Zone1 MLK Is Rolling In His Grave

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I was just thinking about this since MLK Day is tomorrow. He said that his dream was for equality,... not for black people getting their revenge on white people and thinking that their superior to them.
I was just thinking about this since MLK Day is tomorrow. He said that his dream was for equality,... not for black people getting their revenge on white people and thinking that their superior to them.
Ok, where is the MLK candy if you think this is about equality?
I was just thinking about this since MLK Day is tomorrow. He said that his dream was for equality,... not for black people getting their revenge on white people and thinking that their superior to them.
They unveiled a new sculpture celebrating MLK Day....they call it "The Embrace".


I was just thinking about this since MLK Day is tomorrow. He said that his dream was for equality,... not for black people getting their revenge on white people and thinking that their superior to them.
His dream was about the end of white racism. And before he died, he declared his dream had become a nightmare. Now if all you know about King is one sentence you misquote, it may be wise for you to not start threads about Dr. King.
I just watched a PBS special about the Freedom Marches in the South in the 1960s.

The young African Americans were all peaceful, orderly, and well-dressed (often in suits).

I almost cried when I saw them enter Jackson, Mississippi, and get arrested when they purposely sat in the bus waiting room reserved for Caucasians.

Why did I almost cry?

Because I contrasted those well-dressed and peaceful protesters in the Jackson of the 1960s with today's criminals that have forced most Caucasians to flee Jackson and that have turned Jackson into one of the most violent cities in this nation.

Dr. King would be so ashamed of how a significant percentage of today's African American youth are behaving.
Briefly stated, MLK's quest seemed to be for Black people (and other POC's) to be able to assimilate into the greater society on the same terms as "white" people. The catchphrase that prevailed at the time was, "equal opportunity."

But today's Black "leaders" seem to want to be accorded all the rights and privileges of a successful "white" person, without having had to come up to the same standards, and without having had to assimilate, culturally.

Conceptually speaking, Sidney Poitier was the Black guy that MLK promised us (the person he played on screen, that is), and Al Sharpton is what we got. Is it any wonder why the American "white" people think there has been a bait & switch? The catchphrase for today is "equal results."

Not the same thing.
I just watched a PBS special about the Freedom Marches in the South in the 1960s.

The young African Americans were all peaceful, orderly, and well-dressed (often in suits).

I almost cried when I saw them enter Jackson, Mississippi, and get arrested when they purposely sat in the bus waiting room reserved for Caucasians.

Why did I almost cry?

Because I contrasted those well-dressed and peaceful protesters in the Jackson of the 1960s with today's criminals that have forced most Caucasians to flee Jackson and that have turned Jackson into one of the most violent cities in this nation.

Dr. King would be so ashamed of how a significant percentage of today's African American youth are behaving.
They can start by pulling their pants up above their butt crack.
No such thing .

So let's talk about natural superiority laced with kindness and compassion .

Far better balanced
There is such a thing and this forum is full of it. I know what king stood for and I don't need to debate a bunch of people who make up what they pretend King was about in order to deny their problem.
Briefly stated, MLK's quest seemed to be for Black people (and other POC's) to be able to assimilate into the greater society on the same terms as "white" people. The catchphrase that prevailed at the time was, "equal opportunity."

But today's Black "leaders" seem to want to be accorded all the rights and privileges of a successful "white" person, without having had to come up to the same standards, and without having had to assimilate, culturally.

Conceptually speaking, Sidney Poitier was the Black guy that MLK promised us (the person he played on screen, that is), and Al Sharpton is what we got. Is it any wonder why the American "white" people think there has been a bait & switch? The catchphrase for today is "equal results."

Not the same thing.
This is totally incorrect. Every word of it.

The standard whites have used is to manipulate the law in order to maintain white preference. King opposed that. And when King died most of white America hated his guts, so how about ending the annual whitewashing of Kings life with these lies.
I just watched a PBS special about the Freedom Marches in the South in the 1960s.

The young African Americans were all peaceful, orderly, and well-dressed (often in suits).

I almost cried when I saw them enter Jackson, Mississippi, and get arrested when they purposely sat in the bus waiting room reserved for Caucasians.

Why did I almost cry?

Because I contrasted those well-dressed and peaceful protesters in the Jackson of the 1960s with today's criminals that have forced most Caucasians to flee Jackson and that have turned Jackson into one of the most violent cities in this nation.

Dr. King would be so ashamed of how a significant percentage of today's African American youth are behaving.
That's not what happened in Jackson. Every year we have to read the annual white analysis of DR. King by people who hated what he stood for when he lived.
Corretta Scott King's cousin believes the CIA was behind the killing of MLK. I'd say FBI.

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