Moore's Victory In Alabama Proves its not about Trump, its Rejection of the Political Establishment


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
People are sick to death of the Political Establishment F'ing up this country. Trump wasa warning shot and it is not about him. Moore is a second warning shot, but it is not about him either.

It is about voting for ANYONE NOT AN INCUMBENT.


The Latest: A bewildered Strange wishes Moore well

Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange wished jurist Roy Moore well after losing the Alabama Republican primary for Senate.

Strange told his supporters Tuesday night that "we wish (Moore) well going forward."

But he quickly shifted to his own bewilderment at the race he just finished. "We're dealing with a political environment that I've never had any experience with," he said.

"I'm telling you, the political seas and winds in this country right now ... are very hard to navigate, very hard to understand."

Strange also thanked President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence for backing him.

Strange said Trump, may "be criticized" for coming to Alabama on his behalf. "Sometimes it's just about friendship ... a common goal to make the country better," he said.


8:45 p.m.

A group that put millions of dollars behind Sen. Luther Strange in Alabama's Senate race says it will now back Roy Moore.​
If the Tea Party's impact and scores of primary losses for establishment types doesn't drive the point home that the people are sick of business as usual in Washington, I don't know what will.

Well, yes I do know, but it ain't pretty.
People are sick to death of the Political Establishment F'ing up this country. Trump wasa warning shot and it is not about him. Moore is a second warning shot, but it is not about him either.

It is about voting for ANYONE NOT AN INCUMBENT.


The Latest: A bewildered Strange wishes Moore well

Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange wished jurist Roy Moore well after losing the Alabama Republican primary for Senate.

Strange told his supporters Tuesday night that "we wish (Moore) well going forward."

But he quickly shifted to his own bewilderment at the race he just finished. "We're dealing with a political environment that I've never had any experience with," he said.

"I'm telling you, the political seas and winds in this country right now ... are very hard to navigate, very hard to understand."

Strange also thanked President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence for backing him.

Strange said Trump, may "be criticized" for coming to Alabama on his behalf. "Sometimes it's just about friendship ... a common goal to make the country better," he said.


8:45 p.m.

A group that put millions of dollars behind Sen. Luther Strange in Alabama's Senate race says it will now back Roy Moore.​
How long has Moore been part of the political establishment?
MOORE is better than Strane , imo . Moore was Steve Bannons and Gorkas and my pick and i am a yuuuuge TRUMP supporter except for this time . As someone said , TRUMPISM is the movement but that doesn't mean walking lockstep with the good President Trump all the time .
MOORE is better than Strane , imo . Moore was Steve Bannons and Gorkas and my pick and i am a yuuuuge TRUMP supporter except for this time . As someone said , TRUMPISM is the movement but that doesn't mean walking lockstep with the good President Trump all the time .

Agreed, but I would vote for a Democrat over McConnel or Ryan as well.

For me and I think millions of other Americans, it is not so much the man or the party as it is about them not being part of the Corporate Crony Network.
People are sick to death of the Political Establishment F'ing up this country. Trump wasa warning shot and it is not about him. Moore is a second warning shot, but it is not about him either.

It is about voting for ANYONE NOT AN INCUMBENT.


The Latest: A bewildered Strange wishes Moore well

Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange wished jurist Roy Moore well after losing the Alabama Republican primary for Senate.

Strange told his supporters Tuesday night that "we wish (Moore) well going forward."

But he quickly shifted to his own bewilderment at the race he just finished. "We're dealing with a political environment that I've never had any experience with," he said.

"I'm telling you, the political seas and winds in this country right now ... are very hard to navigate, very hard to understand."

Strange also thanked President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence for backing him.

Strange said Trump, may "be criticized" for coming to Alabama on his behalf. "Sometimes it's just about friendship ... a common goal to make the country better," he said.


8:45 p.m.

A group that put millions of dollars behind Sen. Luther Strange in Alabama's Senate race says it will now back Roy Moore.​
Moore's victory in Alabama only proves that Alabama lives up to every stereotype. Just look at who the old coot is replacing.
Moore's victory in Alabama only proves that Alabama lives up to every stereotype. Just look at who the old coot is replacing.
One of the most patriotic and sensible states from whence one of our best Senators came from?

I got ya.

Almost decided to take you off ignore, but not quite.

Just a one shot curiosity check, lol.

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