More Evidence That Covid Is A Scam

You're simply a parrot for the propaganda.
I’m speaking of first hand experience. You’re just reposting random garbage you read on the internet.

Your ignorance on the topic is unsurprising but you choose to condescend to the people that do. Truly the sign of a weak mind.

Let's check:

Why are the Democrats working so hard to create a panic, and inflate the numbers dying from the virus?

CORONER: 40% Of Colorado County’s COVID Deaths Were Actually Gunshot Wounds

“Pa. removes more than 200 deaths from official coronavirus count as questions mount about reporting process, data accuracy” Pa. removes more than 200 deaths from official coronavirus count as questions mount about reporting process, data accuracy

"Governor Lamont of Connecticut LIED about a baby's death.
[Candace Owens] "has investigated and called out those who have falsely claimed that COVID-19 has claimed the life of children. More specifically, that it claimed the life of a 17-year-old boy in California and an infant in Connecticut.
The infant involved seems to have passed away from a “terrible accident at home,” where it was accidentally suffocated by a caretaker."

Candace Owens: I just caught the CT governor lying about an infant dying from the coronavirus

Owens: Lamont flat out lied regarding the infant death. The child did test positive for the virus but that was not the cause of death.

“Man who died after falling from ladder ruled a coronavirus death by doctors: Report

A Croatian construction worker, who fell off a ladder to his death, has reportedly been ruled a coronavirus death by doctors."

“Coroner: State included a murder-suicide in Grand’s COVID deaths

News News | December 15, 2020 The Grand County coroner is disputing the number of COVID-19 deaths the state is reporting for the county. Coroner: State included a murder-suicide in Grand’s COVID deaths

“Florida COVID-19 fatalities data included man who died in motorcycle accident

Laura Dyrda (Twitter) - Monday, July 20th, 2020 Print | Email

A man who died in a motorcycle accident was counted among the COVID-19 related deaths in the state, leading to questions about whether the state's reported coronavirus death rates are accurate, according to Fox 35 Orlando.” Florida COVID-19 fatalities data included man who died in motorcycle accident: A man who died in a motorcycle accident was counted among the COVID-19 related deaths in the state, leading to questions about whether the state's reported coronavirus death rates are accurate, according to Fox 35 Orlando.
One has to be truly heartless and an extreme cultist to deny the reality that is this pandemic and the deaths. Heart issues are more intense a problem with Covid, that is medical fact. Genetics is too complicated for Trump cultists.

For the reader see

'Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs' by Michael T. Osterholm, Mark Olshaker

Deadliest Enemy

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."

'Coronavirus is our future | Alanna Shaikh | TEDxSMU'

'In our work fact-checking political claims and debunking viral deceptions, we have found a tremendous amount of misinformation on the coronavirus pandemic.'

Letlow had surgery to remove a COVID-related blood clot. He underwent another procedure for the clot and suffered a heart attack.

It sounds covid related to me.

As a patient who has had a few clots removed in the past, it caught my attention when I read earlier in the year that Covid-19 causes blood clots. Big ones that they can't remove on the first try.
So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway.

We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff.

And we wonder why we can't get it under control.

They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
By "this stuff," you mean truth?
Your obedient Trumpster truth, sure.

Where is that list of Trump policies that are anti-American?
I asked you a question: Who is going to be the judge here?
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.
Then why is Trump bragging about the Pfizer vaccine?

Can you name another such vaccine that a President got produced in such record time???

Where's the gratitude?
Can you name a recent Democratic president that had a pandemic kill hundreds of thousands of people, requiring a vaccine. By the way, Trump didn't help in the creation of this vaccine.
What is wrong with you screwballs?
They don't care.

There's a great deal of evidence about the damaged caused by the virus. Our microbiologist daughter says that as these new strains appear, the long term damage is becoming more severe. Heart, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, circulation, more.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They are sociopaths, which is why a sociopath like Trump is so attractive to them.

Who are you going to blame if Trump is gone? He seems to be your fall guy for everything.

The ‘New Strain’ of COVID Propaganda

Politicians and “public health experts” around the world are using faulty models on a new variant of the novel coronavirus in order to cover for their failures in stopping its spread, while simultaneously leveraging the issue to demand renewed lockdowns and other punishing restrictions. Not much is known about the so-called “new strain” of the virus, but that hasn’t stopped the ruling class from using it to their advantage.

The latest narrative, which is being used as a vector for endless amounts of COVID-19 panic and fear mongering, is related to the claim that there is a new mutation of the novel coronavirus spreading, which is claimed to be much more contagious — a claimed 70%(!) increase in transmissibility — than the original dominant variant.

Here’s the problem with that claim: it’s based solely on a single model put together by a team of epidemiologists with a track record of failure. There is no actual evidence that the new variant of the coronavirus is any more or less transmissible or deadly than previous strains.

The 70% projection was first brought to our attention by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who, in a panicked address before his nation, appeared to blame the mutation for his government’s failure to “stop the spread” of the coronavirus through brutal draconian restrictions. He used the “new mutation” excuse to justify both his failures, and his doubling down on “tier 4” lockdowns to try to “stop the spread” of the new variant.

Read on:


View attachment 435439
A meme from "Patriot Post". Okay, QAnon.

As vapid a response as is every one of yours.

Where is that list you promised of anti-American policies by Trump?

I told you I'd put a cork in your pie hole.
Who is going to judge our responses? Why don't you want to answer me?

Just kidding. I know why.
So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway.

We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff.

And we wonder why we can't get it under control.

They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
By "this stuff," you mean truth?
Your obedient Trumpster truth, sure.

Where is that list of Trump policies that are anti-American?
I asked you a question: Who is going to be the judge here?

Anyone looking at the list I provided recognized the anti-American intentions of the Democrats.

We've just proven that you are the lying windbag that every reader of your posts always recognized.

Now, have a Happy New Year, and come back ready to re-assume your role as the usual piñata .
So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway.

We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff.

And we wonder why we can't get it under control.

They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
By "this stuff," you mean truth?
Your obedient Trumpster truth, sure.

Where is that list of Trump policies that are anti-American?
I asked you a question: Who is going to be the judge here?

Anyone looking at the list I provided recognized the anti-American intentions of the Democrats.

We've just proven that you are the lying windbag that every reader of your posts always recognized.

Now, have a Happy New Year, and come back ready to re-assume your role as the usual piñata .
Yeah, I didn't think so.

You're a coward and a liar. In other words, a fine Trumpster.
Organs shut down because the blood thickens up

Now stop being a worthless bioterrorist, and pretend that you have some loyalty to this country
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.
Then why is Trump bragging about the Pfizer vaccine?

Can you name another such vaccine that a President got produced in such record time???

Where's the gratitude?
Can you name a recent Democratic president that had a pandemic kill hundreds of thousands of people, requiring a vaccine. By the way, Trump didn't help in the creation of this vaccine.
Can you name a Democrat president who had a planet killing meteor land during his administration.

Trump didn't help with creating vaccine? Are you giving Biden the credit?

You realize that you're a fucking moron, don't you?
Almost 4,000 people died YESTERDAY from this "scam"
These sociopaths don't care. If they think it hurts Trump politically, they don't care.

That's their priority, above all death & suffering of Americans.
The sad thing is that there is no political future for Trump.

That ship sailed
Sure there is, especially since we will spend the next four years showing how Biden swindled the election. Most Americans already know it.
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Letlow had surgery to remove a COVID-related blood clot. He underwent another procedure for the clot and suffered a heart attack.

It sounds covid related to me.

As a patient who has had a few clots removed in the past, it caught my attention when I read earlier in the year that Covid-19 causes blood clots. Big ones that they can't remove on the first try.
Since when are blood clots a symptom of COVID?

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