Mitt Romney: 'I'm Not Concerned About The Very Poor'

I see. so why are you guys intent on bring his religion into it? :eusa_eh: cannot help yourselves, thats why. how lame.
That's the left.... hating on the Christians.
Some of our far right religious wacks do a good job on hating on the rest of us, but that does not excuse ABS one little bit. Religious bigotry is religious bigotry, and needs to be called out whoever does it.

Yep, true. Generally, I am finding that the less intelligent GOPers support Gingrich, and the intellectuals opt for Romney. I find that funny. :lol:
That's the left.... hating on the Christians.
Some of our far right religious wacks do a good job on hating on the rest of us, but that does not excuse ABS one little bit. Religious bigotry is religious bigotry, and needs to be called out whoever does it.
Hating or trying to show YOU the err of your ways that the politicians lap up and embellish to egg you on for thier own power? Go ahead...continue to drink at the trough laid before you...
When you head clears up from the mind altering drug you have in it, try to explain what you just wrote to the rest of us. Please.
I find that reassuring, California Girl.

Only weak-headed blokes support Newt.
Some of our far right religious wacks do a good job on hating on the rest of us, but that does not excuse ABS one little bit. Religious bigotry is religious bigotry, and needs to be called out whoever does it.
Hating or trying to show YOU the err of your ways that the politicians lap up and embellish to egg you on for thier own power? Go ahead...continue to drink at the trough laid before you...
When you head clears up from the mind altering drug you have in it, try to explain what you just wrote to the rest of us. Please.

What he said is folks like you are sheeple. :eusa_angel:
Hating or trying to show YOU the err of your ways that the politicians lap up and embellish to egg you on for thier own power? Go ahead...continue to drink at the trough laid before you...
When you head clears up from the mind altering drug you have in it, try to explain what you just wrote to the rest of us. Please.

What he said is folks like you are sheeple. :eusa_angel:

Says the prophet of the Chief Sheep? :lol:
Probalby a better Republican than you are.

The problem is, at some point, the GOP became tools of Corporate America when Americans got sick of the nonsense.

And they've been paying the price ever since.

The GOP has only won one popular vote for President since 1990, and that was because we were at war and the Democrats ran an awful candidate. If the GOP doesn't get right with working folks- soon- they are going the way of the Whigs.

That's what they said HAD happened in 2008.

The GOP was dead and buried.

Oh look....2010.

And what makes it so funny is the GOP really is a mess.

What does that say about the dems ?

Well, the problem with that was what made 2010 happen was the TEA Party, which the GOP establishment has thoroughly rejected with Mittens.

Can't argue that you are against ObamaCare and then support RomneyCare, which is the same thing.

And in the moment of irony, Ann Coulter tried to do just that.
Well, finally he comes outright with it.


That one phrase may lose him the election assuming he gets the nomination.
I'm a conservative and can't stop shaking my head.
WTF was he thinking?
What a moron.

He was thinking that Americans were smart enough to understand basic English. Apparently, he might have to rethink that.

He didn't fucking say it.

Let me guess... you support the amoral manipulator, Grinchie?

You know, I love how you pretend the LDS liar didn't say things he obviously said. "Oh, wait' there's "context" in there somewhere that makes it okay."
Some of our far right religious wacks do a good job on hating on the rest of us, but that does not excuse ABS one little bit. Religious bigotry is religious bigotry, and needs to be called out whoever does it.
Hating or trying to show YOU the err of your ways that the politicians lap up and embellish to egg you on for thier own power? Go ahead...continue to drink at the trough laid before you...
When you head clears up from the mind altering drug you have in it, try to explain what you just wrote to the rest of us. Please.
After YOU pull your head out of your ass.
Well, only if you lie about what he said. But you already knew that. You just love the lies.

It's like his "I like to be able to fire people" comment. the context doesn't really matter, it just shows him as an out of touch rich guy who has no clue as to what the rest of us are going through right now.

Of course context matters.

Let me give you an example of what you do with Romney:

And my point was, there's no room in America for a black, a Latino, or an Asian. We're not color blind.
- Newt Gingrich

Did Newt use those words? Yes.

Now.... the actual quote is:

And my point was one I think that you'd agree with, which is there's no room in America for a black racist, a Latino racist, or a white racist, or an Asian racist, or a Native American racist. Now, we're either color blind or we're not color blind.
- Newt Gingrich

The first is the words - well, some of them anyway. The second is exactly what he said. What you do with Romney is an example of disingenuous, deliberate misquoting. A lie.

Do you understand it now?

That one phrase may lose him the election assuming he gets the nomination.
I'm a conservative and can't stop shaking my head.
WTF was he thinking?
What a moron.

He was thinking that Americans were smart enough to understand basic English. Apparently, he might have to rethink that.

He didn't fucking say it.

Let me guess... you support the amoral manipulator, Grinchie?

You know, I love how you pretend the LDS liar didn't say things he obviously said. "Oh, wait' there's "context" in there somewhere that makes it okay."

Perhaps you missed where I taught you about 'context'. See above.

The poor have welfare to live on whereas the working class lives paycheck to paycheck on the verge of losing everything.....that is what he is talking about.
Of course context matters.

Let me give you an example of what you do with Romney:

And my point was, there's no room in America for a black, a Latino, or an Asian. We're not color blind.
- Newt Gingrich

Did Newt use those words? Yes.

Now.... the actual quote is:

And my point was one I think that you'd agree with, which is there's no room in America for a black racist, a Latino racist, or a white racist, or an Asian racist, or a Native American racist. Now, we're either color blind or we're not color blind.
- Newt Gingrich

The first is the words - well, some of them anyway. The second is exactly what he said. What you do with Romney is an example of disingenuous, deliberate misquoting. A lie.

Do you understand it now?

What you had to do was pretty much tape splicing to make it sound bad.

Romney sounds bad in whole sentences...

Sorry, "I like to be able to fire people" is exactly what it is. There's no context where that sounds good. Ever. It shows an out of touch rich guy who just doesn't get what the rest of us go through.

The bizarre context that somehow a guy who makes nine figures is going to really think that the 'very poor" are of no concern because they have a safety net is just ludicrous.
I gave the context, ass-wipe. And just so you know, this isn't a college course. Perhaps you should take one on reading comprehension.

Just so you know, you are on your knees and whining. This is a thread for discussion, and you are looking stupid, son, very stupid.

Context is necessary, and you willfully ignore.

F for Fail.

Again, I gave the context. Here's the context, dumb ass:

"I'm in this race because I care about Americans. I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I'll fix it,"

It's in the fucking OP for Pete's sake

Try some reading comprehension.

Oh, come on, the Romney supporters are all drinking the Koolaid.

Today we had Ann Coulter defending socialized medicine.

It's really gone beyond insane.

They might as well admit, they'd support Stalin if he had a good chance to beat Obama because they just hate Obama so much. And they've deluded themselves into thinking that Romney is the best guy to do it, even though he's only won one election in his life.
When you head clears up from the mind altering drug you have in it, try to explain what you just wrote to the rest of us. Please.

What he said is folks like you are sheeple. :eusa_angel:

Says the prophet of the Chief Sheep? :lol:

Thanks......but I'm no prophet.

After we've seen over 3 years of Obama's excesses, his splurging on himself, the Chilean Sea-bass and $35,000 dollar a plat dinners, the trips to Spain, Christmases in Hawaii, and rubbing elbows with the rich in Martha's Vinyard, $500 tennis-shoes, etc....

How can Obama even begin to act like he gives a shit about anyone but himself.
Of course context matters.

Let me give you an example of what you do with Romney:

And my point was, there's no room in America for a black, a Latino, or an Asian. We're not color blind.
- Newt Gingrich

Did Newt use those words? Yes.

Now.... the actual quote is:

And my point was one I think that you'd agree with, which is there's no room in America for a black racist, a Latino racist, or a white racist, or an Asian racist, or a Native American racist. Now, we're either color blind or we're not color blind.
- Newt Gingrich

The first is the words - well, some of them anyway. The second is exactly what he said. What you do with Romney is an example of disingenuous, deliberate misquoting. A lie.

Do you understand it now?

What you had to do was pretty much tape splicing to make it sound bad.

Romney sounds bad in whole sentences...

Sorry, "I like to be able to fire people" is exactly what it is. There's no context where that sounds good. Ever. It shows an out of touch rich guy who just doesn't get what the rest of us go through.

The bizarre context that somehow a guy who makes nine figures is going to really think that the 'very poor" are of no concern because they have a safety net is just ludicrous.

Removing words such as 'be able to' and remove context from sentences - ie what came before or after the sentence... what you are left with is a lie.


You lie because you have to. That's fine. But expect to get called a lying dumbass for it. Mmmk?
The poor have welfare to live on whereas the working class lives paycheck to paycheck on the verge of losing everything.....that is what he is talking about.

Guy, here's the thing. Nobody can actually live on just welfare. The reality is, Welfare and other programs usually either supplement illegal or legal or under the table work.

If you really think you can feed a family of four on $50.00 a week, you're delusional.
What he said is folks like you are sheeple. :eusa_angel:

Says the prophet of the Chief Sheep? :lol:

Thanks......but I'm no prophet.

After we've seen over 3 years of Obama's excesses, his splurging on himself, the Chilean Sea-bass and $35,000 dollar a plat dinners, the trips to Spain, Christmases in Hawaii, and rubbing elbows with the rich in Martha's Vinyard, $500 tennis-shoes, etc....

How can Obama even begin to act like he gives a shit about anyone but himself.
Precisely. It's about himself...has always been about himself.

He's recanted his 'one term' statement now that he has figured out he loves the perks ans he screws the people he claims to care about.

He's a fraud. Always has been.
The poor have welfare to live on whereas the working class lives paycheck to paycheck on the verge of losing everything.....that is what he is talking about.

What I would like to hear from Romney is addressing the root causes of poverty. Poor education, drugs, irresponsible personal choices... stuff like that.
It's like his "I like to be able to fire people" comment. the context doesn't really matter, it just shows him as an out of touch rich guy who has no clue as to what the rest of us are going through right now.

Of course context matters. I am no friend of the right, but that 'fire people' fiasco made Dems and the media look like idiots.. a rational thinking person..
Uh, there are plenty of people living off welfare....they just do jobs under the table and many times they are robbing or dealing drugs.

The poor have welfare to live on whereas the working class lives paycheck to paycheck on the verge of losing everything.....that is what he is talking about.

Guy, here's the thing. Nobody can actually live on just welfare. The reality is, Welfare and other programs usually either supplement illegal or legal or under the table work.

If you really think you can feed a family of four on $50.00 a week, you're delusional.

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