More History Before 1967

Still no sources to back up his claims

at least i have the integrity to debate and make claims all you do is pat people u agree with on the back and say silly things to me.

are you ging to contribute to this disucssion or just keep up the backrubs?

But all; of that means nothing without sources.

Still nothing to back up your claim ? Anything ?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Not exactly.

Wait a minute.

How did Jordan conquer Palestinian land? Jordan and Palestine were not at war.

jordan foguth israel for the land and won the land.

Jordan won Palestinian land from Israel?

Jordan took the West Bank in 1948, which was taken from the Territorial Trusteeship under the UN. In 1950, Jordan brought the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, formally under its jurisdiction.

Most Respectfully,
Jordan won Palestinian land from Israel?

israel and jordan fought over palestinian land.

israel won some of it jordan won some of it.

Nobody won the 1948 war.

An armistice was called by UN Security Council resolution. Nobody surrendered and nobody was defeated. No land was transferred to anyone.


the UN recognized israel's winning of palestinian land and let that land become parts of israel.

jordan won arab palestine and the british and usa recognized the annex of the west bank (arab palestine) to jordan.

Transjordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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israel and jordan fought over palestinian land.

israel won some of it jordan won some of it.

Nobody won the 1948 war.

An armistice was called by UN Security Council resolution. Nobody surrendered and nobody was defeated. No land was transferred to anyone.


the UN recognized israel's winning of palestinian land and let that land become parts of israel.

jordan won arab palestine and the british and usa recognized the annex of the west bank (arab palestine) to jordan.

Transjordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you quote a link?
Can you quote a link?

u want a link for proof that the United nations accepted israel's borders in 1949?

lol youre pretty funny are you saying the UN only acceptd the UN res 181 borders for israel?

haaaa haaaaa!!!!!!!!!


The borders proposed by resolution 181 never became borders.

Israel was defined by armistice lines that were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries. The UN does not recognize any real borders for Israel because Israel has no borders.
The borders proposed by resolution 181 never became borders.

Israel was defined by armistice lines that were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries. The UN does not recognize any real borders for Israel because Israel has no borders.

you got a link with evidencee?

israel has no official borders wit egypt?

israel has no official borders with jordan?

israel has no official borders with lebanon?

haa haaaa!!!!!! OMG whrre do u get this stuff?
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The borders proposed by resolution 181 never became borders.

Israel was defined by armistice lines that were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries. The UN does not recognize any real borders for Israel because Israel has no borders.

you got a link with evidencee?

israel has no official borders wit egypt?

israel has no official borders with jordan?

israel has no official borders with lebanon?

haa haaaa!!!!!! OMG whrre do u get this stuff?

Armistice lines.
Still no sources to back up his claims
Isn't it hilarious that he says Jordan treated the "Palestinians" better? In his dreams!!!! Not only did Israel do many things for the Arabs when they started administering the territories, but Gardener also conveniently forgets that the previous King of Jordan, with the help of the Pakistani Army, murdered thousands and thousands of Palestinians. I guess when Arabs kill other Arabs it is of no consequence to him.
Jordan anannexed the Wwest Bank.

Only britajin recognized thius.

but no country ever said that jordan's occupation ofg the west bank was ilelgal.

not once,. not ever.

there is no evidence at all that anyone evr did this. caroline will not present any evdience because it doesn't exist.

no countries or the UN ever said that jrordans's occupation of west bank was "illegal".

sorry friendo. :)
And now Gardener is going to explain to us why these Arabs who are calling themselves Palestinians now never raised their voices and demanded a state when Jordan and Egypt were administering the two territories. Was it because they didn't mind that other Arabs were governing them, but they couldn't stand the thought of Jews administering those two areas?
Possibly because Jordan and Egypt weren't stealing the land and water resources of Palestinians while constructing a pair of apartheid walls?

"Another brick in Israel's apartheid wall

"A new bill being promoted by Israel's ministerial comittee, which essentially legalizes discrimination against minorities in Israel, demonstrates the vigorously anti-democratic spirit of Israel's new government."

Another brick in Israel's apartheid wall - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz
Could it be, Georgie Boy, because the Egyptians and Jordanians didn't care about these particular Arabs do did nothing to elevate their lot when it comes to such things as putting in infrastructure? Meanwhile, I don't think you realize, being the anti-Semite you are, how the Arabs in the territories must have been up in arms that the Jews were going to administer the areas. We can chip in, Georgie Boy, and send you to Israel where you can ask the Arabs if they prefer to live in Israel or in any other Middle East country. I know that Georgie Boy will like to accommodate the viewers and give them another Israeli newspapers report on this.
Still no sources to back up his claims
Isn't it hilarious that he says Jordan treated the "Palestinians" better? In his dreams!!!! Not only did Israel do many things for the Arabs when they started administering the territories, but Gardener also conveniently forgets that the previous King of Jordan, with the help of the Pakistani Army, murdered thousands and thousands of Palestinians. I guess when Arabs kill other Arabs it is of no consequence to him.

we should do a poll in Palestine asking the Palestinian people if they would rather be ruled by Jordan or Izrael.

i wonder how that poll wold look.


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