More Europeans Will Die from Energy Crisis Than Ukraine War?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California

"More people will perish in Europe this winter because of unaffordable household energy costs than those who have died on the battlefield in the Ukraine war, according to research by the British weekly newspaper The Economist.

"Last week, the United Nations said the official civilian death toll from the Ukraine war has risen to nearly 6,900, with civilian injuries topping 10,000.

"Whilst the death of military forces in Ukraine has been difficult to verify, the number of soldiers thought to have died in Ukraine is estimated at 25,000-30,000 for each side.

"The Economist modeled the effect of the unprecedented hike in gas and electricity bills this winter and concluded that the current cost of energy will likely lead to an extra 147,000 deaths if it is a typical winter."

Estimate for "a particularly harsh winter" range between 185,000 to 335,000 extra European lives.

Do you believe governments across Western Europe should be alarmed by these numbers?
Alarmed yes, but what are they to do? It's their fault for relying so much on Russia pre-war. If Only some dipshit in the U.S. could loosen up regulations and let oil companies drill here, so we could sell it to them over there...
Since Russia is much closer to Europe than the US, doesn't it make sense for Europeans to rely on Russia for their oil and gas?
Since Russia is much closer to Europe than the US, doesn't it make sense for Europeans to rely on Russia for their oil and gas?

Yes and no. They should have known Russia wasn't to be trusted, they never have been one to trust. It's why we avoid buying oil from Venezuela, because it's a shitty country with horrible leadership.

"More people will perish in Europe this winter because of unaffordable household energy costs than those who have died on the battlefield in the Ukraine war, according to research by the British weekly newspaper The Economist.

"Last week, the United Nations said the official civilian death toll from the Ukraine war has risen to nearly 6,900, with civilian injuries topping 10,000.

"Whilst the death of military forces in Ukraine has been difficult to verify, the number of soldiers thought to have died in Ukraine is estimated at 25,000-30,000 for each side.

"The Economist modeled the effect of the unprecedented hike in gas and electricity bills this winter and concluded that the current cost of energy will likely lead to an extra 147,000 deaths if it is a typical winter."

Estimate for "a particularly harsh winter" range between 185,000 to 335,000 extra European lives.

Do you believe governments across Western Europe should be alarmed by these numbers?
I can't imagine how can this happen? Well, of course you may hear someone say he's freezing to death in his apartment to mean that it's colder there than usually but freezing literally! Is this the Europe the Ukies were so eager to get to that they destroyed their own country in order to do that?
Alarmed yes, but what are they to do? It's their fault for relying so much on Russia pre-war. If Only some dipshit in the U.S. could loosen up regulations and let oil companies drill here, so we could sell it to them over there...
It isn't just that. The UK only got around 5% of its gas from Russia and our bills have tripled or more. There is something else going on.
Alarmed yes, but what are they to do? It's their fault for relying so much on Russia pre-war. If Only some dipshit in the U.S. could loosen up regulations and let oil companies drill here, so we could sell it to them over there...
Vey reasonable comment .

So why did the trouser wetting pedo do otherwise ?

Crime syndicate decisions perhaps ?

" Oooh Hunter my darling boy , suppose they find out about Burisma and our Nazi pals "

"More people will perish in Europe this winter because of unaffordable household energy costs than those who have died on the battlefield in the Ukraine war, according to research by the British weekly newspaper The Economist.

"Last week, the United Nations said the official civilian death toll from the Ukraine war has risen to nearly 6,900, with civilian injuries topping 10,000.

"Whilst the death of military forces in Ukraine has been difficult to verify, the number of soldiers thought to have died in Ukraine is estimated at 25,000-30,000 for each side.

"The Economist modeled the effect of the unprecedented hike in gas and electricity bills this winter and concluded that the current cost of energy will likely lead to an extra 147,000 deaths if it is a typical winter."

Estimate for "a particularly harsh winter" range between 185,000 to 335,000 extra European lives.

Do you believe governments across Western Europe should be alarmed by these numbers?
The economist is right about the massive increase on top of high inflation and the fact that many workers have not had a pay rise in four years while inflation went on then as well.....and it seems to be part of a bigger thing where people's standard of living is being strongly attacked.

However as to governments letting people die over the winter... well certainly in Western Europe I suspect that would just be people who were too scared to use it - possibly some elderly. For those most in need, the elderly and even those on benefits I think as well as those on a very low income, the Government in the UK is giving massive handouts. Everyone else is getting money to help them as well until the Spring. Then it will only be those most in need. I believe Germany is doing something much the same and I imagine so are other European countries as needed.

However apart from Scotland, particularly the Highlands and the other countries to the North, it has been a very warm winter. 20C degrees in Spain on Christmas day and the rest not far off so it more looks like most places are not going to need so much heating this year. Last year was the hottest year ever for the UK.

The economist is right to bring up this possibility. It is unacceptable for Governments to allow people to be in this situation. Of course for most of Europe a big problem has been that the US has been selling its Gas to them at four times what it charges people in the US. That on top of blowing up the pipeline with the UK is not how allies act towards each other. If it does, result in any deaths .....
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It isn't just that. The UK only got around 5% of its gas from Russia and our bills have tripled or more. There is something else going on.
US congressperson Katy Porter may have supplied the answer to what else is driving inflation:

The man many regard as the patron saint of capitalism, Adam Smith, explained how the merchants and manufacturers of his day could not gather for any social occasion for more than a few minutes before the conversation turned to fleecing their customers more efficiently.
Adam Smith, explained how the merchants and manufacturers of his day could not gather for any social occasion for more than a few minutes before the conversation turned to fleecing their customers more efficiently.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
Germany had been getting its gas from Russia for fifty years with no problems.
And they could have very well continued to do that if it hadn't been for some mental disorder or, I don't know, what's that, Americans may have on them that makes them shoot in their own heads?
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