More Economic GOOD NEWS: Stocks log strongest 1st Quarter in 12 years


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Stocks log strongest 1st quarter in 12 years -

Don't be lulled by the lazy calm that has settled over Wall Street the past several weeks. The stock market is on a roll.
Stocks are coming off their best first-quarter performance in a dozen years, up 4.9% year-to-date, says Standard & Poor's. It's the fourth consecutive up quarter, the market's best streak since the five-quarter run that ended after the third quarter of 2007, based on the broad Wilshire 5000 index.

The quarter's gains might not seem like much considering the jumps during the past three quarters as stocks roared back from bear market lows. Remember, though, that halfway through this quarter the market was on the verge of its first correction, or drop of 10%, since the bull market began.

The market's strong performance during the first quarter has some investors believing the momentum can last, especially since the first quarter historically hasn't been one of the market's best.
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Praise Allah who has blessed his loyal servant with the wisdom to guide the American economy back to health!

Allah Akbar! Hope! Change! Yes He Can! He Really Can!
So you hate all Muslims huh?

Do you also hate the muslim Americans who have fought and died for this country?
So Bush was right after all, we should have partially privatized Social Security.

After all the bleating and whining and gnashing of Lib teeth, they finally admit to the wisdom of Dubya.
So you hate all Muslims huh?

Do you also hate the muslim Americans who have fought and died for this country?

When you are intelligent enough to recognize that you do exactly the same thing with conservatives, then - and only then - can you whine at anyone else about 'hate'. Idiot.
For most middle class Americans who had their money in retirement plans, this just represents a return of their principal, not growth. For some, it means nothing, because they pulled retirement funds to keep in their homes during their job loss. Basically, this is just more disconnect of Wall Street, as most Dow Industrial stocks will have the same problems with the health care bill AT&T and Verizon have announced.
So you hate all Muslims huh?

Do you also hate the muslim Americans who have fought and died for this country?

When you are intelligent enough to recognize that you do exactly the same thing with conservatives, then - and only then - can you whine at anyone else about 'hate'. Idiot.

And you love liberals huh?

half my family are conservatives.

They are just smarter and nicer than you.
My family members are smart enough not claim Obama is a muslim..

They are smart enough to not claim he was born in Kenya.

They are smart enough to realize Bush gave us this deficit.

They are honest conservatives.
Now back to the economy.

Have you cons planned on what you will say if the economy recovers enough for the American people to really feel it before the next election?
Now back to the economy.

Have you cons planned on what you will say if the economy recovers enough for the American people to really feel it before the next election?

Absolutely. No, I'm not telling you until November.

Seriously doubt it will happen, but you should always have a contingency plan.
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Good news.

Now if the unemployment picture changes for the better that would be wonderful
For most middle class Americans who had their money in retirement plans, this just represents a return of their principal, not growth. For some, it means nothing, because they pulled retirement funds to keep in their homes during their job loss. Basically, this is just more disconnect of Wall Street, as most Dow Industrial stocks will have the same problems with the health care bill AT&T and Verizon have announced.

For those who lost half their portfolio in the 2008 collapse, this return of principle is....


That return of lost personal wealth amounted to a $6 trillion increase
Good news.

Now if the unemployment picture changes for the better that would be wonderful

The numbers will be out tomorrow...

Stay tuned for some more...ECONOMIC GOOD NEWS
Car sales are up by an average of 30%. And this is after the Cash for Clunkers program ended.

Wasn't it you right-wing types who were telling me I was an "idiot" for thinking that car sales would continue to be good after "Cash for Clunkers" ended. LOL.

GM had it's best month in years this month, and before you go off on how that because of the Toyata fiasco, it turns out Toyota sales are up too.

Wall Street is about to hit 11,000.

All other aspects of the economy have been, and are still, in recovery.

And whether the Jobless numbers meet some arbitrary expectation numbers or not, they are UP.

So, essentially, we're in pretty damn good shape relative to what was happening a short time ago.
Car sales are up by an average of 30%. And this is after the Cash for Clunkers program ended.

Wasn't it you right-wing types who were telling me I was an "idiot" for thinking that car sales would continue to be good after "Cash for Clunkers" ended. LOL.

GM had it's best month in years this month, and before you go off on how that because of the Toyata fiasco, it turns out Toyota sales are up too.

Wall Street is about to hit 11,000.

All other aspects of the economy have been, and are still, in recovery.

And whether the Jobless numbers meet some arbitrary expectation numbers or not, they are UP.

So, essentially, we're in pretty damn good shape relative to what was happening a short time ago.

GM sold more cars than last year at this time, not the best month in years, as reported by truthmatters.

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