Mom Sues School to allow Nativity Scene


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2003
:clap: Its about time!

Mom Sues School to Allow Nativity Scene

Friday, December 05, 2003
By David Lee Miller
NEW YORK — If a Christmas tree can stand in a school's halls during the holidays, then a model of baby Jesus and his manger should also be welcomed, contends a Queens, N.Y., mother who is going to court to prove her point.

Andrea Skoros (search) sued the New York City public school system after being told her kids' Nativity scene could not be a part of the holiday display although a Hanukkah menorah (search) and the star and crescent representing Islam could be exhibited.

A federal judge in Brooklyn Thursday held a procedural conference on the suit and Skoros hopes the ban will soon be overturned.

School officials say that all displays must be secular in nature and chose a Christmas tree to symbolize the holiday but Skoros said this a double standard.

"I felt that it is only fair if they are going to display the menorah, which is a religious symbol, that they also display the Nativity scene instead of just snowmen and stockings and Christmas trees."

While school officials wouldn't discuss the lawsuit, legal briefs field said it has "drawn an appropriate line between secular holiday decorations those that are purely religious."

The New York Civil Liberties Union (search) agreed: "The Constitution prohibits government from promoting religion, any religion, and that means that public schools can be in the business of promoting religion," Donna Lieberman of the NYCLU said.
Either allow the nativity scene or remove the Menorah and Islam references.

I think I'll put a nativity scene in front of my house this year with about 50,000 watts of bulbs. I hope those that don't like it drive by and go blind.
Actually, I think thats a great idea! That screams of controversy, but if you do it, make sure you take LOTS of pictures and post them here.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Either allow the nativity scene or remove the Menorah and Islam references.

I think I'll put a nativity scene in front of my house this year with about 50,000 watts of bulbs. I hope those that don't like it drive by and go blind.

but today... it's all about kissing the jews asses while the rob us blind and destroy our culture and democracy from within. and if you don't agree they get to falsley label you an anti semite.

jewboy wonder adolf shickelgruber had the right idea. to bad he wasn't sincere about getting rid of the jews, ww2 was just another jew money grab. no country won that war, only the jewish bankers.

next war they get it.

Oh my, we got us a real hating machine here. Slow down, buddy, your head is gonna explode from so much hatred! :laugh:

Seriously though, do you mind toning it down a bit. You can express your hatred in a better way, without offending the masses.
hehe, a little hasty!!! :)

Good for this Mom! about time someone took a stand. I don't think either that it's just catering to jewish, you have the Arab life that we are catering too. There were never problems like this years ago, it's been since the huge amount of Arabs that came here, that now we are changing things. After 9/11, I started seeing all the changes, even as simple as OUR Flag being displayed, this is part of Islam, etc.. life that we catered to, and it's WRONG.
Mom is fighting a silly battle. The easy way out for the school is to allow all symbols to be displayed as part of a "how the holidays are celebrated by different groups" theme. Then let all religions participate in a display (menorah, nativity, ramadan, etc.). Either that or don't have any religion themed displays, and stay with only trees and snowmen (obviously secular symbols). I agree that if menorahs and the crescent and star are displayed you cannot then disallow Christian displays. This shouldn't be that hard to resolve.

jimmy, A 50,000 watt nativity scene will do two things for you: increase your electric bill and cause your neighbors to complain about the bright lights ;)

Keep the season as you choose, and let me keep the season as I choose.


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