More Trump Mid East Peace Deals done. Trump Winning again.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Barry created chaos in the ME and funded the #1 State sponsor of terrorism, Trump is bringing peace and prosperity.

What I always find interesting is that his opponents always say "he has turned our backs on our allies", but, this suggests that they somehow don't view Israel as an ally as Trump has certainly helped them find peace in the M.E.

Trump is isolating the bad actors, be they Iran, China or Russia. For decades "allies" have not had any skin in the game as they applauded appeasement and bet against Americas success.

Four more years of Trump would be a big deal for global peace and American Values reigning in the world again rather than Communist Chinas.
Barry created chaos in the ME and funded the #1 State sponsor of terrorism, Trump is bringing peace and prosperity.

Trump and these debates piss me off. Trump really isn't skilled at talking points. He's too direct, too honest, which is kinda hard to understand when he also tends to showboat. There is so much about his foreign policy successes he needed to get out there last night that he didn't and should have been asked about . . . . and wasn't.

You can bet your sweet bippy it would be front page news if it were Biden.

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