More Than 80 Prosecutors In States That Ban Abortion Say They Will Not Enforce Law

You will get to see it, they've promised as much. 😁

They didn't promise anything. Again, nothing but a dog and pony show. As I posted, they took an oath of office to execute the laws of the state. Failure to do that is violating their oath required to be a licensed attorney in every state.
District attorneys in more than 10 states where abortion is now banned or likely will be soon have committed to not prosecute people for obtaining abortions, following the Supreme Court’s Friday decision.
“Not all of us agree on a personal or moral level on the issue of abortion. But we stand together in our firm belief that prosecutors have a responsibility to refrain from using limited criminal legal system resources to criminalize personal medical decisions,” their statement says. “As such, we decline to use our offices’ resources to criminalize reproductive health decisions and commit to exercise our well settled discretion and refrain from prosecuting those who seek, provide, or support abortions.”

What happens when you throw a lynching party in a red state, and nobody comes?
If they refuse to do their job they should be fired
Perhaps dealing with crime is regarded as more important than forcing a minority to conform to a meaningless standard.
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More to the point, they can only bring cases that cops bring to them. How keen do you think that Urban police in Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Miami are going to bring cases like this?
Endless ghettos. Ever growing employees in both private and public concerns to service it. Good salaries and pensions and benefits to retirement.
They didn't promise anything. Again, nothing but a dog and pony show. As I posted, they took an oath of office to execute the laws of the state. Failure to do that is violating their oath required to be a licensed attorney in every state.
We'll see.
They aren't making laws you dipshit, let me say it s.l.o.w.e.r. for you. Prosecutors. Have. Always. Had. Prosecutorial. Discretion.

Stalin's prosecutors had discretion too.

And now that we know you're a Stalinist, we know what to expect from you.

And you know what to expect from us

I hope you're ready.
When did that ever happen?
The danger here, is the lines are being blurred.

For example - just one example of many - some Democrats can not tell, that the populist Democrats are different from the establishment Democrats (and they don't like each other). To many of the DNC lemmings, Dems are Dems and the D is all that matters.

But I'm in the ground. I talk to Bernie fans every single day. They don't like Hillary. Or Nancy. As a matter of fact they despise them almost as much as I do

So here's what I propose - let's get together around basic principles. Like equal application of the law. The populist Bernie types want that, and the populist righties want that too.

It is only the corrupt "establishment" wing in both parties, that doesn't want that. The righties have a name for theirs, they call em RINOs. The Bernie lefties haven't gotten that far yet, they don't have a pet pejorative name for the corrupt Clintonistas yet.

We should do the Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich thing. We may not see eye to eye in healthcare, but we DO see eye to eye on the equal application of the law
Same way they happened before Roe. OB/GYN performs an abortion, writes something else down on the chart.
That works until someone, like perhaps a potential father, rats them out. Then they lose their medical license and go to jail for falsification of medical records. Plus if they bill an insurance company, Medicare or the government for the procedure, they go to prison for fraud.
That works until someone, like perhaps a potential father, rats them out. Then they lose their medical license and go to jail for falsification of medical records. Plus if they bill an insurance company, Medicare or the government for the procedure, they go to prison for fraud.

Works on an assumption you can get a jury to convict.
Also, the insurance companies are happy to pay for abortions. Much cheaper than thousands of dollars for a live birth followed by years of pediatric care.
There are over 9,488 Prosecutors currently employed in the United States. So 80 of them refuse to do their job, that is less than 1% of the prosecutors no big deal

This how much the right really cares about Abortion, no big deal.... their politics are all about aggravating the left, they don't have any real beliefs.
The abortion issue is definitely being played by the duopoly to further maintain its division of and power over the people. Almost everything about it is being wrongly presented, emotionally charged, and stupidly debated.
If reason and rationality were understood by the public, this would not be possible.
The abortion issue is definitely being played by the duopoly to further maintain its division of and power over the people. Almost everything about it is being wrongly presented, emotionally charged, and stupidly debated.
If reason and rationality were understood by the public, this would not be possible.

Wow, really? YOu mean the duopoly actually talks about an issue where there is a difference of opinion, and that's a conspiracy to do... something... for ... reasons.

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