More Than 80 Prosecutors In States That Ban Abortion Say They Will Not Enforce Law

District attorneys in more than 10 states where abortion is now banned or likely will be soon have committed to not prosecute people for obtaining abortions, following the Supreme Court’s Friday decision.
Given today's political climate, I'm not so sure that's a great idea. First of all, they have to take what comes if they break the rules/laws. I understand their positions and sentiment, but rule of law has to prevail.

But second, it certainly does seem that the orange cancer is pushing us towards a Middle East-like environment, where the states divide according to the nature and intensity of their religion. And if these people are thrown out for this, it's very possible they'll be replaced by far worse, full-on White Nationalist Theocrats. So just holding on to positions may be a better option in the long run.

I don't know. We're in uncharted territory, as America begins to unravel at the hands of a religion.
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This again is an indication that so many Americans are attempting to apologize for the ridiculously extreme measures of the Christian right to completely outlaw abortions.

It could never work and it would have only led to another increase is violence!
Religion's violence has tried to copulate with the State that's also fundamentally terrorist. The bizarre offspring you get is POSCOTUS mouthing off at a convenient time for both Nazi Dems and the Trump theocracy.
The same thing that would happen if guns were made totally illegal if prosecutors publicly stated they wouldn't prosecute gun owners. The state would fire the prosecutors and enforce the law.

ETA: By the way, if there are no abortion providers, how, exactly, would these procedures occur?
It might be the part a few States want to make it illegal for a woman to get the abortion in another State, and I can’t see how a State can enforce any law like that…

It is like the Texas law where even a Uber driver can be sued for transporting a woman to a clinic for her abortion, and if anyone ever worked for rideshare you would know you don’t know the exact location you are going until you pick up the person and even then Uber usually does not tell you it is a clinic or Hospital…

So the laws are wonky as can be and any State trying to place charges against a woman that had a legal procedure done in another State should lose that case…
This how much the right really cares about Abortion, no big deal.... their politics are all about aggravating the left, they don't have any real beliefs.
Says the fucking idiot who wants to destroy my culture. What a maroon.
Good luck with recalling DAs who want to protect abortions in Blue cities. I wish you the best of luck. 😁

Most DA's in most States, even if elected, can be removed by the Governor of the State for not doing their jobs.

So Blue city DA's in Red States can be punted in some circumstances.
It might be the part a few States want to make it illegal for a woman to get the abortion in another State, and I can’t see how a State can enforce any law like that…

It is like the Texas law where even a Uber driver can be sued for transporting a woman to a clinic for her abortion, and if anyone ever worked for rideshare you would know you don’t know the exact location you are going until you pick up the person and even then Uber usually does not tell you it is a clinic or Hospital…

So the laws are wonky as can be and any State trying to place charges against a woman that had a legal procedure done in another State should lose that case…

And that won't happen because a state has no authority over what you do in another state. People bringing that BS up are just fear mongering.
Given today's political climate, I'm not so sure that's a great idea. First of all, they have to take what comes if they break the rules/laws. I understand their positions and sentiment, but rule of law has to prevail.

But second, it certainly does seem that the orange cancer is pushing us towards a Middle East-like environment, where the states divide according to the nature and intensity of their religion. And if these people are thrown out for this, it's very possible they'll be replaced by far worse, full-on White Nationalist Theocrats. So just holding on to positions may be a better option in the long run.

I don't know. We're in uncharted territory, as America begins to unravel at the hands of a religion.

More bullshit. Statistic after statistic shows that less and less people belong to a religion, and less and less people believe in God. Where do you think all these mass shooters come from?

The Communist plot is to convince people this is all about religion instead of morality, because let's face it, Democrats have no morality. And because less and less people believe in religion or God, the left uses that to try and garner more support for their side.
Some prosecutors choose not to enforce against shop lifting. Of course, they shouldn’t BE prosecutors.
District attorneys in more than 10 states where abortion is now banned or likely will be soon have committed to not prosecute people for obtaining abortions, following the Supreme Court’s Friday decision.
“Not all of us agree on a personal or moral level on the issue of abortion. But we stand together in our firm belief that prosecutors have a responsibility to refrain from using limited criminal legal system resources to criminalize personal medical decisions,” their statement says. “As such, we decline to use our offices’ resources to criminalize reproductive health decisions and commit to exercise our well settled discretion and refrain from prosecuting those who seek, provide, or support abortions.”

What happens when you throw a lynching party in a red state, and nobody comes?

They then should be fired for refusing to do their job. If you work at a factory and refuse to do part of your job then you get fired. This is no different. if you're in the justice system and refuse to uphold the law you need to be fired.

Like it or not laws are laws. You don't get to pick and choose which ones you get to follow.
More bullshit. Statistic after statistic shows that less and less people belong to a religion, and less and less people believe in God. Where do you think all these mass shooters come from?

They come from Gun Stores that sell them guns even though they are crazy because the Founding Slave Rapists couldn't clearly define a militia...

The Europeans are even less religious than we are... and they don't have mass shootings every other week.

The Communist plot is to convince people this is all about religion instead of morality, because let's face it, Democrats have no morality. And because less and less people believe in religion or God, the left uses that to try and garner more support for their side.

But of course it's about religion, Welfare Ray. It always has been since the Evangelicals, who didn't give a shit about abortion before the 1970's, needed a political issue to motivate their flocks.

Great. Because if the state considers abortion as murder, the case will make it's way to the top of the list.

Except none of these laws are going straight out calling abortion murder... so that puts "getting an abortion" up there with "Selling sex on the street corner", a nusciance crime, at best.

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