More Democrat support for terrorists.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Not just Obama and Biden funding terrorists, but Ilhan Omar in bed with terrorist organizations under investigation by the FBI.

Shut the fuck up about supporting terrorists, shitbag.

So who funds Chinese and Russian germ warfare research?! YOU DO!!!!

HARRIS: So we could have sent money-- through EcoHealth Alliance, money could have ended up in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which might be doing gain-of-function research, and in fact, since they sent a general of the Communist Party army to take over the lab in February 2020. It’s not out of the realm of possibility they’re doing that. Because I do know that money is somewhat fungible, once you send money to institutes, that it bothers me a little bit that we would send money to an institute that might be doing gain-of-function research, especially China. Do we send any money to any sub-agencies or sub-grantees that could be sending money to Russia?

COLLINS: I don’t know the specific answer to that. I think we have in the past, and I don’t know whether we currently do or not.
Not just Obama and Biden funding terrorists, but Ilhan Omar in bed with terrorist organizations under investigation by the FBI.

Republicans are openly inviting right wing terrorist organizations to overthrow the government of the United States in order to install Donald Trump as President. That's a whole lot more dangerous to the country than Omar supporting the defence of the Palestian people from Zionist attacks which have killed hundreds of Palestinians.

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