More talk of violence from GOP legislator

i don’t know what her views where to know if they aligned with mine.

What got her killed was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She seemed like a peaceful protestor in the videos, but sadly others were not, so i don’t fault the officer
You know exactly what wrongheaded views you had in common. Views that are at odds with reality.
You know exactly what wrongheaded views you had in common. Views that are at odds with reality.
no, i really don't know what you are talking about.

I personally wouldn't be at any protest in Washington DC, or have entered the I am not sure what views you are referring to.
Yep, this is what all those idiots do. Say the most deplorable, shocking thing and wait for the response. Then, you play the victim and fundraise off of that response.

Lather/ Rinse/ Repeat - Dear Leader worked the same tried and true schtick. But I'm with you - I think they actually do believe some of even their worst, most dangerous nonsense.
You find something "deplorable" and "shocking" about the Truth? The truth is that a great many Americans believe the election was rigged. Another truth is that many Americans consider rigging elections as blatant treason and a direct attack on the Constitution of the United States. Many Americans are sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. If the election was indeed fair and honest why would the left object so strongly about finding a believable truth? Some consider that an admission of guilt and will not tolerate the theft of our Country.
You find something "deplorable" and "shocking" about the Truth? The truth is that a great many Americans believe the election was rigged. Another truth is that many Americans consider rigging elections as blatant treason and a direct attack on the Constitution of the United States. Many Americans are sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. If the election was indeed fair and honest why would the left object so strongly about finding a believable truth? Some consider that an admission of guilt and will not tolerate the theft of our Country.

Those who believe this election was stolen are not “great Americans”.
They are gullible idiots.
I'm sure a 70% Trumpster site like this one will be pleased to see that the January 6th attack on America may just have been a warm-up.
There were about 60 days between the election and the inauguration. NOT ONE case that went to court was investigated. NOT ONE. They were all shit-canned with no investigation, just ruling from the bench. Had the Left been justified, and known they actually won, legally, they'd have gladly allowed real canvassing rather than a simple recount of ballots that were in question to begin with.

Cawthorn is prescient and the Left would do well to listen. The bizarre behavior by them isn't that they'd lie or cheat. The bizarre part of their behavior is that they're such obvious hypocrites. They used every trick in the book, legal and illegal for 4 years contesting Trump's victory and never proved him to be illegitimate. This same group acts as though Republicans have NO RIGHT to question an election that had huge numbers of sketchy vote counts. Try it again... you'll see what comes of your hypocrisy.
Once the adults take back over in this country again, we'll see what happens but my guess is that the libs will fight against President Trump's efforts
I predict they'll push the nation into actual, violent conflict. They will not have the option of another 4 years of endless investigations and their media whores have lost ALL CREDIBILITY with half or more of America. So, they'll move on to the next level and try to scare or bully the other half of us. All I can say is BRING IT, BABY"!
All the available evidence was presented in various courts and none of it was worth a shit
bullshit... NOT a single case was investigated. They were all ruled on from the bench. You folks seriously need to wake the hell up before you try it again. It won't end well for any of us. IF your guy had actually been cheated out of his office you people would have been in the streets, burning blue shitholes down. You expect those on the Right to obey the same laws you shit on and you're in for a very rude awakening next time.
I predict they'll push the nation into actual, violent conflict. They will not have the option of another 4 years of endless investigations and their media whores have lost ALL CREDIBILITY with half or more of America. So, they'll move on to the next level and try to scare or bully the other half of us. All I can say is BRING IT, BABY"!
God damn, I'm ready.

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