"Mom, Billy (Maher) did it, too!"

I'd put it more at his approval rating... between 44 and 53% and dropping fast.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

So they never taught you how to read a graph in Home Skule?

Obama's gone up from a low point of 42% approval in October to a 49% approval rating now.

Meanwhile, Romney's negatives are higher than his positives.
I stand by my estimation. Romney as well as the rest of the GOP candidates have the disadvantage of other choices still being out there, regardless of what the polls say. The reality of "it's this guy or Obama" won't kick in till after the candidate is selected. THEN you'll start getting better numbers.

Also, I chose the approval ratings spread from all the polls, highest and lowest as a margin of error. We know most polls lean left anyway because they're more interested in being sampled, and some (like anything from a major network) is deliberately skewed that way for political reasons. Because of that, I like RCP because they show them all then split the difference. It's more likely than not the most accurate.

Do YOU understand that about polls? It seems you don't.

Oh, and in a 'blow it out your ass' moment.


Take it for what it's worth.
I stand by my estimation. Romney as well as the rest of the GOP candidates have the disadvantage of other choices still being out there, regardless of what the polls say. The reality of "it's this guy or Obama" won't kick in till after the candidate is selected. THEN you'll start getting better numbers.

Also, I chose the approval ratings spread from all the polls, highest and lowest as a margin of error. We know most polls lean left anyway because they're more interested in being sampled, and some (like anything from a major network) is deliberately skewed that way for political reasons. Because of that, I like RCP because they show them all then split the difference. It's more likely than not the most accurate.

Do YOU understand that about polls? It seems you don't.

Oh, and in a 'blow it out your ass' moment.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Take it for what it's worth.

I do take it for what it's worth. A poll that is inconsistant with all the other polling AND with Rasmussen's previous findings. And it's Rasmussen, who really isn't very reliable. (cough, cough right wing hack cough).

Fact is, incumbants win more often than they lose. And people really do like Obama on a personal level. Romney, on the other hand, is the Guy Who Lays You Off.
but but but it's different when Bill Maher says such misogynistic shit.

It just is.

I know.

I heard him TELL America that it's different when he does it. He is a potty mouth.

so it's ok.

Plus, Maher's a comedian. Again, I know. He says so.

The reality is, he's a bitch. Maher is a punk. And while I guess I have to again admit that Rush took his little schtick a bit too far in the case of Ms. Folke, Rush's nonsense pales in comparison to the shit spoken by the punk ass pussy, Maher.
but but but it's different when Bill Maher says such misogynistic shit.

It just is.

I know.

I heard him TELL America that it's different when he does it. He is a potty mouth.

so it's ok.

Plus, Maher's a comedian. Again, I know. He says so.

The reality is, he's a bitch. Maher is a punk. And while I guess I have to again admit that Rush took his little schtick a bit too far in the case of Ms. Folke, Rush's nonsense pales in comparison to the shit spoken by the punk ass pussy, Maher.

I think a bunch of people explained to you EXACTLY what the difference was...

One more time.

Calling Palin a c-word only insults Palin.

Calling Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" insults all women.

Happy to have pointed that out to you, but you probably still won't get it.

Oh, incidently, a lot of people called Maher out when he called Palin that word.
but but but it's different when Bill Maher says such misogynistic shit.

It just is.

I know.

I heard him TELL America that it's different when he does it. He is a potty mouth.

so it's ok.

Plus, Maher's a comedian. Again, I know. He says so.

The reality is, he's a bitch. Maher is a punk. And while I guess I have to again admit that Rush took his little schtick a bit too far in the case of Ms. Folke, Rush's nonsense pales in comparison to the shit spoken by the punk ass pussy, Maher.

I think a bunch of people explained to you EXACTLY what the difference was...

One more time.

Calling Palin a c-word only insults Palin.

Calling Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" insults all women.

Happy to have pointed that out to you, but you probably still won't get it.

Oh, incidentally, a lot of people called Maher out when he called Palin that word.

Wrong. Nobody told me. And nobody can. For example, you just tried and failed. Instead, what you did (as all good apologists are wont to do) is to offer a fascade. A pretext of an explanation for a claimed "difference."

Bill Potty Mouth Maher calling Gov. Palin a "****" because he politically disagrees with her is not truly different than Rush suggesting that a person who demands to get paid for sex is a whore. If anything, at least what Rush said (albeit too much of a stretch in the case of what Ms. Fluke actually said in her testiphony) would be an correct use of the terminology.

Your spin remains a massive fail.

I realize that you won't get it, but the fact remains.
I stand by my estimation. Romney as well as the rest of the GOP candidates have the disadvantage of other choices still being out there, regardless of what the polls say. The reality of "it's this guy or Obama" won't kick in till after the candidate is selected. THEN you'll start getting better numbers.

Also, I chose the approval ratings spread from all the polls, highest and lowest as a margin of error. We know most polls lean left anyway because they're more interested in being sampled, and some (like anything from a major network) is deliberately skewed that way for political reasons. Because of that, I like RCP because they show them all then split the difference. It's more likely than not the most accurate.

Do YOU understand that about polls? It seems you don't.

Oh, and in a 'blow it out your ass' moment.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Take it for what it's worth.

I do take it for what it's worth. A poll that is inconsistant with all the other polling AND with Rasmussen's previous findings. And it's Rasmussen, who really isn't very reliable. (cough, cough right wing hack cough).

Fact is, incumbants win more often than they lose. And people really do like Obama on a personal level. Romney, on the other hand, is the Guy Who Lays You Off.
A poll that is inconsistant

Spin any faster and you're going to go backwards in time. You are painfully ignorant of polls then. Every poll is different. You only get accuracy when you get a larger sample. Most of these polls are less than 10k people, and pretend to be an accurate sampling. Now this may work for some QC processes in an industrial setting where it consistently puts out 99%+ predictable quality, but not opinion.

That is why RCP is better. You can see the polls, see them compared, sure there's possibly some cross polling, but it's highly unlikely. You can also see the trends you're denying that P-BO is going down in approval and rapidly and despite the media's best efforts, people are seeing what's been done and are believing their own 'lying eyes' over them.

Fact is, incumbants win more often than they lose.

Yes, Incumbents do have a sleight advantage at the presidential level... when times are good. And they most definitely are NOT good right now. Consider incumbents like HW Bush, Carter and Hoover. They had the advantage and lost precisely because the economy was sour come election day.

And people really do like Obama on a personal level.

I'd probably like him too, but he's still unfit to run the country. Likability does not equate to competence, NOR entitlement to a position of power that his previous track record has proven him incapable. He's got a record now to run on, and everyone will know precisely the kind of man he is this time. Plus the white liberal reparations guilt is diminished massively, and even some of the black vote has deserted him. You know... the ones he's not promising free rides to because they worked their asses off for what they have and the Manchildian Candyass has decided they don't deserve because they're race traitors and evil conservatives.

Romney, on the other hand, is the Guy Who Lays You Off.

Still spinning your wheels in that mud?
Wrong. Nobody told me. And nobody can. For example, you just tried and failed. Instead, what you did (as all good apologists are wont to do) is to offer a fascade. A pretext of an explanation for a claimed "difference."

Bill Potty Mouth Maher calling Gov. Palin a "****" because he politically disagrees with her is not truly different than Rush suggesting that a person who demands to get paid for sex is a whore. If anything, at least what Rush said (albeit too much of a stretch in the case of what Ms. Fluke actually said in her testiphony) would be an correct use of the terminology.

Your spin remains a massive fail.

I realize that you won't get it, but the fact remains.

NO, i think you are just proving yourself to be some kind of high functioning moron.

No one made a big deal about the Palin thing at the time. This is just a lot of screaming because your guy got caught.

women who use birth control aer not "sluts" or "prostitutes".

But keep saying they are, and we'll have fun posting here during Obama's second Inagural Address.
Spin any faster and you're going to go backwards in time. You are painfully ignorant of polls then. Every poll is different. You only get accuracy when you get a larger sample. Most of these polls are less than 10k people, and pretend to be an accurate sampling. Now this may work for some QC processes in an industrial setting where it consistently puts out 99%+ predictable quality, but not opinion.

Actually, the polls are pretty accurate when you take out the outlyers. This Rassmutten poll is an outlier. Most polls show Obama pretty thoroughly handing "The GUy who Lays you Off" his ass.

That is why RCP is better. You can see the polls, see them compared, sure there's possibly some cross polling, but it's highly unlikely. You can also see the trends you're denying that P-BO is going down in approval and rapidly and despite the media's best efforts, people are seeing what's been done and are believing their own 'lying eyes' over them.

RCP shows he's gone from a 43% average to a 49% average approval. He's trending up, not down.

Yes, Incumbents do have a sleight advantage at the presidential level... when times are good. And they most definitely are NOT good right now. Consider incumbents like HW Bush, Carter and Hoover. They had the advantage and lost precisely because the economy was sour come election day.

Bush, Hoover and Carter inherited reasonably good economies and turned them into shit economies. Obama inherited a shit economy and well, it's still shitty, but not as shitty as it was when he got there.

And people really do like Obama on a personal level.

I'd probably like him too, but he's still unfit to run the country. Likability does not equate to competence, NOR entitlement to a position of power that his previous track record has proven him incapable. He's got a record now to run on, and everyone will know precisely the kind of man he is this time. Plus the white liberal reparations guilt is diminished massively, and even some of the black vote has deserted him. You know... the ones he's not promising free rides to because they worked their asses off for what they have and the Manchildian Candyass has decided they don't deserve because they're race traitors and evil conservatives.

actually, Obama lost the White Vote last time. But Romney hasn't really improved on McCain's numbers. In fact, polls show him winning various constiuency blocks at about the same rate as he did last time.

Romney, on the other hand, is the Guy Who Lays You Off.

Still spinning your wheels in that mud?

It ain't Mud. Romney's approval ratings are seriously underwater as people are being informed of just how he made his millions. I'm just surprised it's happening this early.
Spin any faster and you're going to go backwards in time. You are painfully ignorant of polls then. Every poll is different. You only get accuracy when you get a larger sample. Most of these polls are less than 10k people, and pretend to be an accurate sampling. Now this may work for some QC processes in an industrial setting where it consistently puts out 99%+ predictable quality, but not opinion.

Actually, the polls are pretty accurate when you take out the outlyers. This Rassmutten poll is an outlier. Most polls show Obama pretty thoroughly handing "The GUy who Lays you Off" his ass.

That is why RCP is better. You can see the polls, see them compared, sure there's possibly some cross polling, but it's highly unlikely. You can also see the trends you're denying that P-BO is going down in approval and rapidly and despite the media's best efforts, people are seeing what's been done and are believing their own 'lying eyes' over them.

RCP shows he's gone from a 43% average to a 49% average approval. He's trending up, not down.

Bush, Hoover and Carter inherited reasonably good economies and turned them into shit economies. Obama inherited a shit economy and well, it's still shitty, but not as shitty as it was when he got there.

actually, Obama lost the White Vote last time. But Romney hasn't really improved on McCain's numbers. In fact, polls show him winning various constiuency blocks at about the same rate as he did last time.

Romney, on the other hand, is the Guy Who Lays You Off.

Still spinning your wheels in that mud?

It ain't Mud. Romney's approval ratings are seriously underwater as people are being informed of just how he made his millions. I'm just surprised it's happening this early.
Well isn't THAT a reason to vote for P-BO.

"Don't vote for Romney, he's RICH!"

Nevermind the fact that Obama's rich too. Just not as rich as Romney.

Wrong. Nobody told me. And nobody can. For example, you just tried and failed. Instead, what you did (as all good apologists are wont to do) is to offer a fascade. A pretext of an explanation for a claimed "difference."

Bill Potty Mouth Maher calling Gov. Palin a "****" because he politically disagrees with her is not truly different than Rush suggesting that a person who demands to get paid for sex is a whore. If anything, at least what Rush said (albeit too much of a stretch in the case of what Ms. Fluke actually said in her testiphony) would be an correct use of the terminology.

Your spin remains a massive fail.

I realize that you won't get it, but the fact remains.

NO, i think you are just proving yourself to be some kind of high functioning moron.

No one made a big deal about the Palin thing at the time. This is just a lot of screaming because your guy got caught.

women who use birth control aer not "sluts" or "prostitutes".

But keep saying they are, and we'll have fun posting here during Obama's second Inagural Address.

You are a low functioning drooling moron. :eusa_drool:

That nobody reacted much at the time to Maher's misogynistic commentary means exactly nothing, dopey.

I mean, seriously. So what? All that might show is that other than fellow libs, nobody watched Maher all that much.

And Rush NEVER said that women who use contraception are sluts, you fucking dishonest dickweed.

Dayum. Your strawman arguments are pathetic.
It ain't Mud. Romney's approval ratings are seriously underwater as people are being informed of just how he made his millions. I'm just surprised it's happening this early.
Well isn't THAT a reason to vote for P-BO.

"Don't vote for Romney, he's RICH!"

Nevermind the fact that Obama's rich too. Just not as rich as Romney.


No, Don't vote for Romney because he's one of the SCUMBAGS who got rich destroying the middle class over the last 30 years.

That's why I won't vote for him. And oh, yeah. He's a Mormon. That's the other reason.
Wrong. Nobody told me. And nobody can. For example, you just tried and failed. Instead, what you did (as all good apologists are wont to do) is to offer a fascade. A pretext of an explanation for a claimed "difference."

Bill Potty Mouth Maher calling Gov. Palin a "****" because he politically disagrees with her is not truly different than Rush suggesting that a person who demands to get paid for sex is a whore. If anything, at least what Rush said (albeit too much of a stretch in the case of what Ms. Fluke actually said in her testiphony) would be an correct use of the terminology.

Your spin remains a massive fail.

I realize that you won't get it, but the fact remains.

NO, i think you are just proving yourself to be some kind of high functioning moron.

No one made a big deal about the Palin thing at the time. This is just a lot of screaming because your guy got caught.

women who use birth control aer not "sluts" or "prostitutes".

But keep saying they are, and we'll have fun posting here during Obama's second Inagural Address.

You are a low functioning drooling moron. :eusa_drool:

That nobody reacted much at the time to Maher's misogynistic commentary means exactly nothing, dopey.

I mean, seriously. So what? All that might show is that other than fellow libs, nobody watched Maher all that much.

And Rush NEVER said that women who use contraception are sluts, you fucking dishonest dickweed.

Dayum. Your strawman arguments are pathetic.

Correct. He addressed an individual that was an activist that was being used by the Democrats to embellish a phoney point they wished to use to take out the Republicans and Issa.
That nobody reacted much at the time to Maher's misogynistic commentary means exactly nothing, dopey.

I mean, seriously. So what? All that might show is that other than fellow libs, nobody watched Maher all that much.

And Rush NEVER said that women who use contraception are sluts, you fucking dishonest dickweed.

Dayum. Your strawman arguments are pathetic.

Nobody reacted because after two years of watching this woman, people said, "Yeah, she really is a stupid c**t." Her whole family looks like it broke out of Jerry Springer's Green Room.

And getting into a public fued with the guy who knocked up her daughter. Classic.

Sandra Fluke, on the other hand, is a well-spoken young woman who pointed out that the silly policies of the Catholic Church is having a negative impact on the lives of women who work for it or contract if for an education.
It ain't Mud. Romney's approval ratings are seriously underwater as people are being informed of just how he made his millions. I'm just surprised it's happening this early.
Well isn't THAT a reason to vote for P-BO.

"Don't vote for Romney, he's RICH!"

Nevermind the fact that Obama's rich too. Just not as rich as Romney.


No, Don't vote for Romney because he's one of the SCUMBAGS who got rich destroying the middle class over the last 30 years.

That's why I won't vote for him. And oh, yeah. He's a Mormon. That's the other reason.
So you're a religious bigot and hater of any achiever in the nation because anyone who gets rich steals from the middle class. Jeez! Even Lenin sees through THIS bullshit.

That nobody reacted much at the time to Maher's misogynistic commentary means exactly nothing, dopey.

I mean, seriously. So what? All that might show is that other than fellow libs, nobody watched Maher all that much.

And Rush NEVER said that women who use contraception are sluts, you fucking dishonest dickweed.

Dayum. Your strawman arguments are pathetic.

Nobody reacted because after two years of watching this woman, people said, "Yeah, she really is a stupid c**t." Her whole family looks like it broke out of Jerry Springer's Green Room.

And getting into a public fued with the guy who knocked up her daughter. Classic.

Sandra Fluke, on the other hand, is a well-spoken young woman who pointed out that the silly policies of the Catholic Church is having a negative impact on the lives of women who work for it or contract if for an education.
Boy, you are one pathetic hate filled piece of shit, aren't you? Why don't you go on a killing spree and save a bullet for yourself, mmkay?
Correct. He addressed an individual that was an activist that was being used by the Democrats to embellish a phoney point they wished to use to take out the Republicans and Issa.

He said that women who expect others to pay for their birth control are "sluts" and "prostitutes". Since most women get their birth control through their insurance plans or their husband's insurance plans, he called an awful lot of women prostitutes... not just Sandra Fluke. (who wasn't talking about that at all, anyway.)
Correct. He addressed an individual that was an activist that was being used by the Democrats to embellish a phoney point they wished to use to take out the Republicans and Issa.

He said that women who expect others to pay for their birth control are "sluts" and "prostitutes". Since most women get their birth control through their insurance plans or their husband's insurance plans, he called an awful lot of women prostitutes... not just Sandra Fluke. (who wasn't talking about that at all, anyway.)

And he was addressing directly Fluke...
Correct. He addressed an individual that was an activist that was being used by the Democrats to embellish a phoney point they wished to use to take out the Republicans and Issa.

He said that women who expect others to pay for their birth control are "sluts" and "prostitutes". Since most women get their birth control through their insurance plans or their husband's insurance plans, he called an awful lot of women prostitutes... not just Sandra Fluke. (who wasn't talking about that at all, anyway.)
When someone demands someone else to pay them so they can have sex.... what is the proper term for this behavior?

If you are needing 1000 bucks a year to meet your needs for birth control, what type of behavior are you engaging in?

Let's just think clearly for a second and look at what the logical implication of these demands and costs are, shall we?
That nobody reacted much at the time to Maher's misogynistic commentary means exactly nothing, dopey.

I mean, seriously. So what? All that might show is that other than fellow libs, nobody watched Maher all that much.

And Rush NEVER said that women who use contraception are sluts, you fucking dishonest dickweed.

Dayum. Your strawman arguments are pathetic.

Nobody reacted because after two years of watching this woman, people said, "Yeah, she really is a stupid c**t." Her whole family looks like it broke out of Jerry Springer's Green Room.

And getting into a public fued with the guy who knocked up her daughter. Classic.

Sandra Fluke, on the other hand, is a well-spoken young woman who pointed out that the silly policies of the Catholic Church is having a negative impact on the lives of women who work for it or contract if for an education.

She could have gone anywhere else that embraced what she wanted. She specifically targeted a religious institution to make her point. Her intent was nefarious. The Democrats used her as a tool to foist thier agenda.

That nobody reacted much at the time to Maher's misogynistic commentary means exactly nothing, dopey.

I mean, seriously. So what? All that might show is that other than fellow libs, nobody watched Maher all that much.

And Rush NEVER said that women who use contraception are sluts, you fucking dishonest dickweed.

Dayum. Your strawman arguments are pathetic.

Nobody reacted because after two years of watching this woman, people said, "Yeah, she really is a stupid c**t." Her whole family looks like it broke out of Jerry Springer's Green Room.

And getting into a public fued with the guy who knocked up her daughter. Classic.

Sandra Fluke, on the other hand, is a well-spoken young woman who pointed out that the silly policies of the Catholic Church is having a negative impact on the lives of women who work for it or contract if for an education.

She could have gone anywhere else that embraced what she wanted. She specifically targeted a religious institution to make her point. Her intent was nefarious. The Democrats used her as a tool to foist thier agenda.


What he said, which was very kind.

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