More babies died in US than 68 other countries.

I don't consider them sluts, I consider them victims of pigs like you.

You think they are too stupid to make their own decisions... which is even worse.

And you'd happily let a Gosnell maim them.

Because I still haven't heard your brilliant plan for stopping women from having abortions.

It's called islam, you'd feel right at home in one of those countries. Need any help packing?
If only the anti-Choice fanatics were as upset about this as they are about abortion.

More US babies die day they are born than any industrialized country, report shows - Vitals

The U.S. is a worse place for newborns than 68 other countries, including Egypt, Turkey and Peru, according to a report released Tuesday by Save the Children.

A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says.

According to the bible thumping fetus materbaters, that doesn't count
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I don't consider them sluts, I consider them victims of pigs like you.

You think they are too stupid to make their own decisions... which is even worse.

And you'd happily let a Gosnell maim them.

Because I still haven't heard your brilliant plan for stopping women from having abortions.

It's called islam, you'd feel right at home in one of those countries. Need any help packing?

No, I like being free to make my own decisions and mock religious fuckwads...

The reason why we aren't keeping up in education is because you have religous assholes who think we need to teach about talking snakes in Science class, and textbooks are written to the standard of Texas, the dumbest state in the Union.
Stop turning every thread into your hatred for religious Americans, Joe. You're patronizing 80% of the American people. Not even 1% of 1% believe in snake handling, fyi, and nobody appreciates such balderdash.

I wasn't talking about "snake-handlers", who amuse the crap out of me. At least they honestly believe the bullshit.

I was talking about people who think the Genesis story, which involved- YES a talking snake - is true and needs to be taught alongside legitimate, honest science.

Every couple of years, you get some dumb-ass religious rubes who want to "teach the controversy"...

And the Europeans think we are Rubes. I don't like the Europeans laughing at us. Not sure why you do.

They already are laughing at us when they see teacher tenure and unions as being more important to throw money at than the QUALITY of education our kids receive. We still have 8th graders across this country that are barely able to meet their education level. The level of our public education should be an embarrassment to this country. How about we take the politics out of schools, like this global warming crap, and invest in something the kids actually need in life like some financial education (understanding credit cards, interest payments, various kinds of loans, etc.). I'm sure we would have less people looking to place blame on banks, for simply refusing to educate themselves before they signed their name to a loan.
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joe is all about feeding children and the public disinformation. You won't get intelligent discussion from him on this, or any other, topic. Because his sole motive is to limit the freedom of people, allow human trafficking/sex trade to function without hindrance, and establish communism. He takes joy in abortion, and supports monsters like Gosnell, and has for a very, very long time.
I don't consider them sluts, I consider them victims of pigs like you.

You think they are too stupid to make their own decisions... which is even worse.

And you'd happily let a Gosnell maim them.

Because I still haven't heard your brilliant plan for stopping women from having abortions.

How about we begin by looking at the role of men today? How often do we see, while we travel on with our lives, where the mother is having to face raising a child on her own? Maybe it's that very thought alone, that draws so many women down the pathway that leads towards an abortion? Perhaps the problem is in the men that are so easily willing to walk away from their part, as I doubt there is an outbreak of immaculate conception across this country.

It's not that women are too stupid to make their own decisions.... it's that some men happen to be too stupid to get a job and help support them
If only the anti-Choice fanatics were as upset about this as they are about abortion.

More US babies die day they are born than any industrialized country, report shows - Vitals

The U.S. is a worse place for newborns than 68 other countries, including Egypt, Turkey and Peru, according to a report released Tuesday by Save the Children.

A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says.

When it comes to a choice between taxpayer supported health care for children, and raising taxes on multibillionaires and giant corporations, the right to life republican and libertarians will give thumbs down on health care, like the spectators in the arena back in the gladiator days. (But they will pray for the sick and dead babies of course. Prayer is free) These hypocrites have proven this time and again.

The reason why we aren't keeping up in education is because you have religous assholes who think we need to teach about talking snakes in Science class, and textbooks are written to the standard of Texas, the dumbest state in the Union.
Stop turning every thread into your hatred for religious Americans, Joe. You're patronizing 80% of the American people. Not even 1% of 1% believe in snake handling, fyi, and nobody appreciates such balderdash.

I wasn't talking about "snake-handlers", who amuse the crap out of me. At least they honestly believe the bullshit.

I was talking about people who think the Genesis story, which involved- YES a talking snake - is true and needs to be taught alongside legitimate, honest science.

Every couple of years, you get some dumb-ass religious rubes who want to "teach the controversy"...

And the Europeans think we are Rubes. I don't like the Europeans laughing at us. Not sure why you do.

First of all who gives a shit about Europe? I thought you were a man of the people, not a snobby rich elitist?

Secondly I'm a big fan orf science, but explain to me the Big Bang Theory, just one day the universe blew up?
It is ever expanding? what's it expanding into?

Yeah lots of questions for you too, so quit being a faker and peddle your shit somewhere else
You think they are too stupid to make their own decisions... which is even worse.

And you'd happily let a Gosnell maim them.

Because I still haven't heard your brilliant plan for stopping women from having abortions.

It's called islam, you'd feel right at home in one of those countries. Need any help packing?

No, I like being free to make my own decisions and mock religious fuckwads...

You know...the funny thing is Joe....if they knew their religion as well as they do their rhetoric, they'd know they are wrong.
Stop turning every thread into your hatred for religious Americans, Joe. You're patronizing 80% of the American people. Not even 1% of 1% believe in snake handling, fyi, and nobody appreciates such balderdash.

I wasn't talking about "snake-handlers", who amuse the crap out of me. At least they honestly believe the bullshit.

I was talking about people who think the Genesis story, which involved- YES a talking snake - is true and needs to be taught alongside legitimate, honest science.

Every couple of years, you get some dumb-ass religious rubes who want to "teach the controversy"...

And the Europeans think we are Rubes. I don't like the Europeans laughing at us. Not sure why you do.

First of all who gives a shit about Europe? I thought you were a man of the people, not a snobby rich elitist?

Secondly I'm a big fan orf science, but explain to me the Big Bang Theory, just one day the universe blew up?
It is ever expanding? what's it expanding into?

Yeah lots of questions for you too, so quit being a faker and peddle your shit somewhere else

I don't buy the big bang theory either. What created the big bang? If that's what they call's no better....actually HARDER to believe in a creator....first....there was nothing....then a great explosion happened....damned fertilizer plants...
It's called islam, you'd feel right at home in one of those countries. Need any help packing?

No, I like being free to make my own decisions and mock religious fuckwads...

You know...the funny thing is Joe....if they knew their religion as well as they do their rhetoric, they'd know they are wrong.

Yeah, cuz all the faithful down through the centuries aren't as smart or as learned as you.

No, I like being free to make my own decisions and mock religious fuckwads...

You know...the funny thing is Joe....if they knew their religion as well as they do their rhetoric, they'd know they are wrong.

Yeah, cuz all the faithful down through the centuries aren't as smart or as learned as you.


Show me one...JUST ONE biblical scripture that condemns ending a pregnancy...just one.
It's irrelevant in this discussion...but here you go:

Crime of Killing the Unborn is Murder: "If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman's husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe." –Exodus 21:22-25
Exodus 21:22 is the first fetal homicide law and concerns the child harmed during a separate assault. Pro-abortion theologians wrongly interpret this passage to refer to miscarriage, and only if the woman also dies is the penalty then life for life. But the passage distinguishes between the baby who survives the assault and the baby who dies. The meaning turns on whether the woman has a miscarriage or gives birth prematurely. And the Hebrew verb used is NOT that for miscarriage. Therefore the passage imposes only a fine on the criminal who accidentally causes a premature birth, but the punishment is life for life if the baby then dies. This shows that God equated the life of the unborn with that of the born, and abortion with murder. This passage, like Exodus 21:33-36, 22:5-6, and others, teaches that those who cause injury are responsible for their actions, even if the harm was unintentional.

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion? | American Right To Life
I know you probably already know this, learned biblical scholar that you are, but:

"...note the word used to describe the consequence of the crime described in Exodus 21:22, "If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely," the Hebrew word for miscarriage, shaw-kole, is NOT used. If the baby came out dead, a monetary fine would indicate a less than human value for the life of the fetus. However, because Exodus 21:22 says premature birth, and not miscarriage, the passage does not support a right to kill an unborn child, as contended by many who mistranslate this text. Rather, the text values the unborn child's life equal to that of any other person. The author Moses (Mat. 12:26) mentions the idea of a baby coming out of the womb twice within three chapters. In Exodus 23:26, he uses the Hebrew word for miscarriage, speaking of barrenness and shaw-kole (miscarriage). But the word at Exodus 21:22 is yaw-tsaw, which means to come out, come forth, bring forth, and has no connotation of death but in fact the opposite.(וְכִֽי־יִנָּצ֣וּ אֲנָשִׁ֗ים וְנָ֨גְפ֜וּ אִשָּׁ֤ה הָרָה֙ וְיָצְא֣וּ יְלָדֶ֔יהָ וְלֹ֥א יִהְיֶ֖ה אָסֹ֑ון עָנֹ֣ושׁ יֵעָנֵ֗שׁ כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֨ר יָשִׁ֤ית עָלָיו֙ בַּ֣עַל הָֽאִשָּׁ֔ה וְנָתַ֖ן בִּפְלִלִֽים׃) The Hebrew Scriptures use yaw-tsaw 1,043 times beginning with Genesis 1:24 where God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature…” In Genesis and Exodus alone Moses uses this word about 150 times such as in Genesis 25 describing the births of twins Jacob and Esau. Thus the Mosaic law requires the criminal to pay financial restitution to a woman unintentionally injured by a criminal if she "gives birth prematurely." But then if the baby dies, the text applies the full Hebrew idiom which means that the punishment should fit the crime. If there is harm beyond a premature birth, and the unborn child dies, then the punishment is "life for life.""

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion? | American Right To Life
No, it wasn't. I'm impressed that you were able to follow even that far, but true to form, you fell off where the rubber meets the road.

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