Mitt Romney: 'I Will Not Cut The Military Budget'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Max J. Rosenthal

In a week when defense industry leaders gathered in Washington to sound the alarm about potential cuts to defense spending, Mitt Romney pledged his support for a "military that's second to none" and vowed not to slash the Pentagon's funds.

"I will not cut the military budget," he told the American Legion, which published excerpts on Thursday from an interview with the presumptive Republican nominee. "I will instead expand our essential weapons programs and our [number of] active-duty personnel. I do these things not so that we have to fight wars, but so that we can prevent wars."

Romney is a longtime critic of cutting the defense budget, arguing that shrinking the numbers of ground troops, planes and ships will damage national security. While the Pentagon has proposed $487 billion in budget cuts over the next decade, Romney has suggested increasing the military's budget by as much as $2 trillion during the same period, according to some estimates.

More: Mitt Romney: 'I Will Not Cut The Military Budget'
While the Pentagon has proposed $487 billion in budget cuts over the next decade, Romney has suggested increasing the military's budget by as much as $2 trillion during the same period, according to some estimates.

The Pentagon has proposed $487 billion in budget cuts - but Romney wants to increase Pentagon budget by $2 trillion during same period. Romney really wants to protect all the assets of the rich and powerful.
I wouldn't care one single iota what the defense industry lobby sucks out of the government if we had fair and simple taxes, public budgets that were balanced by law, and transparency in all things politics.

A statement like that under current conditions simply shows Romney as a tool of the industry.

Yeah... I know... not really 'news', is it.

* yawn *
By Max J. Rosenthal

In a week when defense industry leaders gathered in Washington to sound the alarm about potential cuts to defense spending, Mitt Romney pledged his support for a "military that's second to none" and vowed not to slash the Pentagon's funds.

"I will not cut the military budget," he told the American Legion, which published excerpts on Thursday from an interview with the presumptive Republican nominee. "I will instead expand our essential weapons programs and our [number of] active-duty personnel. I do these things not so that we have to fight wars, but so that we can prevent wars."

Romney is a longtime critic of cutting the defense budget, arguing that shrinking the numbers of ground troops, planes and ships will damage national security. While the Pentagon has proposed $487 billion in budget cuts over the next decade, Romney has suggested increasing the military's budget by as much as $2 trillion during the same period, according to some estimates.

More: Mitt Romney: 'I Will Not Cut The Military Budget'

Is it possible that you don't realize what a mistake it is for an Obamunist to bring up the budget???

With a Ryan Budget plan, a Tea Party Budget plan, the Mack Penny Budget plan, and others
all designed to balance the federal budget, and cut the deficit....

....only one individual has produced a 'budget plan' that


....balances the budget.

Wanna guess who that would be?

Here, let me help:

“(WASHINGTON) – On Wednesday, Jeffrey Zients, Acting White House Budget Director, appeared before the House Budget Committee. Mr. Zients was in attendance in order to defend President Obama's proposed $3.8 trillion budget for the fiscal year that begins October 1, 2013. Congressman Huelskamp, a member of the Committee, used the opportunity to ask President Obama's chief budget officer about the impact of the President Obama's budget on the debt. According to the numbers included in the President Obama's budget, gross federal debt is expected to grow to more than $26 trillion in the next decade, up from $10.6 trillion on January 20, 2009. "Mr. Zients danced around the issue, never answering the fundamental question: 'When will President Obama's budget balance?' Since he did not respond to the question, I will: the answer is 'never.' When Will President Obama's Budget Balance? Never.


"the fundamental question: 'When will President Obama's budget balance?' Since he did not respond to the question, I will: the answer is 'never.' "
Well, President Clinton gave us balanced budgets - which the next president destroyed in addition to giving us the Great Bush Recession. Therefore, austerity measures are not economically/financially wise until the economy further improves. Bush started two wars that he kept "off budget" - in addition to tax cuts.

Now, Romney wants more tax cuts and increased military spending. Who's going to pay for it - the poor and middle class? Hell yes, if wingnuts have their way!

Unlike in previous major wars, the United States has cut taxes at the same time it has increased military spending. "It's fair to say all of the money spent on the war has been borrowed," says Richard Kogan, a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a think tank in Washington. "But eventually everything has to be paid for."

More: How US is deferring war costs / The Christian Science Monitor -
That's a neat trick.

Cut taxes and spend more military.

Now why the heck is that so damned familiar?

Got a beef with the Bush tax cuts?

" Tax revenues peaked during the last year of the Clinton Presidency at $2.026 trillion.... the next four years of the Bush Presidency after the 2003 reduction in tax rates saw a 44% increase in Federal tax revenues from $1.782 trillion to $2.568 trillion. That’s correct – a 44% increase in revenues after the so-called “tax break for the wealthy.”
After Bush Tax Cuts, Payments By Wealthy Actually Increased - Forbes

Sure was lucky for Clinton that Reagan finished the 'Evil Empire,' so he had a 'peace dividend,' huh?
That's a neat trick.

Cut taxes and spend more military.

Now why the heck is that so damned familiar?

Got a beef with the Bush tax cuts?

" Tax revenues peaked during the last year of the Clinton Presidency at $2.026 trillion.... the next four years of the Bush Presidency after the 2003 reduction in tax rates saw a 44% increase in Federal tax revenues from $1.782 trillion to $2.568 trillion. That’s correct – a 44% increase in revenues after the so-called “tax break for the wealthy.”
After Bush Tax Cuts, Payments By Wealthy Actually Increased - Forbes

Sure was lucky for Clinton that Reagan finished the 'Evil Empire,' so he had a 'peace dividend,' huh?

Was that before or after Reagan betrayed his country and broke the law by selling arms to Iran?

Well, President Clinton gave us balanced budgets - which the next president destroyed in addition to giving us the Great Bush Recession. Therefore, austerity measures are not economically/financially wise until the economy further improves. Bush started two wars that he kept "off budget" - in addition to tax cuts.

Now, Romney wants more tax cuts and increased military spending. Who's going to pay for it - the poor and middle class? Hell yes, if wingnuts have their way!

Unlike in previous major wars, the United States has cut taxes at the same time it has increased military spending. "It's fair to say all of the money spent on the war has been borrowed," says Richard Kogan, a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a think tank in Washington. "But eventually everything has to be paid for."

More: How US is deferring war costs / The Christian Science Monitor -

The national debt went up 41% under Clinton.

You know that....don't you?
That's a neat trick.

Cut taxes and spend more military.

Now why the heck is that so damned familiar?

Got a beef with the Bush tax cuts?

" Tax revenues peaked during the last year of the Clinton Presidency at $2.026 trillion.... the next four years of the Bush Presidency after the 2003 reduction in tax rates saw a 44% increase in Federal tax revenues from $1.782 trillion to $2.568 trillion. That’s correct – a 44% increase in revenues after the so-called “tax break for the wealthy.”
After Bush Tax Cuts, Payments By Wealthy Actually Increased - Forbes

Sure was lucky for Clinton that Reagan finished the 'Evil Empire,' so he had a 'peace dividend,' huh?

Was that before or after Reagan betrayed his country and broke the law by selling arms to Iran?


So you agree with me that Iran needs to be stopped from attaining a nuke?
While the Pentagon has proposed $487 billion in budget cuts over the next decade, Romney has suggested increasing the military's budget by as much as $2 trillion during the same period, according to some estimates.

The Pentagon has proposed $487 billion in budget cuts - but Romney wants to increase Pentagon budget by $2 trillion during same period. Romney really wants to protect all the assets of the rich and powerful.

Oh my God, you figured it out. Yeah, Romney wants to protect only the rich and powerful, and he's gonna use the middle class and the poor in the front lines as cannon fodder.

You're really really smart. I bet you've written a lot of books.
That's a neat trick.

Cut taxes and spend more military.

Now why the heck is that so damned familiar?

Got a beef with the Bush tax cuts?

" Tax revenues peaked during the last year of the Clinton Presidency at $2.026 trillion.... the next four years of the Bush Presidency after the 2003 reduction in tax rates saw a 44% increase in Federal tax revenues from $1.782 trillion to $2.568 trillion. That’s correct – a 44% increase in revenues after the so-called “tax break for the wealthy.”
After Bush Tax Cuts, Payments By Wealthy Actually Increased - Forbes

Sure was lucky for Clinton that Reagan finished the 'Evil Empire,' so he had a 'peace dividend,' huh?

Why did you skip 2001 - 2003? Oh right, because revenue DROPPED all three years. Something that has never happened in the history of our country.

It took Bush 5 years to get back to the levels Clinton had.

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