More History Before 1967

Gardener, et al,

OK, if you believe this, then cite me the code.

with all due respoect it is a violation of international law for a occupying country to do any construction in occupied lands other than for secutrity purpsoes.

housing for civilians is not security puirpsoies. roads, collages, synagogues, dams, is not for security purpsos. it is to expand the state of israel. and it is a violation of intrernational law.

I cited the two laws.


Which is applicable?

Or do you have another law in mind?


I am not so sure the "settlements" being built to expand the state! What proof of this allegation is there?

Most Respectfully,
i think its in the Un charter i shall look it upo.

thank you for being peaceful and civil i nappreciate it.
The legal advisor to Israel's Foreign Ministrer said in 1967

"Meron determined that, "The prohibition [against settlement activity in Article 49] therefore is categorical and not conditional upon the motives for the transfer or its objectives. Its purpose is to prevent settlement in occupied territory of citizens of the occupying state. If it is decided to go ahead with Jewish settlement in the administered territories, it seems to me vital, therefore, that settlement is carried out by military and not civilian entities. It is also important, in my view, that such settlement is in the framework of camps and is, on the face of it, of a temporary rather than permanent nature"

Israeli settlement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The UN and many other organizatiomns that are itnernational have established that the settlements atre illegal time and timke again.

In 1978, the Legal Adviser of the Department of State of the United States reached the same conclusion.[89][94]

The International Court of Justice has since ruled that Israel is in breach of international law by establishing settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. The Court maintains that Israel cannot rely on its right of self-defense or necessity to impose a regime that violates international law. The Court also ruled that Israel violates basic human rights by impeding liberty of movement and the inhabitants' right to work, health, education and an adequate standard of living.[95]

International intergovernmental organizations such as the Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention,[96] major organs of the United Nations,[97] the European Union, and Canada,[98] also regard the settlements as a violation of international law. The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination wrote that "The status of the settlements was clearly inconsistent with Article 3 of the Convention, which, as noted in the Committee's General Recommendation XIX, prohibited all forms of racial segregation in all countries. There is a consensus among publicists that the prohibition of racial discrimination, irrespective of territories, is an imperative norm of international law."[99] Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch have also characterized the settlements as a violation of international law.

In late January 2013 a report drafted by three justices, presided over by Christine Chanet, and issued by the United Nations Human Rights Council declared that Jewish settlements constituted a creeping annexation based on multiple violations of the Geneva Conventions and international law, and stated that if Palestine ratified the Rome Accord, Israel could be tried for “gross violations of human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law.' A spokesman for Israel’s Foreign Ministry declared the report ‘unfortunate’ and accused the UN’s Human Rights Council of a “systematically one-sided and biased approach towards Israel.” [100]

According to Talia Sasson the High Court of Justice in Israel, with a variety of different justices sitting, has repeatedly stated for more than 4 decades that Israel’s presence in the West Bank is in violation of international law.[101]

internatiomal law isays the settlements are ikllegal.

even the legal council to israel in 1967 said civilian settklemrents would be illegal
The UN and the USA State Department have also stated clearly that the settlements are illegal.

The universality of the opinion that the settlements are in violation of Article 49(6) is measured in part by Security Council Resolution 446 (March 22, 1979), which stated the settlements had “no legal validity.” The United States also recognizes the violation, which was set forth by the Department of State Legal Advisor, Herbert J. Hansell, on April 21, 1978, when he concluded that:

“On the basis of the available information, the civilian settlements in the territories occupied by Israel do not appear to be consistent with these limits on Israel’s authority as belligerent occupant in that they do not seem intended to be of limited duration or established to provide orderly government of the territories and, though some may serve incidental security purposes, they do not appear to be required to meet military needs during the occupation.… The language and history of the provision [Article 49(6)] lead to the conclusion that transfers of a belligerent occupant’s civilian population into occupied territory are broadly proscribed as beyond the scope of interim military administration.”

The Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits the forcible transfer of people of one state to the territory of another state that it has occupied as a result of a war. The intention was to insure that local populations who came under occupation would not be forced to move. This is in no way relevant to the settlement issue. Jews are not being forced to go to the West Bank; on the contrary, they are voluntarily moving back to places where they, or their ancestors, once lived before being expelled by others.
In addition, those territories never legally belonged to either Jordan or Egypt, and certainly not to the Palestinians, who were never the sovereign authority in any part of Palestine. “The Jewish right of settlement in the area is equivalent in every way to the right of the local population to live there,” according to Professor Eugene Rostow, former Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. 4

As a matter of policy, moreover, Israel does not requisition private land for the establishment of settlements. Housing construction is allowed on private land only after determining that no private rights will be violated. The settlements also do not displace Arabs living in the territories. The media sometimes gives the impression that for every Jew who moves to the West Bank, several hundred Palestinians are forced to leave. The truth is that the vast majority of settlements have been built in uninhabited areas and even the handful established in or near Arab towns did not force any Palestinians to leave.

The Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits the forcible transfer of people of one state to the territory of another state that it has occupied as a result of a war. The intention was to insure that local populations who came under occupation would not be forced to move. This is in no way relevant to the settlement issue. Jews are not being forced to go to the West Bank; on the contrary, they are voluntarily moving back to places where they, or their ancestors, once lived before being expelled by others.
In addition, those territories never legally belonged to either Jordan or Egypt, and certainly not to the Palestinians, who were never the sovereign authority in any part of Palestine. “The Jewish right of settlement in the area is equivalent in every way to the right of the local population to live there,” according to Professor Eugene Rostow, former Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. 4

As a matter of policy, moreover, Israel does not requisition private land for the establishment of settlements. Housing construction is allowed on private land only after determining that no private rights will be violated. The settlements also do not displace Arabs living in the territories. The media sometimes gives the impression that for every Jew who moves to the West Bank, several hundred Palestinians are forced to leave. The truth is that the vast majority of settlements have been built in uninhabited areas and even the handful established in or near Arab towns did not force any Palestinians to leave.

these are lies.

Jordan legaly controled the West ABnk. israelis think that only israel can conquer land in a war but arabs cant.

studies hjavbe shown that many israeli settlements are buikld on Arab private property,. even the israelis admit to this.

the Strate dept. of the USA has said agin and again that the settmenrtsd are illegal.

The Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits the forcible transfer of people of one state to the territory of another state that it has occupied as a result of a war. The intention was to insure that local populations who came under occupation would not be forced to move. This is in no way relevant to the settlement issue. Jews are not being forced to go to the West Bank; on the contrary, they are voluntarily moving back to places where they, or their ancestors, once lived before being expelled by others.
In addition, those territories never legally belonged to either Jordan or Egypt, and certainly not to the Palestinians, who were never the sovereign authority in any part of Palestine. “The Jewish right of settlement in the area is equivalent in every way to the right of the local population to live there,” according to Professor Eugene Rostow, former Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. 4

As a matter of policy, moreover, Israel does not requisition private land for the establishment of settlements. Housing construction is allowed on private land only after determining that no private rights will be violated. The settlements also do not displace Arabs living in the territories. The media sometimes gives the impression that for every Jew who moves to the West Bank, several hundred Palestinians are forced to leave. The truth is that the vast majority of settlements have been built in uninhabited areas and even the handful established in or near Arab towns did not force any Palestinians to leave.

these are lies.

Jordan legaly controled the West ABnk. israelis think that only israel can conquer land in a war but arabs cant.

studies hjavbe shown that many israeli settlements are buikld on Arab private property,. even the israelis admit to this.

the Strate dept. of the USA has said agin and again that the settmenrtsd are illegal.

Jordan ILLEGALLY occupied the land. No country apart from UK and one other country recognized Jordan's occupation. We have told you this time and time again.
[ame=]Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank - YouTube[/ame]

Jordan ILLEGALLY occupied the land. No country apart from UK and one other country recognized Jordan's occupation. We have told you this time and time again.
Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank - YouTube

wqrong wrong very very wrong.

nobody rcognized the annexation but the british.

name one country on earth who said the jordanian occupation was illegla.

name one!!!! name one country who said that jordan must leavbe the west bank@!!!

name one country that said jordan didn't have a right to occupy west bank.

name UN resolutions condemning the jordan occupation of west bank@!!!!

you cant cause they dpn't exuist and u know it.

jordsan's occupoation of thre west bank was legsal!!!!
Jordan ILLEGALLY occupied the land. No country apart from UK and one other country recognized Jordan's occupation. We have told you this time and time again.
Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank - YouTube

wqrong wrong very very wrong.

nobody rcognized the annexation but the british.

name one country on earth who said the jordanian occupation was illegla.

name one!!!! name one country who said that jordan must leavbe the west bank@!!!

name one country that said jordan didn't have a right to occupy west bank.

name UN resolutions condemning the jordan occupation of west bank@!!!!

you cant cause they dpn't exuist and u know it.

jordsan's occupoation of thre west bank was legsal!!!!

I have just finished watching that video just after I posted it. That proves you haven't watched it. You haven't because you are afraid to watch it. You can't handle the truth.
Gardener you cant just make claims without backing it up. Where your sources ?

Jordan anannexed the Wwest Bank.

Only britajin recognized thius.

but no country ever said that jordan's occupation ofg the west bank was ilelgal.

not once,. not ever.

there is no evidence at all that anyone evr did this. caroline will not present any evdience because it doesn't exist.

no countries or the UN ever said that jrordans's occupation of west bank was "illegal".

sorry friendo. :)
I have just finished watching that video just after I posted it. That proves you haven't watched it. You haven't because you are afraid to watch it. You can't handle the truth.

I have enough kniowledge about this history to speak for myslf and not post videos to talk for me.

someday u will do the same.

or you can start now and tell us what "facts" are in your little movie.

Gardener you cant just make claims without backing it up. Where your sources ?

Jordan anannexed the Wwest Bank.

Only britajin recognized thius.

but no country ever said that jordan's occupation ofg the west bank was ilelgal.

not once,. not ever.

there is no evidence at all that anyone evr did this. caroline will not present any evdience because it doesn't exist.

no countries or the UN ever said that jrordans's occupation of west bank was "illegal".

sorry friendo. :)
And now Gardener is going to explain to us why these Arabs who are calling themselves Palestinians now never raised their voices and demanded a state when Jordan and Egypt were administering the two territories. Was it because they didn't mind that other Arabs were governing them, but they couldn't stand the thought of Jews administering those two areas?
And now Gardener is going to explain to us why these Arabs who are calling themselves Palestinians now never raised their voices and demanded a state when Jordan and Egypt were administering the two territories. Was it because they didn't mind that other Arabs were governing them, but they couldn't stand the thought of Jews administering those two areas?

the Palestinians thought and preayed that Jordan and egyopt would respect {palestinian rights. but this proved to be not true so they killed king abdullah.

when jordan annexed the west bank the arab league tried to kick out jordan. Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt all tried to do this but it was veteod by little Yemen and Iraq.

history is your friend, dumbass. :)
And now Gardener is going to explain to us why these Arabs who are calling themselves Palestinians now never raised their voices and demanded a state when Jordan and Egypt were administering the two territories. Was it because they didn't mind that other Arabs were governing them, but they couldn't stand the thought of Jews administering those two areas?

the Palestinians thought and preayed that Jordan and egyopt would respect {palestinian rights. but this proved to be not true so they killed king abdullah.

when jordan annexed the west bank the arab league tried to kick out jordan. Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt all tried to do this but it was veteod by little Yemen and Iraq.

history is your friend, dumbass. :)
Now, Gardener, by calling people dumbasses all the time doesn't make the viewers think that you know it all -- all they will think it is you who are the dumbass. Meanwhile, the Arabs were not clamoring for a state when Egypt and Jordan were administering the areas, and I think it is obvious to many people who are not anti-Semites that it was OK for the Arabs to be governed by other Arabs but it was just catastrophic for the Jews to be governing any Arabs when the Jews should just be the Dhimmis of the Arabs.
Now, Gardener, by calling people dumbasses all the time doesn't make the viewers think that you know it all -- all they will think it is you who are the dumbass. Meanwhile, the Arabs were not clamoring for a state when Egypt and Jordan were administering the areas, and I think it is obvious to many people who are not anti-Semites that it was OK for the Arabs to be governed by other Arabs but it was just catastrophic for the Jews to be governing any Arabs when the Jews should just be the Dhimmis of the Arabs.

how many Paletsinian homes did the Jordanians demolish????????????????????????

how many palestinian refugees did the jordanians make?????????????????????????????????????????

how many palestinian land did the jordanians confiscate with no money payment and build nice homes for jordanians???????????????????

how many roadbocks did jordan set up and fence and walls to make life aliving nightmare for the palestinians????????????????????????????????????/

how many palestiniane lost their right to live in the wesat bank because they went away for a few months to see relatibves under Jordan???????????????????????????????????????

compared to the Israelis the Jordanians treated Palestinians like Queens and Kings!!!!!!!!!!

and u wonder why the pallaestinians didn't hate Jordan!!!!!
Still no sources to back up his claims

at least i have the integrity to debate and make claims all you do is pat people u agree with on the back and say silly things to me.

are you ging to contribute to this disucssion or just keep up the backrubs?
Gardener you cant just make claims without backing it up. Where your sources ?

Jordan anannexed the Wwest Bank.

Only britajin recognized thius.

but no country ever said that jordan's occupation ofg the west bank was ilelgal.

not once,. not ever.

there is no evidence at all that anyone evr did this. caroline will not present any evdience because it doesn't exist.

no countries or the UN ever said that jrordans's occupation of west bank was "illegal".

sorry friendo. :)
And now Gardener is going to explain to us why these Arabs who are calling themselves Palestinians now never raised their voices and demanded a state when Jordan and Egypt were administering the two territories. Was it because they didn't mind that other Arabs were governing them, but they couldn't stand the thought of Jews administering those two areas?
Possibly because Jordan and Egypt weren't stealing the land and water resources of Palestinians while constructing a pair of apartheid walls?

"Another brick in Israel's apartheid wall

"A new bill being promoted by Israel's ministerial comittee, which essentially legalizes discrimination against minorities in Israel, demonstrates the vigorously anti-democratic spirit of Israel's new government."

Another brick in Israel's apartheid wall - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz
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The Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits the forcible transfer of people of one state to the territory of another state that it has occupied as a result of a war. The intention was to insure that local populations who came under occupation would not be forced to move. This is in no way relevant to the settlement issue. Jews are not being forced to go to the West Bank; on the contrary, they are voluntarily moving back to places where they, or their ancestors, once lived before being expelled by others.
In addition, those territories never legally belonged to either Jordan or Egypt, and certainly not to the Palestinians, who were never the sovereign authority in any part of Palestine. “The Jewish right of settlement in the area is equivalent in every way to the right of the local population to live there,” according to Professor Eugene Rostow, former Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. 4

As a matter of policy, moreover, Israel does not requisition private land for the establishment of settlements. Housing construction is allowed on private land only after determining that no private rights will be violated. The settlements also do not displace Arabs living in the territories. The media sometimes gives the impression that for every Jew who moves to the West Bank, several hundred Palestinians are forced to leave. The truth is that the vast majority of settlements have been built in uninhabited areas and even the handful established in or near Arab towns did not force any Palestinians to leave.

these are lies.

Jordan legaly controled the West ABnk. israelis think that only israel can conquer land in a war but arabs cant.

studies hjavbe shown that many israeli settlements are buikld on Arab private property,. even the israelis admit to this.

the Strate dept. of the USA has said agin and again that the settmenrtsd are illegal.

Wait a minute.

How did Jordan conquer Palestinian land? Jordan and Palestine were not at war.

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