More babies died in US than 68 other countries.

The US has a different standard for measuring the infant mortality rate than do most other countries, fyi. For example, the infant mortality rate includes, as defined by the US, babies who are born prematurely yet die, or even the stillborn, whereas many European countries, for example, do not count the later two instances as "infant mortality", which cause those European countries' infant mortality rate to appear lower than the US'.

Of course, this isn't new news by any means, but who needs fact when you have partisan ranting, right?

Unbiased link to that info?

Most infant mortality data is spread over a few years to avoid any spikes in a single year.

List of countries by infant mortality rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, we are in the 30's but our mortality rate HAS been inproving over time, something always left out by the doom and gloomers.

Kind of like a drunk stating that I am only drunk one half as much of the time as I was last year.
And that is only 1 aspect that is different.. there is no absolute standard as to what is counted and what is reported.. hence, the conclusion from the report is bogus by nature

/end thread

That's the ONLY aspect that is different, since you cant name any others. No matter what you should just make your argument "Because I don't believe it" and leave it at that. At least then you wouldn't look like youre grasping at mysterious straws that don't exist

No.. it is not.. and that was pointed out in the second link as well as in other places in the CDC report

Nice try though, troll.. isn't it time for you to make another badlands or rubber room worthy troll thread????

Other places? Sure, thanks for backing that up with bullshit
That's the ONLY aspect that is different, since you cant name any others. No matter what you should just make your argument "Because I don't believe it" and leave it at that. At least then you wouldn't look like youre grasping at mysterious straws that don't exist

No.. it is not.. and that was pointed out in the second link as well as in other places in the CDC report

Nice try though, troll.. isn't it time for you to make another badlands or rubber room worthy troll thread????

Other places? Sure, thanks for backing that up with bullshit

Being against abortion isn't about saving lives. Most "pro-life" folks are pro-gun, pro-war, pro-death penalty and are against all social programs that save lives.

It's about control and punishment.

Being pro-life and pro death penalty is about the central issue of taking on some personal responsibility for the choices you make in life. Unfortunately, there is this perception that we must fight to save the lives of the CRIMINALS from facing an outcome that's considered cruel and unusual. It's this twisted notion that violent convicted criminals are worth having the chance to live.


It's incredibly hypocritical of you folks, who preach "personal responsibility" to assign the power of life and death to the state.

Gotta love it.

Yes we actually do have a justice system that operates under a concept, that there needs to be consequences to your actions.

However, I can understand how such basic terminology ("personal responsibility" and all) might be difficult to really grasp, because that would involve placing a central focus on the "individual" to self analyze their OWN involvement into a particular situation. Such revolutionary reflection might actually force the individual to involve themselves with facing the following questions:

• What have I done to contribute to my current situation?

• What consequences might I face for the choices that I make in my life?

• How can I "learn" from my experiences and choices that I have personally made?

• Instead of whining and complaining about what others have, what initiatives and choices am I making to pursue a better life for myself? Are the rewards that come from actually taking risks, learning from failure, and putting forth a lot of extra effort, something I am really uncomfortable with taking?

You see, there is this growing central belief that it is far more acceptable [and easier] to simply dump your problems at the feet of "government" rather than actually face them. This then elevates any form of self accountability through questions like those above, and role of INDIVIDUAL consequence no longer has to apply. Granted it is the far easier road, and one that steadily draws our nation closer towards a state of "apathy", where government becomes the enabler towards those who would rather not own up to their own "individual" choices and mistakes.
Has nothing to do with what I was talking about, but okay.

Here's the thing. We are the only major industrialized country that doesn't have single payer health coverage for all our citizens.

And not surprisingly, we have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world and higher than a lot of third world countries as well.

Being against abortion isn't about saving lives. Most "pro-life" folks are pro-gun, pro-war, pro-death penalty and are against all social programs that save lives.

It's about control and punishment.

You couldn't be more wrong ,but you know this,but like to ear yourself sound knowing.

I will agree on 1 point,pro capital punishment and pro life people twist people like yourself up all the time.

Personally I think capital punishment and abortion are a fester on the face of this nation.
If only the anti-Choice fanatics were as upset about this as they are about abortion.

More US babies die day they are born than any industrialized country, report shows - Vitals

The U.S. is a worse place for newborns than 68 other countries, including Egypt, Turkey and Peru, according to a report released Tuesday by Save the Children.

A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says.

How is this possible? inadequate health care?:confused:
If only the anti-Choice fanatics were as upset about this as they are about abortion.

More US babies die day they are born than any industrialized country, report shows - Vitals

The U.S. is a worse place for newborns than 68 other countries, including Egypt, Turkey and Peru, according to a report released Tuesday by Save the Children.

A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says.

What bullshit

“Poverty, racism and stress are likely to be important contributing factors to first-day deaths in the United States and other industrialized countries.”

REALLY???????? Same liberal bullshit...just talking points. how does racism kill babies in this country?
Poverty=government's just a code word
Stress, well reduce taxes and allow me to keep more of my paycheck.

we need more govt money, I mean it's helped the minority communities so well that they're worse off now then when Johnsons war on poverty started.
If only the anti-Choice fanatics were as upset about this as they are about abortion.

More US babies die day they are born than any industrialized country, report shows - Vitals

The U.S. is a worse place for newborns than 68 other countries, including Egypt, Turkey and Peru, according to a report released Tuesday by Save the Children.

A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says.

What bullshit

“Poverty, racism and stress are likely to be important contributing factors to first-day deaths in the United States and other industrialized countries.”

REALLY???????? Same liberal bullshit...just talking points. how does racism kill babies in this country?Poverty=government's just a code word
Stress, well reduce taxes and allow me to keep more of my paycheck.

we need more govt money, I mean it's helped the minority communities so well that they're worse off now then when Johnsons war on poverty started.

Just because you don't know the answer doesn't mean it's not true. Your ignorance does not create reality
So what medical condition is caused by racism, that causes babies to die?

I'm all agog.
The US has a different standard for measuring the infant mortality rate than do most other countries, fyi. For example, the infant mortality rate includes, as defined by the US, babies who are born prematurely yet die, or even the stillborn, whereas many European countries, for example, do not count the later two instances as "infant mortality", which cause those European countries' infant mortality rate to appear lower than the US'.

Of course, this isn't new news by any means, but who needs fact when you have partisan ranting, right?

^ obviously didn't read the article
Do you have figures to back that up?

If it is true, I guess I have to ask the question- why do these other countries NOT have this problem? Their drug laws aren't nearly as draconian as ours. Most of them treat addiction as a medical and not a criminal problem.
Look, pal, I spent two years studying pharmacological effects of maternal drugs on fetuses. Smoking cigarettes causes low birth weight as does alcohol consumption which also causes fetal alcohol syndrome with as little as an evening of social drinking before the woman even knows she's pregnant. Several FDA-approved drugs that treat migraine headaches caused cleft palate before removed from sales by apothecaries. People who take illicit drugs often have no idea what they are taking can cause their infant's first day to be their last as well.

You might as well chase greased pigs all day to try and get the truth out of drug users who become mothers and have been warned by important others not to admit to drug use due to being convicted of child abuse or even death of an infant who dies of SIDS that also is associated with nicotine inhalation not to mention crack, marijuana smoke, and illicit drugs.

Altered mind substances cause untold birth issues and may well be why our scholars cannot measure up to those of some third world countries as we sink lower and lower international on test scores. Marijuana makes severe assaults on sexual maturation in young males and intellectual capacities in both sexes that are downplayed consistently by drug pushers and people pushing for zero laws against "pleasures."

I noticed here with all your self-righteous indignation, you didn't answer my question.

Why are the other advanced industrialized nations NOT having these problems? Their drug laws are more liberal than ours.

The reason why we aren't keeping up in education is because you have religous assholes who think we need to teach about talking snakes in Science class, and textbooks are written to the standard of Texas, the dumbest state in the Union.
Stop turning every thread into your hatred for religious Americans, Joe. You're patronizing 80% of the American people. Not even 1% of 1% believe in snake handling, fyi, and nobody appreciates such balderdash.
Has nothing to do with what I was talking about, but okay.

Here's the thing. We are the only major industrialized country that doesn't have single payer health coverage for all our citizens.

And not surprisingly, we have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world and higher than a lot of third world countries as well.

Yes, well, that's not what the report is about, and the results have absolutely nothing to do with single payer coverage. This is not an indictment of the US healthcare system, but of the social structure which encourages teen pregnancies which lead to premature, low birthweight babies at much greater risk for mortality.

From your link:

“Many babies in the United States are born too early. The U.S. preterm birth rate (1 in 8 births) is one of the highest in the industrialized world (second only to Cyprus). In fact, 130 countries from all across the world have lower preterm birth rates than the United States,” the report reads. Teen births are partly to blame, the report says – echoing other research that has shown this. The U.S. has the highest teenage birth rate of any industrialized country.
Family disintegration is a major driver of these results. And as far as the statement "A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says", these two sentences should be separated. Yes, 11,000 American newborns die as stated, but not as a result of "fairly cheap interventions"; that statement in the context of this report is referring to third world infant deaths, not first world. The major issue in the industrialized world is preterm, underweight babies.

But I know it's more fun to push an agenda with these kinds of reports and to deride the "evil, uncaring" US, a favorite pastime of the left.

Of course it is an indictment of the health care system you fucking idiot. Ever hear of prenatal care?

And before you leap to the conclusion I support Obamacare or Obama, stick that up your nutball ass. I am a real fiscal conservative, something most of you nutball scum have no clue about.
Do you have figures to back that up?

If it is true, I guess I have to ask the question- why do these other countries NOT have this problem? Their drug laws aren't nearly as draconian as ours. Most of them treat addiction as a medical and not a criminal problem.
Look, pal, I spent two years studying pharmacological effects of maternal drugs on fetuses. Smoking cigarettes causes low birth weight as does alcohol consumption which also causes fetal alcohol syndrome with as little as an evening of social drinking before the woman even knows she's pregnant. Several FDA-approved drugs that treat migraine headaches caused cleft palate before removed from sales by apothecaries. People who take illicit drugs often have no idea what they are taking can cause their infant's first day to be their last as well.

You might as well chase greased pigs all day to try and get the truth out of drug users who become mothers and have been warned by important others not to admit to drug use due to being convicted of child abuse or even death of an infant who dies of SIDS that also is associated with nicotine inhalation not to mention crack, marijuana smoke, and illicit drugs.

Altered mind substances cause untold birth issues and may well be why our scholars cannot measure up to those of some third world countries as we sink lower and lower international on test scores. Marijuana makes severe assaults on sexual maturation in young males and intellectual capacities in both sexes that are downplayed consistently by drug pushers and people pushing for zero laws against "pleasures."

I noticed here with all your self-righteous indignation, you didn't answer my question.

Why are the other advanced industrialized nations NOT having these problems? Their drug laws are more liberal than ours.

The reason why we aren't keeping up in education is because you have religous assholes who think we need to teach about talking snakes in Science class, and textbooks are written to the standard of Texas, the dumbest state in the Union.

Self Righteous Indignation. Good One. What kind of Asshole are you, besides being one that has a hard time spelling Religious? Is that the fault of your Texas Caliber Public School Education, or is it just another straw-man argument, designed to malign others and feed your ego? Witch Hunt time? Why is it that the more control the Progressive mindset gets, the worse off we all are? The more you do, the more that goes wrong, the more you look for others to blame. See the cycle yet? More people are catching on everyday. What percentage of Babies born with problems here, have to do with the lifestyle of the Mom, income level, age, legal status? Addictions? Who do you scapegoat for poor quality prenatal care? Understood, you are big on Human Sacrifice and the Money it brings in for the industry.

What is the Name of the God of the Statist Utopia, again? Who is your High Priest?
Unbiased link to that info?

Most infant mortality data is spread over a few years to avoid any spikes in a single year.

List of countries by infant mortality rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, we are in the 30's but our mortality rate HAS been inproving over time, something always left out by the doom and gloomers.

So...that's acceptable to you when we spend more on healthcare than any other country by a huge margin? Seems to me we're getting ripped off as consumers.

Dispite all this talk of the need for a single payer system, compromising statistics to paint the United States in an unfavorable light, other nations STILL look towards the United States for treatment. Medical technology may be seen as expensive, however our nation is still among the most medically advanced through technology and procedures, as well as our ability to provide patients with SHORTER waiting periods to receive vital treatment.

Most of those patients in search of the best care, including 38% from Latin America, 35% from the Middle East, 16% from Europe and 7% from Canada, are heading to the United States. Additionally, it's estimated that 32% of all medical travelers simply want better care than is available in their home countries, mostly those in the developing world, and 15% want quicker access to medically necessary procedures. That's compared to only 9% of medical travelers seeking medically necessary procedures at lower prices and 4% seeking low-cost discretionary procedures.

U.S. Hospitals Worth The Trip -
If only the anti-Choice fanatics were as upset about this as they are about abortion.

More US babies die day they are born than any industrialized country, report shows - Vitals

The U.S. is a worse place for newborns than 68 other countries, including Egypt, Turkey and Peru, according to a report released Tuesday by Save the Children.

A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says.

What bullshit

“Poverty, racism and stress are likely to be important contributing factors to first-day deaths in the United States and other industrialized countries.”

REALLY???????? Same liberal bullshit...just talking points. how does racism kill babies in this country?
Poverty=government's just a code word
Stress, well reduce taxes and allow me to keep more of my paycheck.

we need more govt money, I mean it's helped the minority communities so well that they're worse off now then when Johnsons war on poverty started.

Yeah, but, the Vote is a lock. ;)
They like to throw crumbs and dictate response, control the masses through dependency, the carrot and the stick, it's a win, win.

The reason why we aren't keeping up in education is because you have religous assholes who think we need to teach about talking snakes in Science class, and textbooks are written to the standard of Texas, the dumbest state in the Union.
Stop turning every thread into your hatred for religious Americans, Joe. You're patronizing 80% of the American people. Not even 1% of 1% believe in snake handling, fyi, and nobody appreciates such balderdash.

I wasn't talking about "snake-handlers", who amuse the crap out of me. At least they honestly believe the bullshit.

I was talking about people who think the Genesis story, which involved- YES a talking snake - is true and needs to be taught alongside legitimate, honest science.

Every couple of years, you get some dumb-ass religious rubes who want to "teach the controversy"...

And the Europeans think we are Rubes. I don't like the Europeans laughing at us. Not sure why you do.
Joe's just planting garbage to encourage people to support abortion and infanticide.

And yes, gosnell is his hero. He's holding court in the Gosnell thread now. He never gets tired of telling lies that promote baby killing and the exploitation and murder of women.

Women are going to have abortions, because no one is going to have a baby she doesn't want.


The only question is, will they get abortions in nice clean clinics or dirty ones like Gosnells.

You might think the "sluts" have it coming, but I don't.
Abortions were legal, and legal abortion clinics sent women to Gosnell...and people who treated the women he maimed didn't report his illegal practices.

So much for that theory.
I don't consider them sluts, I consider them victims of pigs like you.
Abortions were legal, and legal abortion clinics sent women to Gosnell...and people who treated the women he maimed didn't report his illegal practices.

So much for that theory.

Yup. It would have been much better if those nice clean clinics performed the late abortions instead of sending them to Gosnell, who was a quack.

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