Moochelles face blurred by Saudi State TV


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2011
Michelle Obama s face blurred by Saudi state television although claim disputed - Washington Times


They don't want to scare the Saudi People
The Saudis are freaking because Michelle Obama refused to wear a veil

Imagine the number of rightwing threads we would have gotten if she did
The Saudis are freaking because Michelle Obama refused to wear a veil

Imagine the number of rightwing threads we would have gotten if she did

This is the third thread already. Bet they post a couple more.

The First Lady didn't cover her head but then, neither did Laura Bush or Angela Merkel.

RWs hate all Muslims - EXCEPT when they get a chance to side against their own country.
BTW, stupid RWs - you might want to know that when Muslims reported on the memorial in Paris, they pixelated Angel Merkel completely out of the photos.
The Saudis are freaking because Michelle Obama refused to wear a veil

Imagine the number of rightwing threads we would have gotten if she did
There ARE a number of RW threads....upset that the First Lady didn't dress like a submissive muslim woman.

Can you imagine the "Obama is a muslim" threads if she covered her hair?
The Saudis are freaking because Michelle Obama refused to wear a veil

Imagine the number of rightwing threads we would have gotten if she did


Just imagine

if she had done this:


Hold on... that means Laura Bush is a muslim.... and if she's a muslim that mean Dubya is one. and if Dubya is one then his parents and brothers are probably muslims too. Oh dear................

Jeb bush is a muslim ...
The Saudis are freaking because Michelle Obama refused to wear a veil

Imagine the number of rightwing threads we would have gotten if she did


Just imagine

if she had done this:

Yeah you'd never catch a Democrat feminist Congresswoman doing anything like that. Oh, wait.

Or a Secretary of State

Good, so we've established that protocal is for women to cover their hair when they visit Muslim countries.
So why does Moose think she's above all that?
The Saudis are freaking because Michelle Obama refused to wear a veil

Imagine the number of rightwing threads we would have gotten if she did


Just imagine

if she had done this:


Hold on... that means Laura Bush is a muslim.... and if she's a muslim that mean Dubya be one. and if Dubya is one then his parents and brothers are probably muslims too. Oh dear................

Jeb bush is a muslim ...
As a wise man recently said: "Dots, consider yourself connected."

The Saudis are freaking because Michelle Obama refused to wear a veil

Imagine the number of rightwing threads we would have gotten if she did


Just imagine

if she had done this:

Yeah you'd never catch a Democrat feminist Congresswoman doing anything like that. Oh, wait.

Or a Secretary of State

Good, so we've established that protocal is for women to cover their hair when they visit Muslim countries.
So why does Moose think she's above all that?
If she did, you'd just hate that also...

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