More jobs gained under Biden's 4 years than under 8 years of former former Presidents Trump, Obama, or George W. Bush

Sleepy Joe Biden did a BANG UP job, and didn't need to brag about it either, just put his hands on the wheels and grind it out.

Yoooooo JOE!!!
Nobody has bought this crap for at least a year, Marc but you keep trotting it out! Biden bragged non-stop about all the jobs he'd "created" as we came out of the Covid lockdowns! Those jobs existed before Biden took office. They were just on time out until Government allowed the Private Sector to open up again!

Biden sucked as a President. Democrats suck at running cities and States. California is the perfect example of what you get when you let far left progressives run things!
Sleepy Joe Biden did a BANG UP job, and didn't need to brag about it either, just put his hands on the wheels and grind it out.

Yoooooo JOE!!!
More jobs?

Is that before or after you factor-in the massive job-losses after COVID?

COVID left us with darned-near No-Please-to-Go-But-Up with respect to job creation, didn't it?

One heckuva Low Bar, or... if you like... Low-Hanging Fruit...

Now... if we made massive gains AFTER we'd re-attained our pre-COVID highs, T-H-E-N you'd have a ball game...
Right, and where did I say he did, moron.

I said trumps failed COVID response.
"No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." Direct quote by djt.
He deferred and then he BITCHED about shutdowns.
A REAL leader would have LED.
trump was weak in the time we needed a strong POTUS.
NOT some name calling pussy grabber.
Every Governor, (R) and (D), had some form of a State shutdown.

But as usual, the SPIN is that ONLY the (D) shut things down, when that is not remotely true.

If I pay a 16% ETR, no matter what is my income, then a billionaire should pay at least the same ETR as me, NEVER less.

If I pay a 16% ETR, no matter what is my income, then a billionaire should pay at least the same ETR as me, NEVER less.

Fairness. Duh.

Why do you think a billionaire should pay a lower ETR?
I'm sure you are going to say something LAME, like the billionaire pays more $$$$...... but that was proven NOT true by POSdjt when he paid only $750 FIT.
Fairness. Duh.

Why do you think a billionaire should pay a lower ETR?
I'm sure you are going to say something LAME, like the billionaire pays more $$$$...... but that was proven NOT true by POSdjt when he paid only $750 FIT.

How much was your income? What was it comprised of?
How much was the billionaire's income? What was it comprised of?
How much was your income? What was it comprised of?
How much was the billionaire's income? What was it comprised of?
Why do you wish to defend the Billionaire.

I want to Billionaire to ay his/her fair share, and NOT cheat.

We need to go to a Flat Tax Rate.
Do you have a problem with a Flat Tax.
Why do you wish to defend the Billionaire.

I want to Billionaire to ay his/her fair share, and NOT cheat.

We need to go to a Flat Tax Rate.
Do you have a problem with a Flat Tax.

I'm not defending or attacking anybody.
If a billionaire has no income this year, he should pay no tax.
If you can't defend your position, just say so.

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