Mitchell Wedding, Jacksonville FL

Gypsy Mitchells are a american roma clan

Hey Mort. This was in 2020. If you took a pic now he has aged and is a nervous wreck and she is twice as huge and pecking him to death
Hey Mort. This was in 2020. If you took a pic now he has aged and is a nervous wreck and she is twice as huge and pecking him to death

That is for most races the same. Many men when they get married grow a beer belly and women get fat after being pregnant and no one looks old as good as young. Why do you say that is only for gypsies? Do old americans look any better?
That is for most races the same. Many men when they get married grow a beer belly and women get fat after being pregnant and no one looks old as good as young. Why do you say that is only for gypsies? Do old americans look any better?
Mort. I would post the same thing to any male in a tux.................YOU SUCKER!!! Wait til you find out what it costs to fix her teeth
That is for most races the same. Many men when they get married grow a beer belly and women get fat after being pregnant and no one looks old as good as young. Why do you say that is only for gypsies? Do old americans look any better?
True. My first wife weighed about 115 when we married, but within a year, I had more than double my money's worth.
I wouldnt say it is all the same though, gypsies are their own cultural and ethnic grouping, and india is more diverse then europe, there are many languages, religions, castes, ethnic groups etc. not all europeans are the same either, i dont like if people generalise gypsies to be dotheads, thats not true, gypsies are gypsies.
I wouldnt say it is all the same though, gypsies are their own cultural and ethnic grouping, and india is more diverse then europe, there are many languages, religions, castes, ethnic groups etc. not all europeans are the same either, i dont like if people generalise gypsies to be dotheads, thats not true, gypsies are gypsies.
All South Asians look like dotheads.

They can be as diverse as they want...but they all look like Apu from the Simpsons
Thats not even true some are litteraly white skinned and blue eyed and some are blacker then african americans, many look somewhere inbetween. That they all look the same is not true. Not even by skin colour.
But you could slap a dot between their eyes, and throw them in a mini mart and you couldn't tell the difference.
But you could slap a dot between their eyes, and throw them in a mini mart and you couldn't tell the difference.

Gypsies dont consider Southasians to be the same cultural and ethnic grouping as them, if you consider all europeans to be the same race or ethnicity then thats your own business, europeans consider themselfes all as the same things thats why they are just like blacks but asians for example differentiate between themselfes like japanese dont accept viets etc. Gypsies dont consider themselfes to be indians, thats why they are not.
Gypsies dont consider Southasians to be the same cultural and ethnic grouping as them, if you consider all europeans to be the same race or ethnicity then thats your own business, europeans consider themselfes all as the same things thats why they are just like blacks but asians for example differentiate between themselfes like japanese dont accept viets etc. Gypsies dont consider themselfes to be indians, thats why they are not.
You can dance around the topic all you want Mort.

You can dance around the topic all you want Mort.


The dothead is derrived from a hindu custome, many indians are muslims and pakis too, or bangladeshis and dont wear the dot. You are a idiot. Not all southasians are by nationality indians either, there are pakistanis, bangladeshis, sri lankans, nepalese etc. Some count afghanistan as southasian too geographically.

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