs, no one is making sure that kids are doing their homework.

The Left has run education down into the dirt. Even NYC Borough Presidents, who happen to be black, are decrying how horribly the inner city education system has become. It cheats their constituents children of a future, just as benefits the Democrat Party; that was their intent all along

We spent more money per student that any other country on the planet and it all goes to fund a sick, malevolent bureaucracy that practices intellectual pedophilia on school kids
Those who know the least, obey the best.

This is the motto of the p-school system...Win/win for the state.

those who know the least post the garbage you do.

i love how rightwingnuts hate education. you really should stop being angry and resentful and just go to school and do something with your life.
Oh my little Silly Jilly is up an about this wonderful.

Sadly Silly Jilly you are the epitome of a p-school education. Since clearly you can't comprehend the written word.

Please show me where I posted hatefulness for sweet little Silly Jilly.
That's not even true. Those who work in the trades can make a livable wage, a more than livable wage.

Only if they are lucky enough to be in a union.

Before Clinton there were jobs at the mills where those with the inability or drive to become educated could earn a decent living. Those all dried up and went overseas, just as Perot predicted.

They were going overseas long before Clinton got there. We stopped making TV's in this country back in the 1980's.

Here's the thing. You used to be able to make a decent wage working in a factory. Until the wealthy figured out they could do it cheaper by getting a Mexican or a Chinese to do it. Did NAFTA and the WTO speed up that process? Meh, a bit. But it still would have happened.
Here is a brief article on one cause of the increase in cost. If college is so expensive why are there lines of people trying to get in?

How the Government is Making Your College Tuition More Expensive

Subsidy advocates like to point out that this type of government aid allows more students to attend college. But while this might seem like a good thing, many students still struggle to complete a college education: two-thirds of students don’t graduate in four years, and 40 percent of students drop out—many with substantial debt. And even for those students who do graduate, college doesn’t always deliver on its promise of higher income: Many students graduate and take positions they could have earned without attending four years of college—and without spending tens of thousands of dollars.
High school diplomas are worthless because the left has destroyed public education.

Really? Who were the ones who insisted on expunging all references to Evolution from the science books?

Right wingers.

Who insisted on cutting funding to education?

Right wingers.

There's plenty of blame to go around.

Who insisted on medicating the shit out of kids with Ritalin?


Public education is NOT about educating. It is about racketeering...government protects teachers unions and in turn the D party gets tons of campaign donations. Win/win.

again, if you ever got any education, it was a wasted effort.

There are a lot of problems with education. Part of it is because with the parents working four jobs, no one is making sure that kids are doing their homework.

Maybe it's a bit disingenuous to associate some crazy fundamentalist christian whacko with all of that of right wing. Wasn't it a CONSERVATIVE judge that ruled creationism complete bullshit?

When was this an issue anyway? 10 years ago? Maybe speed up to this millennia, when the Marxist indoctrination is your enemy. Nobody even cares about evolution in the first place, it's inconsequential. At best amounting to one or two classes in high school...

These people spend 5 years in college coming out dumber than they went in, with a huge amount of debt to boot. Completely indoctrinated to a regressive ideology full of racism and falsehoods... And yet, you whine about an inconsequential evolution debate that took place about a decade ago, and was completely solved by a conservative judge. Too bad evolution didn't work for your brain...
Maybe it's a bit disingenuous to associate some crazy fundamentalist christian whacko with all of that of right wing. Wasn't it a CONSERVATIVE judge that ruled creationism complete bullshit?

When was this an issue anyway? 10 years ago? Maybe speed up to this millennia, when the Marxist indoctrination is your enemy. Nobody even cares about evolution in the first place, it's inconsequential. At best amounting to one or two classes in high school...

These people spend 5 years in college coming out dumber than they went in, with a huge amount of debt to boot. Completely indoctrinated to a regressive ideology full of racism and falsehoods... And yet, you whine about an inconsequential evolution debate that took place about a decade ago, and was completely solved by a conservative judge. Too bad evolution didn't work for your brain...

Except the debate wasn't had a decade ago.

What ended up happening is that because Texas is the largest buyer of school textbooks, the textbook companies wrote books that would sell in the Texas market. It means no mention of evolution, no critical look at American history...

Texas is literally making the whole country dumber.
In the 2+2=5 Bizzaroland of Liberals we learn that having adult sign on for more home they can afford is evil and merits the death penalty but having young people just starting out in the world taking on more debt than they need to buy a starter home is, well, you tell me

Predatory lending is any lending practice that imposes unfair or abusive loan terms on a borrower. It is also any practice that convinces a borrower to accept unfair terms through deceptive, coercive, exploitative or unscrupulous actions for a loan that a borrower doesn't need, doesn't want or can't afford.

Obama is a Predatory Lender, right?


Why in the world are you trying to make this political? If you want to go there, liberals have been fighting against rising college costs for years, and that's one of the central themes of Bernie Sanders campaign,
Skyrocketing college costs is a moral issue, not a political one.

That is interesting. How have the liberals been fighting against rising college costs? I see nothing that is even close to trying to restrict college tuition increases. Even in a bad economy the cost just keeps escalating way above inflation.

No, what I see is that the liberal left is trying to not restrain cost increases but to get someone else to pay for those increases.j

Free ain't free and if they make college education free without restraint I don't think we will be able to afford it.

You should recall the argument:

"It ain't working because there isn't enough tax payer funding" - the regressive answer to every question in life.

Here is an article that has a lot of information. Their conclusion as to why the price of college has risen well above that of inflation is BS, in my opinion. What they call the reason is nothing more than cost shifting.

The real reasons a college degree costs so much

Hmmm... you might have a point. Did you read this part of the article?

The reason, say researchers, is that deep budget cuts in state funding for public higher education and shrinking subsidies at private schools have pushed a greater share of the cost onto students and their families.
Maybe it's a bit disingenuous to associate some crazy fundamentalist christian whacko with all of that of right wing. Wasn't it a CONSERVATIVE judge that ruled creationism complete bullshit?

When was this an issue anyway? 10 years ago? Maybe speed up to this millennia, when the Marxist indoctrination is your enemy. Nobody even cares about evolution in the first place, it's inconsequential. At best amounting to one or two classes in high school...

These people spend 5 years in college coming out dumber than they went in, with a huge amount of debt to boot. Completely indoctrinated to a regressive ideology full of racism and falsehoods... And yet, you whine about an inconsequential evolution debate that took place about a decade ago, and was completely solved by a conservative judge. Too bad evolution didn't work for your brain...

Except the debate wasn't had a decade ago.

What ended up happening is that because Texas is the largest buyer of school textbooks, the textbook companies wrote books that would sell in the Texas market. It means no mention of evolution, no critical look at American history...

Texas is literally making the whole country dumber.

And after the post you still have the nerve to post completely inconsequential nonsense.

You are right though, the trial wasn't a decade ago, it was 11 years ago, although if you count by day it's closer to 10 years than 11. Shall I go on with the inconsequential nonsense?

"(Ultra Conservative) Judge Rules: Intelligent Design Can't Be Taught in Class"
Judge Rules: Intelligent Design Can't Be Taught in Class
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's not forget that the regressives aren't about teaching the accurate version of evolution either. They believe evolution stopped at the brain... This is why you should keep politics out of the class room, and your kids out of the public schools.
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Here is an article that has a lot of information. Their conclusion as to why the price of college has risen well above that of inflation is BS, in my opinion. What they call the reason is nothing more than cost shifting.

The real reasons a college degree costs so much

Hmmm... you might have a point. Did you read this part of the article?

The reason, say researchers, is that deep budget cuts in state funding for public higher education and shrinking subsidies at private schools have pushed a greater share of the cost onto students and their families.

Yes, that is my point. One would think with the families paying more that would restrain the cost not cause an increase. All the article talks about is the cost to those going to college, not what is driving the cost far exceeding inflation.

But let's say that the government made education completely free how much do you think it would cost then?
In the 2+2=5 Bizzaroland of Liberals we learn that having adult sign on for more home they can afford is evil and merits the death penalty but having young people just starting out in the world taking on more debt than they need to buy a starter home is, well, you tell me

Predatory lending is any lending practice that imposes unfair or abusive loan terms on a borrower. It is also any practice that convinces a borrower to accept unfair terms through deceptive, coercive, exploitative or unscrupulous actions for a loan that a borrower doesn't need, doesn't want or can't afford.

Obama is a Predatory Lender, right?


Why in the world are you trying to make this political? If you want to go there, liberals have been fighting against rising college costs for years, and that's one of the central themes of Bernie Sanders campaign,
Skyrocketing college costs is a moral issue, not a political one.

That is interesting. How have the liberals been fighting against rising college costs? I see nothing that is even close to trying to restrict college tuition increases. Even in a bad economy the cost just keeps escalating way above inflation.

No, what I see is that the liberal left is trying to not restrain cost increases but to get someone else to pay for those increases.j

Free ain't free and if they make college education free without restraint I don't think we will be able to afford it.

You should recall the argument:

"It ain't working because there isn't enough tax payer funding" - the regressive answer to every question in life.


I have seen very little posted that actually explains where that money is going. Subsidizes certainly are driving the price increase as I posted.
In the 2+2=5 Bizzaroland of Liberals we learn that having adult sign on for more home they can afford is evil and merits the death penalty but having young people just starting out in the world taking on more debt than they need to buy a starter home is, well, you tell me

Predatory lending is any lending practice that imposes unfair or abusive loan terms on a borrower. It is also any practice that convinces a borrower to accept unfair terms through deceptive, coercive, exploitative or unscrupulous actions for a loan that a borrower doesn't need, doesn't want or can't afford.

Obama is a Predatory Lender, right?


Why in the world are you trying to make this political? If you want to go there, liberals have been fighting against rising college costs for years, and that's one of the central themes of Bernie Sanders campaign,
Skyrocketing college costs is a moral issue, not a political one.

That is interesting. How have the liberals been fighting against rising college costs? I see nothing that is even close to trying to restrict college tuition increases. Even in a bad economy the cost just keeps escalating way above inflation.

No, what I see is that the liberal left is trying to not restrain cost increases but to get someone else to pay for those increases.j

Free ain't free and if they make college education free without restraint I don't think we will be able to afford it.

You should recall the argument:

"It ain't working because there isn't enough tax payer funding" - the regressive answer to every question in life.


I have seen very little posted that actually explains where that money is going. Subsidizes certainly are driving the price increase as I posted.

Happy to help you with that:

Federal Education Spending, Fiscal Year 2015 ($ billions)
Dept. of Education: Appropriation: 67.1
Dept. of Education: Mandatory (excludes student loans): 9.9
School Nutrition Programs: 16.5
Head Start Programs: 8.6
Education Tax Expenditures for Individuals: 21.2
American Opportunity Tax Credit (Refundable): 5.9
Student Loan Subsidies (Newly Disbursed Loans): 8
Veterans and Servicemembers Education Benefits: 16.4

Total 153.6

By far the biggest role they play is guaranteeing/issuing the loans (not in the chart, as that is not spending). Of course, I wouldn't be surprised to find out the dept. of education has a major influence in the educational standards.
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In the 2+2=5 Bizzaroland of Liberals we learn that having adult sign on for more home they can afford is evil and merits the death penalty but having young people just starting out in the world taking on more debt than they need to buy a starter home is, well, you tell me

Predatory lending is any lending practice that imposes unfair or abusive loan terms on a borrower. It is also any practice that convinces a borrower to accept unfair terms through deceptive, coercive, exploitative or unscrupulous actions for a loan that a borrower doesn't need, doesn't want or can't afford.

Obama is a Predatory Lender, right?


Why in the world are you trying to make this political? If you want to go there, liberals have been fighting against rising college costs for years, and that's one of the central themes of Bernie Sanders campaign,
Skyrocketing college costs is a moral issue, not a political one.

That is interesting. How have the liberals been fighting against rising college costs? I see nothing that is even close to trying to restrict college tuition increases. Even in a bad economy the cost just keeps escalating way above inflation.

No, what I see is that the liberal left is trying to not restrain cost increases but to get someone else to pay for those increases.j

Free ain't free and if they make college education free without restraint I don't think we will be able to afford it.

You should recall the argument:

"It ain't working because there isn't enough tax payer funding" - the regressive answer to every question in life.


I have seen very little posted that actually explains where that money is going. Subsidizes certainly are driving the price increase as I posted.

Happy to help you with that:

Federal Education Spending, Fiscal Year 2015 ($ billions)
Dept. of Education: Appropriation: 67.1
Dept. of Education: Mandatory (excludes student loans): 9.9
School Nutrition Programs: 16.5
Head Start Programs: 8.6
Education Tax Expenditures for Individuals: 21.2
American Opportunity Tax Credit (Refundable): 5.9
Student Loan Subsidies (Newly Disbursed Loans): 8
Veterans and Servicemembers Education Benefits: 16.4

Total 153.6

By far the biggest role they play is guaranteeing the loans (not in the chart, as that is not spending).

What I am looking for is why the increases or at least why the colleges justify the increases.

For example, administrative costs. Which is what I think is driving the price increases.

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