Mitt romney; community organizer.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Mitt Romney, community organizer | Power Line

Romney’s work in his church as a “community organizer” is a different Romney in politics and what he want for the people not in his church. Why is he making his work in his church an issue in running as president of the people? Will his Mormon beliefs influence his running the people’s government? Romney, the Mormon church community organizer is not the same man I see in politics. In business he took from the people, not give to the people. Sure the jobs he created in business benefited him more than the people. And when he did not need the people any longer, he discarded them. Not the same community organizer in the Mormon church. If he had the same convictions in the government as he has in the church, he will put the little man first and not big business. I am seeing two Romney’s and two Ryan’s in the campaigns.
He gave $4.5 million to the Mormon church in one year for the needy. But he is not willing to do the same for the people out side his church.. Main stream America. There are “needy” people in the Mormon church like the needy people that need welfare? If he is going to clean up the welfare state, he need to start with the Mormon fundamentalist polygamists who take advantage of welfare. Put them to work.
I believe Romney has split personality. One for the church and the other for the government.

Romney again endorses gov’t-backed health care for all[/B
Romney again endorses gov’t-backed health care for all | Jay Bookman
Please. Bishops work much harder than community organizers. And they do good as well.

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