Mohammed cartoon contest: Protest held outside Phoenix mosque

His T-shirt pretty much says it all: "F--- Islam." Some of the counterprotesters wore shirts that said, "Love Thy Neighbor."

Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

I love how you left wing nutters love to frame the protests the wrong way so that it fits your narrative. We can see right through that bull shit strawman.

The protests were defiance against the religious tyranny of Islam. I know you stupid tools like to ignore that but facts are facts. It is in defiance of Islam telling Americans what we can and cannot do. You want to live and worship here? Fine and dandy but when you start to attack and oppress us, we will defy you.

Islam got what it deserves.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

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“Phoenix (CNN)Protesters at Friday's "Freedom of Speech" rally”

The idiocy of this, of course, is that there's nothing to 'protest,' nothing to justify a 'rally,' as there are no 'free speech' issues in play.

Free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not the relationship between and among private persons; one private person cannot 'violate' the free speech rights of another private person absent government involvement.

Just as idiotic is the 'protest' venue, where the only thing being 'protested' are Muslims peacefully worshiping in their mosque, having done nothing whatsoever to warrant a protest.

This clearly illustrates the ignorance, fear, stupidity, and hate of those with an unwarranted hostility toward Muslims, where as a consequence of their unwarranted hate they perceive being Muslim alone as a reason to 'protest.'

No----in fact the mosque at which the protest took place was the one which was frequented by the would be MURDERERS FOR ALLAH.
The objective of the criminals from that mosque was interference in the freedom of
expression of the people in Texas----IN THE NAME OF ISLAM.

It is not illogical to suppose that the criminal action of the would be murderers was based on the TEACHINGS OF THAT MOSQUE. It has not been so demonstrated but not illogical
to consider the very likely possibility. It happened to be fact---that hatred is taught in some mosques and persons who murder "for allah" are considered great heros. If a protestant church somewhere in the south preached segregation and support of the KKK---would you consider it wrong to protest that church?. I was invited to visit a mosque many decades ago------the HATE RANT DELIVERED INTO THE EARS OF CHILDREN that day -------left me so nauseated that I almost vomited on the carpet. It was long ago------about 45 years ago -----and walking distance from the site where the World Trade Center would later be built. Two muslims decided to commit murder in order to stamp on the civil rights of a bunch of people in Texas-----you expect no protest. ? you want to lick their shit?
So..we should protest with guns outside all houses of worship that some murderer, or would-be murderer, worshipped at?
His T-shirt pretty much says it all: "F--- Islam." Some of the counterprotesters wore shirts that said, "Love Thy Neighbor."

Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

I love how you left wing nutters love to frame the protests the wrong way so that it fits your narrative. We can see right through that bull shit strawman.

The protests were defiance against the religious tyranny of Islam. I know you stupid tools like to ignore that but facts are facts. It is in defiance of Islam telling Americans what we can and cannot do. You want to live and worship here? Fine and dandy but when you start to attack and oppress us, we will defy you.

Islam got what it deserves.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.
“Phoenix (CNN)Protesters at Friday's "Freedom of Speech" rally”

The idiocy of this, of course, is that there's nothing to 'protest,' nothing to justify a 'rally,' as there are no 'free speech' issues in play.

Free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not the relationship between and among private persons; one private person cannot 'violate' the free speech rights of another private person absent government involvement.

Just as idiotic is the 'protest' venue, where the only thing being 'protested' are Muslims peacefully worshiping in their mosque, having done nothing whatsoever to warrant a protest.

This clearly illustrates the ignorance, fear, stupidity, and hate of those with an unwarranted hostility toward Muslims, where as a consequence of their unwarranted hate they perceive being Muslim alone as a reason to 'protest.'

No----in fact the mosque at which the protest took place was the one which was frequented by the would be MURDERERS FOR ALLAH.
The objective of the criminals from that mosque was interference in the freedom of
expression of the people in Texas----IN THE NAME OF ISLAM.

It is not illogical to suppose that the criminal action of the would be murderers was based on the TEACHINGS OF THAT MOSQUE. It has not been so demonstrated but not illogical
to consider the very likely possibility. It happened to be fact---that hatred is taught in some mosques and persons who murder "for allah" are considered great heros. If a protestant church somewhere in the south preached segregation and support of the KKK---would you consider it wrong to protest that church?. I was invited to visit a mosque many decades ago------the HATE RANT DELIVERED INTO THE EARS OF CHILDREN that day -------left me so nauseated that I almost vomited on the carpet. It was long ago------about 45 years ago -----and walking distance from the site where the World Trade Center would later be built. Two muslims decided to commit murder in order to stamp on the civil rights of a bunch of people in Texas-----you expect no protest. ? you want to lick their shit?
So..we should protest with guns outside all houses of worship that some murderer, or would-be murderer, worshipped at?

Yes. Especially when the religion is the motive for the murder.
Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

Freedom of Speech



Because you can, doesn't mean you should. Only those with no life and nothing else to do would engage in such childish behavior.

They can, so they did.
They should, so they did.
Just because you in your ignorance and limited vocabulary, call it childish, that doesn't mean it actually is childish.

why is anyone complaining?------it went well-----no violence. could not have been better

in summary-----two disgusting pigs tried to murder people and ended up dead in the gutter. A whole bunch of people went to the origin of the filth in order to express their displeasure PEACEFULLY-------and nothing bad happened ALL GOOD SO FAR

So, that mosque is where the shooters came from?

yes----or so it was reported in the news. SOOFI and the other guy. But the mosque itself is considered quite "liberal" (???)
Freedom of Speech



Because you can, doesn't mean you should. Only those with no life and nothing else to do would engage in such childish behavior.

They can, so they did.
They should, so they did.
Just because you in your ignorance and limited vocabulary, call it childish, that doesn't mean it actually is childish.

why is anyone complaining?------it went well-----no violence. could not have been better

in summary-----two disgusting pigs tried to murder people and ended up dead in the gutter. A whole bunch of people went to the origin of the filth in order to express their displeasure PEACEFULLY-------and nothing bad happened ALL GOOD SO FAR

So, that mosque is where the shooters came from?

yes----or so it was reported in the news. SOOFI and the other guy. But the mosque itself is considered quite "liberal" (???)

Thanks, that makes a hell of a lot of difference.
“Phoenix (CNN)Protesters at Friday's "Freedom of Speech" rally”

The idiocy of this, of course, is that there's nothing to 'protest,' nothing to justify a 'rally,' as there are no 'free speech' issues in play.

Free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not the relationship between and among private persons; one private person cannot 'violate' the free speech rights of another private person absent government involvement.

Just as idiotic is the 'protest' venue, where the only thing being 'protested' are Muslims peacefully worshiping in their mosque, having done nothing whatsoever to warrant a protest.

This clearly illustrates the ignorance, fear, stupidity, and hate of those with an unwarranted hostility toward Muslims, where as a consequence of their unwarranted hate they perceive being Muslim alone as a reason to 'protest.'

No----in fact the mosque at which the protest took place was the one which was frequented by the would be MURDERERS FOR ALLAH.
The objective of the criminals from that mosque was interference in the freedom of
expression of the people in Texas----IN THE NAME OF ISLAM.

It is not illogical to suppose that the criminal action of the would be murderers was based on the TEACHINGS OF THAT MOSQUE. It has not been so demonstrated but not illogical
to consider the very likely possibility. It happened to be fact---that hatred is taught in some mosques and persons who murder "for allah" are considered great heros. If a protestant church somewhere in the south preached segregation and support of the KKK---would you consider it wrong to protest that church?. I was invited to visit a mosque many decades ago------the HATE RANT DELIVERED INTO THE EARS OF CHILDREN that day -------left me so nauseated that I almost vomited on the carpet. It was long ago------about 45 years ago -----and walking distance from the site where the World Trade Center would later be built. Two muslims decided to commit murder in order to stamp on the civil rights of a bunch of people in Texas-----you expect no protest. ? you want to lick their shit?
So..we should protest with guns outside all houses of worship that some murderer, or would-be murderer, worshipped at?

Yes. Especially when the religion is the motive for the murder.
Ah...and who makes such a determination? Can I? I think it would be fun.
His T-shirt pretty much says it all: "F--- Islam." Some of the counterprotesters wore shirts that said, "Love Thy Neighbor."

Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

I love how you left wing nutters love to frame the protests the wrong way so that it fits your narrative. We can see right through that bull shit strawman.

The protests were defiance against the religious tyranny of Islam. I know you stupid tools like to ignore that but facts are facts. It is in defiance of Islam telling Americans what we can and cannot do. You want to live and worship here? Fine and dandy but when you start to attack and oppress us, we will defy you.

Islam got what it deserves.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?
His T-shirt pretty much says it all: "F--- Islam." Some of the counterprotesters wore shirts that said, "Love Thy Neighbor."

Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

Freedom of Speech



Because you can, doesn't mean you should. Only those with no life and nothing else to do would engage in such childish behavior.

do you have any notion as to that which young muslims are exposed regarding americans,, Christians , Jews, and even Hindus? do you care? do you actually imagine that tying a bomb to one's ass in order to murder the children of the "other" is some kind of odd coincidence?

Speak softly - or not at all - and carry a very big stick. Moron's in Arizona and Texas have big mouths and likely won't suffer the consequences when one of the "young muslims", under the influence of haters in our country and theirs, has a bomb strapped to their body and kills innocents.

It's simple common sense not to "tug on Superman's cape (no I don't think suicide bombers are Supermen, but someone willing to die and knowing they will, is a powerful person indeed).
His T-shirt pretty much says it all: "F--- Islam." Some of the counterprotesters wore shirts that said, "Love Thy Neighbor."

Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

I love how you left wing nutters love to frame the protests the wrong way so that it fits your narrative. We can see right through that bull shit strawman.

The protests were defiance against the religious tyranny of Islam. I know you stupid tools like to ignore that but facts are facts. It is in defiance of Islam telling Americans what we can and cannot do. You want to live and worship here? Fine and dandy but when you start to attack and oppress us, we will defy you.

Islam got what it deserves.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

the issue was not "religious intolerance"------the issue was MURDEROUS INTENT WITH ASSAULT RIFLES . Was there active "taunting by a mob" ? did they storm the mosque ? did they shoot? did they hold guns to anyone's head? I am very curious -----did any of the bikers fire so much as a single shot? ---------the muslim animals went in for the KILL------they wanted to see dead bodies in the gutter for the GLORY OF ALLAH
His T-shirt pretty much says it all: "F--- Islam." Some of the counterprotesters wore shirts that said, "Love Thy Neighbor."

Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

I love how you left wing nutters love to frame the protests the wrong way so that it fits your narrative. We can see right through that bull shit strawman.

The protests were defiance against the religious tyranny of Islam. I know you stupid tools like to ignore that but facts are facts. It is in defiance of Islam telling Americans what we can and cannot do. You want to live and worship here? Fine and dandy but when you start to attack and oppress us, we will defy you.

Islam got what it deserves.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

Yep, and and this behavior is insane, since such intolerance has been on going since human history has been recorded, and always ends in violence.
His T-shirt pretty much says it all: "F--- Islam." Some of the counterprotesters wore shirts that said, "Love Thy Neighbor."

Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

Freedom of Speech



Because you can, doesn't mean you should. Only those with no life and nothing else to do would engage in such childish behavior.

do you have any notion as to that which young muslims are exposed regarding americans,, Christians , Jews, and even Hindus? do you care? do you actually imagine that tying a bomb to one's ass in order to murder the children of the "other" is some kind of odd coincidence?

Speak softly - or not at all - and carry a very big stick. Moron's in Arizona and Texas have big mouths and likely won't suffer the consequences when one of the "young muslims", under the influence of haters in our country and theirs, has a bomb strapped to their body and kills innocents.

It's simple common sense not to "tug on Superman's cape (no I don't think suicide bombers are Supermen, but someone willing to die and knowing they will, is a powerful person indeed).

yes-----and such animals should not be tolerated in the USA
“Phoenix (CNN)Protesters at Friday's "Freedom of Speech" rally”

The idiocy of this, of course, is that there's nothing to 'protest,' nothing to justify a 'rally,' as there are no 'free speech' issues in play.

Free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not the relationship between and among private persons; one private person cannot 'violate' the free speech rights of another private person absent government involvement.

Just as idiotic is the 'protest' venue, where the only thing being 'protested' are Muslims peacefully worshiping in their mosque, having done nothing whatsoever to warrant a protest.

This clearly illustrates the ignorance, fear, stupidity, and hate of those with an unwarranted hostility toward Muslims, where as a consequence of their unwarranted hate they perceive being Muslim alone as a reason to 'protest.'

No----in fact the mosque at which the protest took place was the one which was frequented by the would be MURDERERS FOR ALLAH.
The objective of the criminals from that mosque was interference in the freedom of
expression of the people in Texas----IN THE NAME OF ISLAM.

It is not illogical to suppose that the criminal action of the would be murderers was based on the TEACHINGS OF THAT MOSQUE. It has not been so demonstrated but not illogical
to consider the very likely possibility. It happened to be fact---that hatred is taught in some mosques and persons who murder "for allah" are considered great heros. If a protestant church somewhere in the south preached segregation and support of the KKK---would you consider it wrong to protest that church?. I was invited to visit a mosque many decades ago------the HATE RANT DELIVERED INTO THE EARS OF CHILDREN that day -------left me so nauseated that I almost vomited on the carpet. It was long ago------about 45 years ago -----and walking distance from the site where the World Trade Center would later be built. Two muslims decided to commit murder in order to stamp on the civil rights of a bunch of people in Texas-----you expect no protest. ? you want to lick their shit?
So..we should protest with guns outside all houses of worship that some murderer, or would-be murderer, worshipped at?

Yes. Especially when the religion is the motive for the murder.
Ah...and who makes such a determination? Can I? I think it would be fun.

You can't be trusted to spell words correctly let alone make any important decisions.
His T-shirt pretty much says it all: "F--- Islam." Some of the counterprotesters wore shirts that said, "Love Thy Neighbor."

Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

I love how you left wing nutters love to frame the protests the wrong way so that it fits your narrative. We can see right through that bull shit strawman.

The protests were defiance against the religious tyranny of Islam. I know you stupid tools like to ignore that but facts are facts. It is in defiance of Islam telling Americans what we can and cannot do. You want to live and worship here? Fine and dandy but when you start to attack and oppress us, we will defy you.

Islam got what it deserves.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

I love how you left wing nutters love to frame the protests the wrong way so that it fits your narrative. We can see right through that bull shit strawman.

The protests were defiance against the religious tyranny of Islam. I know you stupid tools like to ignore that but facts are facts. It is in defiance of Islam telling Americans what we can and cannot do. You want to live and worship here? Fine and dandy but when you start to attack and oppress us, we will defy you.

Islam got what it deserves.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

the issue was not "religious intolerance"------the issue was MURDEROUS INTENT WITH ASSAULT RIFLES . Was there active "taunting by a mob" ? did they storm the mosque ? did they shoot? did they hold guns to anyone's head? I am very curious -----did any of the bikers fire so much as a single shot? ---------the muslim animals went in for the KILL------they wanted to see dead bodies in the gutter for the GLORY OF ALLAH
Surrounding a peaceful place of worship with an armed mob is not intimidation?

Who were the bad guys yesterday
Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

I love how you left wing nutters love to frame the protests the wrong way so that it fits your narrative. We can see right through that bull shit strawman.

The protests were defiance against the religious tyranny of Islam. I know you stupid tools like to ignore that but facts are facts. It is in defiance of Islam telling Americans what we can and cannot do. You want to live and worship here? Fine and dandy but when you start to attack and oppress us, we will defy you.

Islam got what it deserves.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
They were demonstrating an attempt to provoke violence

They failed
I love how you left wing nutters love to frame the protests the wrong way so that it fits your narrative. We can see right through that bull shit strawman.

The protests were defiance against the religious tyranny of Islam. I know you stupid tools like to ignore that but facts are facts. It is in defiance of Islam telling Americans what we can and cannot do. You want to live and worship here? Fine and dandy but when you start to attack and oppress us, we will defy you.

Islam got what it deserves.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
They were demonstrating an attempt to provoke violence

They failed

really? what did they do to provoke violence? I did not see any footage of the event or hear about any overt acts on the part of the "MOB" -------did they "feel up" the women? spit on anyone? throw rocks? shoot out a few windows???
I love how you left wing nutters love to frame the protests the wrong way so that it fits your narrative. We can see right through that bull shit strawman.

The protests were defiance against the religious tyranny of Islam. I know you stupid tools like to ignore that but facts are facts. It is in defiance of Islam telling Americans what we can and cannot do. You want to live and worship here? Fine and dandy but when you start to attack and oppress us, we will defy you.

Islam got what it deserves.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

the issue was not "religious intolerance"------the issue was MURDEROUS INTENT WITH ASSAULT RIFLES . Was there active "taunting by a mob" ? did they storm the mosque ? did they shoot? did they hold guns to anyone's head? I am very curious -----did any of the bikers fire so much as a single shot? ---------the muslim animals went in for the KILL------they wanted to see dead bodies in the gutter for the GLORY OF ALLAH
Surrounding a peaceful place of worship with an armed mob is not intimidation?

Who were the bad guys yesterday

"armed mob" ??? they were pointing rifles at the people entering or exiting the mosque?? Your reference to "peaceful place of worship" was destroyed by the fact that TWO OF THEIR MEMBERS specifically attacked-----with MURDEROUS INTENT----a peaceful meeting of some americans and Texans ----HOLDING ASSAULT RIFLES -----, so far you are making a fool of yourself
I love how you left wing nutters love to frame the protests the wrong way so that it fits your narrative. We can see right through that bull shit strawman.

The protests were defiance against the religious tyranny of Islam. I know you stupid tools like to ignore that but facts are facts. It is in defiance of Islam telling Americans what we can and cannot do. You want to live and worship here? Fine and dandy but when you start to attack and oppress us, we will defy you.

Islam got what it deserves.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
They were demonstrating an attempt to provoke violence

They failed

No dumbass, that is only something you made up and tell yourself so you can continue to spout your stupid nonsense. It has always been about Americans announcing that they will not be intimidated or told what they can and cannot do. Of course you're too much of a stupid partisan asshat to ever except the truth but that doesn't change the real world, moron.
His T-shirt pretty much says it all: "F--- Islam." Some of the counterprotesters wore shirts that said, "Love Thy Neighbor."

Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

Freedom of Speech



Because you can, doesn't mean you should. Only those with no life and nothing else to do would engage in such childish behavior.

They can, so they did.
They should, so they did.
Just because you in your ignorance and limited vocabulary, call it childish, that doesn't mean it actually is childish.

So sorry, I should know someone as intelligent and articulate as you would see my ignorance and call me out. I am humbled by your body of work, so clear of thought, sagacious and panoptic. Forgive me oh wise and wonderful one, my peek behind the curtain was sufficient for me to see the real you and I was enlightened.

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