More Evidence That Covid Is A Scam

First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.
What noble purpose does your argument serve?

We know the pandemic is real as we are suffering under it. We know the logistics of getting vaccines into people has been yet another example of Trump administration incompetence. We know people we have lost to this pandemic.

But all your argument does is further erode confidence in science and evidence based fact. You serve as a hunderence to effective developments, technology and expertise. We need truth, not Luddites. Experts not conspiracists. Knowledge not blind partisan ignorance.

With your stupid arguments, you lose credibility, a commodity that comes in handy where persuasion is concerned.
By "this stuff," you mean truth?
You guys only believe what is convenient. A lot of Trump supporters have extremely weak minds.

Here's your opportunity to test that theory: let's see who can think and who just follows orders.

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which Leftists are not prepared.
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.
What noble purpose does your argument serve?

We know the pandemic is real as we are suffering under it. We know the logistics of getting vaccines into people has been yet another example of Trump administration incompetence. We know people we have lost to this pandemic.

But all your argument does is further erode confidence in science and evidence based fact. You serve as a hunderence to effective developments, technology and expertise. We need truth, not Luddites. Experts not conspiracists. Knowledge not blind partisan ignorance.

With your stupid arguments, you lose credibility, a commodity that comes in handy where persuasion is concerned.
Everything you know is wrong.
So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway.

We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff.

And we wonder why we can't get it under control.

They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
By "this stuff," you mean truth?
Your obedient Trumpster truth, sure.

Where is that list of Trump policies that are anti-American?
So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway.

We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff.

And we wonder why we can't get it under control.

They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
By "this stuff," you mean truth?
Your obedient Trumpster truth, sure.
Truth is truth, moron. There is no "your truth" or "my truth."
So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway.

We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff.

And we wonder why we can't get it under control.

They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
By "this stuff," you mean truth?
Your obedient Trumpster truth, sure.

Where is that list of Trump policies that are anti-American?

His refusal to go after those employing illegals.
You should try playing one of the other 80 key, Johnny-One-Note.
I should do what I want. Period. I prefer, get ready for it, intellectual honesty- that requires a full presentation and an objective analysis- subjective is one side- fyi- one note.

Spoken like a true intellectual infant.

Numerous times you were challenged to produce some Republican comparison to this....a and you couldn't.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,
and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
And, perhaps you can offer your analysis of which Trump policy turned Americans against his policies. could if there were any.

Either be honest, or a windbag.
But first, tell me: Who is going to judge which policies are anti-American?

Our very constitution guarantees us the right to assembly. Denying people the right to assembly is unconstitutional, therefore unAmerican. In our country, we are guaranteed equal treatment before the law. The intentional prevention of the ability to earn a living for some but not others violates that guarantee, so is UnAmerican. We are a sovereign nation with the right to control our borders and select who is allowed in and who isn't. Pressure to eliminate this ability in order to usher in untold millions simply because they are likely to vote in a certain way undermines sovereignty and is unAmerican.

It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which political party is leading the charge in all these regards.

Sadly, our Constitution has been put on the back burner since the 32nd President.

And the bogus Supreme Court just validated the loss of said guidance.

What is wrong with you screwballs?
They don't care.

There's a great deal of evidence about the damaged caused by the virus. Our microbiologist daughter says that as these new strains appear, the long term damage is becoming more severe. Heart, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, circulation, more.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They are sociopaths, which is why a sociopath like Trump is so attractive to them.

Watch me put a cork in your pie hole:

What are the symptoms of the Wuhan Red Death?

What are the symptoms of the average season flu?
Many of the symptoms are similar, but the primary difference is that COVID attacks the heart and lungs significantly more aggressively, and it is generally that feature that is the reason the death rate for COVID is approximately five times higher than that of the flu.

But we are also seeing far more significant long term damage and effects from COVID than from the flu for those who survive it, which I specified above.

You are out of your league. You're just an obedient Trumpster. I believe my sources far more than anything someone like you would claim.

Answer the question.

What are the symptoms of the Wuhan Red Death?

What are the symptoms of the average season flu?

Same number of deaths, yet we didn't shut down the economy for the flu.

A decade ago, over the course of a year, the H1N1 flu infected 60 million Americans, but claimed only 12,469 lives, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Keep that number in mind.

And remember, no one demanded that the economy be shut down over 12 thousand deaths.

Today, of course, the number of deaths being attributed to this flu is in the neighborhood of 250,000.

Watch this:

the CDC says only 6% of that number are actually Wuhan deaths, the total number is from the usual sources: heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia, possibly with the Wuhan as a factor….or not.

6% of that bogus number is about 15 thousand…..pretty close to the H1N1, factoring in the increase in population of the country.

Here is the 6% explanation from the CDC:


Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups. For data on comorbidities, Click here to download.

COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics

Table 3. Conditions contributing to deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), by age group, United States. Week ending 2/1/2020 to 11/7/2020.*
Updated November 12, 2020

Number of Conditions
Age Group
Conditions Contributing to Deaths where COVID-19 was listed on the death certificate1
ICD–10 codes
All ages
0–24 years
25–34 years
35–44 years
45–54 years
55–64 years
65–74 years
75–84 years
85 years and over
Total COVID-19 deaths2, as of 11/7/2020U071220,7044851,7044,38311,61827,89247,70358,83068,084
Says the brainwashed Biden minion.
Why? Because I don’t believe Hugo Chavez teamed up with Biden to steal the election with a secret CIA server in Germany?

Is that the kind of stuff I’ve been brainwashed to not believe?
I'm gonna give your considered opinion all the respect it deserves.

In the future try not to use the Magic 8-Ball for your knowledge.
One of us has experience providing medical care for those infected with COVID.

You're simply a parrot for the propaganda.

"Bible Experts Determine Goliath Died Of COVID-19


ISRAEL—Working at an archaeological dig in the Valley of Elah, Bible experts have come up with an interesting theory concerning the death of Goliath, hulking giant of the Philistines who fought David in one-on-one combat.

Though he did have severe head trauma and neck problems, his death is now being counted as a COVID-19 death.
"While we didn't test him per se, he exhibited a lot of the symptoms of COVID-19," said one Bible scholar as he carefully worked to unearth some ancient face masks from Bible times. "The wooziness, the falling down, the headache -- it's all pretty clearly indicative of the novel coronavirus." He also stated that the virus ran rampant among the Philistines because they did not social distance, while Israel was relatively safe because King Saul declared a lockdown.
One researcher suggested that Goliath did not die of coronavirus but simply ODed, having been stoned. But then the other researchers realized he was telling a dad joke and told him to shut up and keep digging.
At publishing time, scholars had proposed that everyone who died in the Flood, the Israelite conquest of Canaan, and the flattening of Sodom and Gomorrah also died of COVID-19."
CAUTION: This is a Q-Anon infected thread.
All alleged evidence is conspiracy theory based.
Yeah. This is who they are. They don't give two shits about deaths and long term damage.

The obligatory vulgarity.

Being neither articulate nor informed, yet desirous of making a forceful presentation, the lesser poster resorts to a default to vulgarity.

That is the effect truth has on these dolts.
You're simply a parrot for the propaganda.
I’m speaking of first hand experience. You’re just reposting random garbage you read on the internet.

Your ignorance on the topic is unsurprising but you choose to condescend to the people that do. Truly the sign of a weak mind.
CAUTION: This is a Q-Anon infected thread.
All alleged evidence is conspiracy theory based.
Yeah. This is who they are. They don't give two shits about deaths and long term damage.
It's sad a thread like this remains in the Political Forum for so long. Should have been sent to the rubber room or conspiracy theories on day one.

The number one aim of a totalitarian: silence or marginalize any disagreement.

I am surprised that you don’t feel conspicuous, marching around in that brown shirt and the helmet with the spike on top….
What is wrong with you screwballs?
They don't care.

There's a great deal of evidence about the damaged caused by the virus. Our microbiologist daughter says that as these new strains appear, the long term damage is becoming more severe. Heart, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, circulation, more.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They are sociopaths, which is why a sociopath like Trump is so attractive to them.

Who are you going to blame if Trump is gone? He seems to be your fall guy for everything.

The ‘New Strain’ of COVID Propaganda

Politicians and “public health experts” around the world are using faulty models on a new variant of the novel coronavirus in order to cover for their failures in stopping its spread, while simultaneously leveraging the issue to demand renewed lockdowns and other punishing restrictions. Not much is known about the so-called “new strain” of the virus, but that hasn’t stopped the ruling class from using it to their advantage.

The latest narrative, which is being used as a vector for endless amounts of COVID-19 panic and fear mongering, is related to the claim that there is a new mutation of the novel coronavirus spreading, which is claimed to be much more contagious — a claimed 70%(!) increase in transmissibility — than the original dominant variant.

Here’s the problem with that claim: it’s based solely on a single model put together by a team of epidemiologists with a track record of failure. There is no actual evidence that the new variant of the coronavirus is any more or less transmissible or deadly than previous strains.

The 70% projection was first brought to our attention by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who, in a panicked address before his nation, appeared to blame the mutation for his government’s failure to “stop the spread” of the coronavirus through brutal draconian restrictions. He used the “new mutation” excuse to justify both his failures, and his doubling down on “tier 4” lockdowns to try to “stop the spread” of the new variant.

Read on:


View attachment 435439
A meme from "Patriot Post". Okay, QAnon.

As vapid a response as is every one of yours.

Where is that list you promised of anti-American policies by Trump?

I told you I'd put a cork in your pie hole.
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.
What noble purpose does your argument serve?

We know the pandemic is real as we are suffering under it. We know the logistics of getting vaccines into people has been yet another example of Trump administration incompetence. We know people we have lost to this pandemic.

But all your argument does is further erode confidence in science and evidence based fact. You serve as a hunderence to effective developments, technology and expertise. We need truth, not Luddites. Experts not conspiracists. Knowledge not blind partisan ignorance.

With your stupid arguments, you lose credibility, a commodity that comes in handy where persuasion is concerned.

Illustrative of how little thinking went into belief in the Wuhan Scam, by Democrat supporters, watch the deer-in-the-headlights look when they are asked these two questions:

What are the symptoms of the Wuhan Red Death?

What are the symptoms of the seasonal flu?

The diseases actually responsible for the most deaths are heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia.

And the pretended number for the Wuhan came from this…

“Reported cases of influenza reached record lows last week, with fewer than 40 diagnoses recorded during Dec. 13-19.

In week 51 of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's "FluView" data monitoring system, 36 positive flu tests were documented. This marks a steep decrease from last year's total of 7,703 cases during the same time frame.” Ibid.

They change the cause from the above to the Wuhan Red Death.

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