More left wing tears...Trump went up 4 points since Tuesday...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Ruh Roh..Americans see through the lies....

You Won't Believe What Happened to Trump's Approval Rating Last Week

On August 13, Trump hit 34% approval rating. By Thursday he’d gained four points, to 38%, despite having the kitchen sink thrown at him.


And keep in mind that while 38% approval is not stellar, do you know when else Trump had a 38% approval rating? November 8, 2016.
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38% :rofl:

Many people are saying that's the highest approval rating for a President in history! Believe me! :rofl:
38% :rofl:

Many people are saying that's the highest approval rating for a President in history! Believe me! :rofl:

You didn't read the part where Trump had 38% on Nov. 8, 2016.......ask President Hilary how that turned out.....
38% :rofl:

Many people are saying that's the highest approval rating for a President in history! Believe me! :rofl:

You didn't read the part where Trump had 38% on Nov. 8, 2016.......ask President Hilary how that turned out.....
Aw b-b-b-b-but Hillary :itsok:

Poor cuck

To you I say.......

President dumb shit.

Pretty pathetic. You have set the bar so low for the Orange Trumpster, that I don't think the bar can get any lower,
And that is just plain,,,,,

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Ruh Roh..Americans see through the lies....

You Won't Believe What Happened to Trump's Approval Rating Last Week

On August 13, Trump hit 34% approval rating. By Thursday he’d gained four points, to 38%, despite having the kitchen sink thrown at him.


And keep in mind that while 38% approval is not stellar, do you know when else Trump had a 38% approval rating? November 8, 2016.
Listen, if Trump is so gotdamned popular, why is it, he's a constant no show in events that are outside his hand picked redneck rallies, such as the corespondent dinners, kennedy honors events, etc? The only thing that moron seems to want to show up for is dinner and klan rallies.
38% :rofl:

Many people are saying that's the highest approval rating for a President in history! Believe me! :rofl:

You didn't read the part where Trump had 38% on Nov. 8, 2016.......ask President Hilary how that turned out.....
You keep wanting to bring up Hillary....I would bet my last dollar, this popular Trump you seem to champion every second of every day, would lose in a landslide to a head lice eating flesh off your face if the elections were held again, that's how popular this orange nightmare is outside of his Nazi base.
38% :rofl:

Many people are saying that's the highest approval rating for a President in history! Believe me! :rofl:

You didn't read the part where Trump had 38% on Nov. 8, 2016.......ask President Hilary how that turned out.....
You keep wanting to bring up Hillary....I would bet my last dollar, this popular Trump you seem to champion every second of every day, would lose in a landslide to a head lice eating flesh off your face if the elections were held again, that's how popular this orange nightmare is outside of his Nazi base.

He doesn't have a nazi base. She does have a communist base.
You guys.
.you need to watch this are attacking Trump supporters in such a violent and viscious way that no me will openly admit it...just like during the election.....this Bri. Explains why this is a problem...

38% :rofl:

Many people are saying that's the highest approval rating for a President in history! Believe me! :rofl:

You didn't read the part where Trump had 38% on Nov. 8, 2016.......ask President Hilary how that turned out.....
You keep wanting to bring up Hillary....I would bet my last dollar, this popular Trump you seem to champion every second of every day, would lose in a landslide to a head lice eating flesh off your face if the elections were held again, that's how popular this orange nightmare is outside of his Nazi base.

He doesn't have a nazi base. She does have a communist base.

You're beyond reasonable, you are a lost cause!!
You guys.
.you need to watch this are attacking Trump supporters in such a violent and viscious way that no me will openly admit it...just like during the election.....this Bri. Explains why this is a problem...

They killed a innocent woman, they need to be attacked...what about this country not wanting you nuts in it, can't you fuck heads understand??? You want to embrace hate....find a nation that wants it...Russia ring a bell?
His popularity never went down, just the morals of the pollsters hired to lie.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Friday, August 18, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

Trump approval rebounds to 45%, surges among Hispanics, union homes, men
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Trump approval rebounds to 45%, surges among Hispanics, union homes, men
The latest Zogby Analytics survey, provided to Secrets, gave Trump a 45 percent approval rating, driven by big gains among Hispanics, union households and voters in the West.
What's more, said Zogby, more men approve of Trump than don't.
Ruh Roh..Americans see through the lies....

You Won't Believe What Happened to Trump's Approval Rating Last Week

On August 13, Trump hit 34% approval rating. By Thursday he’d gained four points, to 38%, despite having the kitchen sink thrown at him.


And keep in mind that while 38% approval is not stellar, do you know when else Trump had a 38% approval rating? November 8, 2016.
A week ago he was at 45%. These polls are fairly meaningless to me.
Ruh Roh..Americans see through the lies....

You Won't Believe What Happened to Trump's Approval Rating Last Week

On August 13, Trump hit 34% approval rating. By Thursday he’d gained four points, to 38%, despite having the kitchen sink thrown at him.


And keep in mind that while 38% approval is not stellar, do you know when else Trump had a 38% approval rating? November 8, 2016.
A week ago he was at 45%. These polls are fairly meaningless to me.
They're sinking .. he's done.
I see some people love sighting Rassmusen polls. Its a right leaning poll. Its like only looking at Huffington post poll when Obama was ok office.

I would say a 10 point increase is significant. But we're getting excited over 4 points? LolLets say its 38% now. It's terrible numbers for a POTUS who's been in the white house for only eight months. Historically low.

Is this the bar we're setting now? 38%?

Sixty-four percent of voters in Michigan and Wisconsin and 63% of voters in Pennsylvania said that they were embarrassed to have Trump as president. Voters in the three states are spilt on Trump’s performance on the economy, and 60% of voters believe that the US role on the world stage has been weakened under Trump.

A New Poll Of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania Voters Just Terrified Trump

He's embarrassing the country.

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