Mitch McConnell Tries To Destroy MAGA


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I found Mitch McConnell's post acquittal speech to be odd but simply assumed that he was trading his personal humiliation for some un-named concession from Chuck Schumer. After reading this article I may have to change my opinion. This makes excellent sense.

An interesting, insightful and accurate article from Christopher Bedford in The Federalist [SEE HERE] outlines how Mitch McConnell delivered his impeachment floor speech as a ploy to destroy the MAGA movement. Bedford notes how Senator Lindsey Graham even outlined how McConnell’s attack was purposefully written and delivered to give any Democrat opponent in 2022 ammunition against Republican senators up for re-election.

Mitch McConnell Deployed His Anti-Trump Ploy in The Exact Same Manner He Deployed Against The Tea Party... - The Last RefugeThe Last Refuge (

( Alternate thread title: How to make liberals defend Mitch McConnell )
Dude, that's a whack job website.

The speech was for the moderates and the vote was for magatards. McConnell really only has one reason for doing anything, to protect his personal power and career.
I found Mitch McConnell's post acquittal speech to be odd but simply assumed that he was trading his personal humiliation for some un-named concession from Chuck Schumer. After reading this article I may have to change my opinion. This makes excellent sense.

An interesting, insightful and accurate article from Christopher Bedford in The Federalist [SEE HERE] outlines how Mitch McConnell delivered his impeachment floor speech as a ploy to destroy the MAGA movement. Bedford notes how Senator Lindsey Graham even outlined how McConnell’s attack was purposefully written and delivered to give any Democrat opponent in 2022 ammunition against Republican senators up for re-election.

Mitch McConnell Deployed His Anti-Trump Ploy in The Exact Same Manner He Deployed Against The Tea Party... - The Last RefugeThe Last Refuge (

( Alternate thread title: How to make liberals defend Mitch McConnell )
the funny thing is Mitch the Weasel is hated by both parties equally now. In a twist of fate it is the only thing the parties agree on
I found Mitch McConnell's post acquittal speech to be odd but simply assumed that he was trading his personal humiliation for some un-named concession from Chuck Schumer. After reading this article I may have to change my opinion. This makes excellent sense.

An interesting, insightful and accurate article from Christopher Bedford in The Federalist [SEE HERE] outlines how Mitch McConnell delivered his impeachment floor speech as a ploy to destroy the MAGA movement. Bedford notes how Senator Lindsey Graham even outlined how McConnell’s attack was purposefully written and delivered to give any Democrat opponent in 2022 ammunition against Republican senators up for re-election.

Mitch McConnell Deployed His Anti-Trump Ploy in The Exact Same Manner He Deployed Against The Tea Party... - The Last RefugeThe Last Refuge (

( Alternate thread title: How to make liberals defend Mitch McConnell )
the funny thing is Mitch the Weasel is hated by both parties equally now. In a twist of fate it is the only thing the parties agree on
I think this will certainly make it more difficult to fundraise.
The speech was for the moderates and the vote was for magatards. McConnell really only has one reason for doing anything, to protect his personal power and career.
McConnell is walking a tightrope between the Donors on one side and the crazy Maga base on the other.

He needs votes AND money.

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