MLS Tied with MLB for Popularity Amongst 12-17 Year-Olds

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A lot of people can't appreciate baseball, and that's fine. No one is going to pretend you are supposed to be pulling your hair out every minute of the game, or incessantly blowing on some plastic horn, or burning down the stadium, etc.

That's because all the fans coming out of the baseball stadium are comatose.

Kidding! Kidding!

Your point is null and void to Unko, as Jim Rome hasn't yet given him orders to hate on baseball.

Still protecting your binky, precious? Your prissy little attitude certainly fits most Americans' view of soccer. Way to go, Mr. Ambassador.
A lot of people can't appreciate baseball, and that's fine. No one is going to pretend you are supposed to be pulling your hair out every minute of the game, or incessantly blowing on some plastic horn, or burning down the stadium, etc.

Yeah. I had the misfortune of being a rabid Yankee fan right after Mantle and Maris retired.

I remember when they didn't have to bring out a new baseball for every pitch.

Baseball today is just unwatchable

Baseball is as great as it always was, for those who appreciate the game. For those who don't, that's fine. Lots of other options.
A lot of people can't appreciate baseball, and that's fine. No one is going to pretend you are supposed to be pulling your hair out every minute of the game, or incessantly blowing on some plastic horn, or burning down the stadium, etc.

Yeah. I had the misfortune of being a rabid Yankee fan right after Mantle and Maris retired.

I remember when they didn't have to bring out a new baseball for every pitch.

Baseball today is just unwatchable

Baseball is as great as it always was, for those who appreciate the game. For those who don't, that's fine. Lots of other options.

What a great 'open' attitude. Funny how it applies to your pre-approved sport and not another. You're a joke__ :eusa_shhh:
Yeah. I had the misfortune of being a rabid Yankee fan right after Mantle and Maris retired.

I remember when they didn't have to bring out a new baseball for every pitch.

Baseball today is just unwatchable

Baseball is as great as it always was, for those who appreciate the game. For those who don't, that's fine. Lots of other options.

What a great 'open' attitude. Funny how it applies to your pre-approved sport and not another.

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That's pretty stunning IMHO.

For the first time in the 20-year history of the ESPN Sports Poll, Major League Soccer has caught up with Major League Baseball in one significant marker of popularity.

In the survey, both leagues can claim 18 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds as avid fans of their sport, the poll said. ...

The NFL led the poll with 39 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds saying they are avid fans. The NBA, NCAA football and NCAA basketball were all over 23 percent.

MLS catches MLB in popularity with kids, says ESPN poll - ESPN FC

Soccer and baseball are both equally boring.
That's pretty stunning IMHO.

For the first time in the 20-year history of the ESPN Sports Poll, Major League Soccer has caught up with Major League Baseball in one significant marker of popularity.

In the survey, both leagues can claim 18 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds as avid fans of their sport, the poll said. ...

The NFL led the poll with 39 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds saying they are avid fans. The NBA, NCAA football and NCAA basketball were all over 23 percent.

MLS catches MLB in popularity with kids, says ESPN poll - ESPN FC

Soccer and baseball are both equally boring.

Clearly, you haven't been to a World Series game or World Cup match live.
It's interesting how Americans find soccer boring. I find all American sports boring as anything. Baseball and NFL especially. I can see why people like basketball, but ice hockey? you can't even see the puck, just players reacting to it...

Rugby League is my sport of choice, quickly followed by soccer....
Soccer and baseball are both equally boring.

Clearly, you haven't been to a World Series game or World Cup match live.

I was there when the Mets clinched the pennant in 86, is that close enough?

I find baseball boring. :)

I doubt you would've been there if you thought it was boring....But if you're talking in general, then maybe. I myself watch a fraction of the baseball I used to watch. I wouldn't say its cos I'm bored as much as I tend to think there are better things I can do with my time.
Clearly, you haven't been to a World Series game or World Cup match live.

I was there when the Mets clinched the pennant in 86, is that close enough?

I find baseball boring. :)

I doubt you would've been there if you thought it was boring....But if you're talking in general, then maybe. I myself watch a fraction of the baseball I used to watch. I wouldn't say its cos I'm bored as much as I tend to think there are better things I can do with my time.

I was only 11 or 12 at the time, it wasn't really up to me that I went. I honestly don't know if I cared about the game at all, but the crowd pouring onto the field afterward I remember being exciting. :lol:
I was there when the Mets clinched the pennant in 86, is that close enough?

I find baseball boring. :)

I doubt you would've been there if you thought it was boring....But if you're talking in general, then maybe. I myself watch a fraction of the baseball I used to watch. I wouldn't say its cos I'm bored as much as I tend to think there are better things I can do with my time.

I was only 11 or 12 at the time, it wasn't really up to me that I went. I honestly don't know if I cared about the game at all, but the crowd pouring onto the field afterward I remember being exciting. :lol:

Obviously, it's different if you're 11 or 12 and aren't there of your full free will and not into it. Anyhow...if you think baseball's boring then that's your deal. Frankly, all sports have been relatively 'boring' to me at one time or another. So, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to make of that anyways.

I personally like baseball live for the fact that tickets are cheaper, the game's are longer and outdoors and it ends up being a fun place to chill with friends and other people. The actual game is usually secondary to me anyways.
I doubt you would've been there if you thought it was boring....But if you're talking in general, then maybe. I myself watch a fraction of the baseball I used to watch. I wouldn't say its cos I'm bored as much as I tend to think there are better things I can do with my time.

I was only 11 or 12 at the time, it wasn't really up to me that I went. I honestly don't know if I cared about the game at all, but the crowd pouring onto the field afterward I remember being exciting. :lol:

Obviously, it's different if you're 11 or 12 and aren't there of your full free will and not into it. Anyhow...if you think baseball's boring then that's your deal. Frankly, all sports have been relatively 'boring' to me at one time or another. So, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to make of that anyways.

I personally like baseball live for the fact that tickets are cheaper, the game's are longer and outdoors and it ends up being a fun place to chill with friends and other people. The actual game is usually secondary to me anyways.

I've never been that kind of person. I don't go to a game to socialize, I go to see the game! Especially with the way prices are, it's not something I'd do just to hang out. :lol:

I think baseball is just a fairly poor spectator sport. I don't know how much is the game itself and how much the slow pace at which it's usually played, but it is not something I ever choose to watch.

It may be a better live experience than other sports in some ways. I generally don't consider that when I'm talking about sports as I have only rarely gone to see games live.
"I think baseball is just a fairly poor spectator sport."


In 2013, 74 million people paid to go to MLB games, with an average attendance of about 31 thousand per game. This is 31 thousand people going to each of EIGHTY-ONE home games, as compared to...what?... 8 home games in football?

Clearly, it is a "...fairly poor spectator sport." Too bad nobody mentions that to the people who pay their hard-earned money to go to the games and watch.

Like many sports, baseball can be excruciatingly boring unless you understand what's going on. Just like soccer. Just like cricket. Just like chess.
"I think baseball is just a fairly poor spectator sport."


In 2013, 74 million people paid to go to MLB games, with an average attendance of about 31 thousand per game. This is 31 thousand people going to each of EIGHTY-ONE home games, as compared to...what?... 8 home games in football?

Clearly, it is a "...fairly poor spectator sport." Too bad nobody mentions that to the people who pay their hard-earned money to go to the games and watch.

Like many sports, baseball can be excruciatingly boring unless you understand what's going on. Just like soccer. Just like cricket. Just like chess.

That is always the excuse of baseball fans : 'You don't understand what's going on'. It's asinine. I understand what's going on, I just don't find much excitement in it usually.

Like I said, I'm not really considering the live experiences of the various sports. That involves more than just the enjoyment of watching the sport; it's also about cost, location, availability, and other factors. I'm basically talking about televised sports. I find baseball fairly boring to watch on tv.
Let's switch dead horses for a moment. You say that baseball is boring, and I point out to you that the millions of people who watch it don't find it boring at all, because they KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON when nobody is hitting a home run.

Now switch to soccer (or if you prefer, "football"). A bunch of guys kicking a ball around a big grassy field. For 95% of the game, there is ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE THAT ANYTHING WILL HAPPEN THAT COULD AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE GAME. The ball is at least 50 yards (47 metres to you) away from the goal. A couple times during each half, the ball moves in closer so that a goal is POSSIBLE, but most of the time one of the nancies kicks it away and its 50 yards out again.

Clearly, a soccer fan would not see the game the same way I do, because I "don't understand the game."

You would have to pay me at least $50 to sit through a professional soccer game, buy me a beer and pay for my parking as well. It would be torture.
Let's switch dead horses for a moment. You say that baseball is boring, and I point out to you that the millions of people who watch it don't find it boring at all, because they KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON when nobody is hitting a home run.

Now switch to soccer (or if you prefer, "football"). A bunch of guys kicking a ball around a big grassy field. For 95% of the game, there is ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE THAT ANYTHING WILL HAPPEN THAT COULD AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE GAME. The ball is at least 50 yards (47 metres to you) away from the goal. A couple times during each half, the ball moves in closer so that a goal is POSSIBLE, but most of the time one of the nancies kicks it away and its 50 yards out again.

Clearly, a soccer fan would not see the game the same way I do, because I "don't understand the game."

You would have to pay me at least $50 to sit through a professional soccer game, buy me a beer and pay for my parking as well. It would be torture.

I'll say it again. I know what is going on in a baseball game. I still think it's boring.

I also think soccer is boring. I don't watch soccer, never have, because I find it boring.

More, although I think the US should switch to the metric system, I am a born and raised US citizen, so I don't think in terms of meters. I'm also an NFL fan, so yards are very comfortable to me when talking sports.

The only sport I watch regularly is football. I also watch hockey and MMA, but more sporadically (that's more a matter of availability than desire). I've watched baseball games, and even occasionally found at least some of a baseball game exciting. On the average, however, compared to many other spectator sports, baseball is pretty dull.
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