More evidence of Trump’s mental decline? Trump takes another cognitive exam.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock, repeat five words and draw a picture of an animal, among other things. This raises a number of disturbing questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests, much less two cognitive tests, other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. More and more people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

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Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock?

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

Could repeated calls by lefty politicians, journalists, and academics to implement the 25th Amendment and remove Trump from office based on theories that he's mentally unfit to lead have anything to do with his apparent desire to prove that his brain functions properly? Is it possible that such a boastful man is insecure enough about what people think of him that he'll go to sometimes silly lengths to prove that accusations against his character or capacity are false?

Nah, the ONLY reasonable explanation is that he's genocidally insane and doing everything in his power to hide it from us!
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
So elaborate stop with the dissertations in length.
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
This is Trump who bragged about acing this “test”. Stop blaming others for Trump’s dementia-like behavior.
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Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
This is Trump who bagged about acing this “test”. Stop blaming others for Trump’s dementia-like behavior.

I'm more concerned with your TDS "dementia-like" obsession and behavior actually..
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
This is Trump who bagged about acing this “test”. Stop blaming others for Trump’s dementia-like behavior.

I'm more concerned with your TDS "dementia-like" behavior actually..
Lol..TDS what a sorry come back. Try again. It is Trump that bragged about the cognitive test. I think Trumpers must have dementia by osmosis That is the only explanation for Trumpist inanity.
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
So elaborate stop with the dissertations in length.

I limit my pearls to TDS swines due to their limited cognitive abilities.. ;) ..
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
So elaborate stop with the dissertations in length.

I limit my pearls to TDS swines due to their limited cognitive abilities.. ;) ..
Unfortunately you are a sad case. So far in denial that you refuse to see what is right in front you. You refuse to hear or accept Trump’s own words. That is sad. Very sad.
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
This is Trump who bagged about acing this “test”. Stop blaming others for Trump’s dementia-like behavior.

I'm more concerned with your TDS "dementia-like" behavior actually..
Lol..TDS what a sorry come back. Try again. It is Trump that bragged about the cognitive test. I think Trumpers must have dementia by osmosis That is the only explanation for Trumpist inanity.

You are not cognitive of your extreme case of TDS ... correct ..?
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
This is Trump who bagged about acing this “test”. Stop blaming others for Trump’s dementia-like behavior.

I'm more concerned with your TDS "dementia-like" behavior actually..
Lol..TDS what a sorry come back. Try again. It is Trump that bragged about the cognitive test. I think Trumpers must have dementia by osmosis That is the only explanation for Trumpist inanity.

You are not cognitive of your extreme case of TDS ... correct ..?
LOL..It is not worth arguing with you. You have your head is so far up Trump’s backside that even the jaws of life can’t pull you out.

We need to focus on Trump’s mental decline and the reason Trump’s doctors thought he needed to be re-examined.
Last edited:
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
So elaborate stop with the dissertations in length.

I limit my pearls to TDS swines due to their limited cognitive abilities.. ;) ..
Is that why you like pigs feet so much?
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
So elaborate stop with the dissertations in length.

I limit my pearls to TDS swines due to their limited cognitive abilities.. ;) ..
Unfortunately you are a sad case. So far in denial that you refuse to see what is right in front you. You refuse to hear or accept Trump’s own words. That is sad. Very sad.

I agree with this part ..

President Trump on Thursday volunteered to Sean Hannity, the Fox News host, that he “very recently” took a test at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center measuring his mental acuity and “aced” it.

The rest is petty well bullshit ..
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
So elaborate stop with the dissertations in length.

I limit my pearls to TDS swines due to their limited cognitive abilities.. ;) ..
Unfortunately you are a sad case. So far in denial that you refuse to see what is right in front you. You refuse to hear or accept Trump’s own words. That is sad. Very sad.

I agree with this part ..

President Trump on Thursday volunteered to Sean Hannity, the Fox News host, that he “very recently” took a test at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center measuring his mental acuity and “aced” it.

The rest is bullshit ..
Don’t you think it disturbing that Trump’s doctors thought he should take another test? What president in history has had to take TWO Alzheimers tests? Who brags they aced such a test? Who brags they could draw a clock or an elephant? Who brags they even took such a test for heaven’s sake? There is something very disturbing here, whether you wish to admit it or not.
Trump recently bragged he ”aced ” a cognitive test. As you will recall those tests require that you draw a picture of a clock and repeat five words. This raises a number of serious questions.

First, what did Trump’s doctors see in Trump that they thought that Trump should retake the dementia test? How is it that’s we’ve a president who is in charge of the nuclear codes who brags he can draw a clock? No other president I can recall has had to take these tests other than Trump.

Trump‘s mental fitness in office has never been more in question. Most people can see that Trump is in severe mental decline. Remember Trump has a family history of Alzheimers and dementia. He seems to be keeping with the family tradition.

New York Times and MSNBC ... TDS Democratic Party "stupid" News for the cognitively impaired and socially butt-hurt... ;)
So elaborate stop with the dissertations in length.

I limit my pearls to TDS swines due to their limited cognitive abilities.. ;) ..
Is that why you like pigs feet so much?

Sheesh .. you're trying to hard Moonglow ... whatever happened to your sense of humor and fairness..?

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