More Than 1,100 Ex-Justice Department Officials Call For barr’s Resignation

Funny how they don’t post the letter or the names of those ex officials...
Here you go:

DOJ Alumni Statement on the Events Surrounding the Sentencing of Roger Stone

Now, run along to your AM radio to get new marching orders, since your talking point has been destroyed.
Mary Ann French, WP correspondent
Frank Figliuzzi, fbi-not doj nbc news National Security Coordinator
Walter Fisherow, DOJ Environmental Enforcement Section fighter against coal
Jonathan Forman, no history in bio about DOJ
John Fleder, no mention of DOJ in bio
J William Elwin, Jr, no mention DOJ in bio, Chicago
Ronnie Edelman, no mention of DOJ in bio, NJ
Ronald Davis, cop, no attorney.
KATHERINE CULLITON-GONZALEZ, no DOJ history found and has been writing articles against Trump since day one, and supporting Hillary
Lisa Damiano, law clerk
Pedro deLemos, nothing except under linked in
George D DeShazor Jr, no profile to be found

And suddenly I have access denied when the page reloaded.
I've never seen this happen before. I don't think it's ever happened in our nation.

Things must be getting very bad for more than 11 hundred ex justice department officials to call for barr to resign.

I hope all those who are left in the DOJ follow their advice.

More than 1,100 ex-Justice Department officials call for Barr’s resignation
Barr's getting really close and they are scared
Our Government is corrupt how many of those Justices covered for the corruption?
I've never seen this happen before. I don't think it's ever happened in our nation.

Things must be getting very bad for more than 11 hundred ex justice department officials to call for barr to resign.

I hope all those who are left in the DOJ follow their advice.

More than 1,100 ex-Justice Department officials call for Barr’s resignation

1100 EX-Justice Department? Why don't they work there any more? Is it because they were incompetent or Democrats, but then I repeat myself!
Mary Ann French, WP correspondent

For one, the list is alphabetical. No, you fraud, you did not get to the "Fs"

Second, Mary Ann French was Lead Intelligence Analyst (FBI), as it clearly says after her name on the list. And which you can verify.

Frank Figliuzzi, fbi-not doj nbc
Uh...hey genius...the FBI is part of the DOJ

Jonathan Forman, no history in bio about DOJ
Oh really? Because 3 seconds on Google produced this:

"From 1979 to 1983, he served as a trial attorney in the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice."

I didn't follow up on the rest, you fraud.

But my mistake was thinking you would run to your AM radio and get new marching orders, after your talking point was destroyed. But nope, you clinged to it anyway. An embarrassing display.
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1100 EX-Justice Department? Why don't they work there any more? Is it because they were incompetent or Democrats, but then I repeat myself
No, you're not repeating yourself, you are asking a question, and then you are making up an answer to soothe yourself because you are an intellectual sissy.
Same anti Trump group that put out the 2 other "open letters"

Former obama admin activist group with their latest attack.

I cannot believe how fucking stupid people are to fall for the same tactic, from the same group, not one, not two, but now three times.

Lol. Holy fucking hell people are truly dupes...
Same anti Trump group that put out the 2 other "open letters"
And then signed by over 1100 former DOJ employees. But hey, some anonymous moron who loves Trump says their opinions don't matter, so case closed I guess.
Same anti Trump group that put out the 2 other "open letters"
And then signed by over 1100 former DOJ employees. But hey, some anonymous moron who loves Trump says their opinions don't matter, so case closed I guess.

Sure, sure little fella.

Start off with the ad hominem, and why not go straight to it when it is all the game you have.

Now....declare victory.

Lol. Predictable little troll.
Start off with the ad hominem
Correct, that is precisely what you did, regarding the group that put out the letter. I pointed out why that was doubly specious and stupid, in that 1100 former DOJ employees signed it. So yes, you're a moron.

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