No Party Affiliation
Obviously this is very early and a lot can happen, but there is a noticeable gap between the two front-runners and the rest of the field.
Are moderate Republicans really gaining back control of the party? Some other signs - like moderate Republicans blocking a couple of symbolic votes that the right wing took for granted as routine - seem to indicate they may. Or at least they are trying to.
The far right had hoped that the midterms would provide them with a mandate, but it appears the opposite has happened. Republicans won majorities, but it looks like it was moderate Republicans who won the mandate.
Will the far right get on board and contribute to governing and directing the country? Or will they continue to demand "my way or no way"? Does a mandate matter to them or is it all about obstructing anything that didn't come from them?
Moderates obviously have the numbers - and the mandate - but can they get all the votes they need?
Are moderate Republicans really gaining back control of the party? Some other signs - like moderate Republicans blocking a couple of symbolic votes that the right wing took for granted as routine - seem to indicate they may. Or at least they are trying to.
The far right had hoped that the midterms would provide them with a mandate, but it appears the opposite has happened. Republicans won majorities, but it looks like it was moderate Republicans who won the mandate.
Will the far right get on board and contribute to governing and directing the country? Or will they continue to demand "my way or no way"? Does a mandate matter to them or is it all about obstructing anything that didn't come from them?
Moderates obviously have the numbers - and the mandate - but can they get all the votes they need?