Mitch McConnell draws the line in the sand for TP


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Mitch McConnell draws a line in the sand for the Tea Party « Hot Air

“The most important election yesterday wasn’t the governor of New Jersey and it wasn’t the governor of Virginia, it was the special election for Congress in South Alabama, where a candidate who said the shutdown was a great idea, the president was born in Kenya, and that he opposed Speaker Boehner came in second.” The victory of a more electable Republican, is significant, Mr. McConnell says. To govern, parties must win. To win, parties must “run candidates that don’t scare the general public, [and] convey the impression that we could actually be responsible for governing, you can trust us—we’re adults here, we’re grown-ups.”

Mitch finally is telling the TP leaders to SHUT UP! Now the TP will go after him with a vengeance. Yup, they will push another loon through the Primaries and the Dems will pick up another seat.

This script is playing out again and again.
Kentucky remains a Border State and as such is neither red nor blue. It will be interesting if the radical TP is able to defeat McConnell and then lose the general election to a moderate - maybe a blue dog - Democrat.
Kentucky remains a Border State and as such is neither red nor blue. It will be interesting if the radical TP is able to defeat McConnell and then lose the general election to a moderate - maybe a blue dog - Democrat.

Agreed...It seems the TP is determined to make the GOP another "also ran" party. Maybe Mitch will begin a movement to stop this seemingly never ending story.

Act 1- TP dislikes GOP person because is not not conservative enough

Act 2- TP pushes and gets nominated a far right TP candidate in primaries

Act 3- The Dem, who wouldhave lost to a moderate Repub beats the TP loon in the General.

I mean, you don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to figure this one out. Look at Virginia. The moderate Lt Governor Bolling could have won, but the TP pushed the Cooooch through the primary.....:cuckoo:
I would like to see the size and scope of government reduced in all areas.
McConnell has shown little interest or effectiveness along these lines.
As the TP shows signs of shifting from economic conservatism toward radical social authoritarianism, I personally could care less which emerges victorious. Either way the country loses.
Kentucky remains a Border State and as such is neither red nor blue. It will be interesting if the radical TP is able to defeat McConnell and then lose the general election to a moderate - maybe a blue dog - Democrat.


Remember 2010? The worst ass-kicking in Congressional History? Remember who put that ass-kicking on dimocrap scum?

The Tea Party.

Know why the Tea Party was ineffective in 2012? The illegal and criminal use of the IRS to illegally and criminally harass them.

Big mistake. They'll be back stronger than ever next year.

Count on it.

Republicans take another 25 seats in the House and between 12 and 15 Senate Seats.

The end of obama's presidency.

dimocrap scum are shitting bricks everywhere.

All 15 dimocrap senators that are up for re-election made a deal with the scumbag in chief yesterday. They're scared shitless. The deal is that they can criticize obamacare but that they won't call for a delay. LOSERS!!

There are five (5) more dimocrap scum that are retiring and one (1) appointee position is up for grabs.

Twenty-One (21) dimocrap seats in all. dimocraps will EASILY lose between 12 and 15 of those spots.
The tide of the TeaPoCrappic impulse is over.

2010 was then and won't ever come again, and now is the time for the GOP to put the TeaPoCraps down.
Know why the Tea Party was ineffective in 2012? The illegal and criminal use of the IRS to illegally and criminally harass them.

Big mistake. They'll be back stronger than ever next year.

Count on it.

Republicans take another 25 seats in the House and between 12 and 15 Senate Seats.

The tide of the TeaPoCrappic impulse is over.

2010 was then and won't ever come again, and now is the time for the GOP to put the TeaPoCraps down.

It is a matter of survival. Either they shed the TP loony toons or they watch the Dems win national races. Karl Rover has put together a huge war chest to battle the Baggers. Let's see what happens.
The GOP is wising up to the Dem crap lines. They have done some serious homework on what works and how to counter it. The "Tea party Nutjob" line won't work anymore. How do you call someone in favor of individual choice, lower taxes and less regulation a nutjob? The opposite is the case.
I would like to see the size and scope of government reduced in all areas.
McConnell has shown little interest or effectiveness along these lines.
As the TP shows signs of shifting from economic conservatism toward radical social authoritarianism, I personally could care less which emerges victorious. Either way the country loses.

Yep. The Tea Party has been corrupted by the Religious Right, much like they did to the GOP in general. The only difference no is the Tea Party wants a smaller government while the GOP old timers want a bigger government.

You want to reform the GOP, get rid of the God Squad and run strictly on small government and economic issues. Social issues are a losing proposition for the GOP.
Kentucky remains a Border State and as such is neither red nor blue. It will be interesting if the radical TP is able to defeat McConnell and then lose the general election to a moderate - maybe a blue dog - Democrat.


Remember 2010? The worst ass-kicking in Congressional History? Remember who put that ass-kicking on dimocrap scum?

The Tea Party.

Know why the Tea Party was ineffective in 2012? The illegal and criminal use of the IRS to illegally and criminally harass them.

Big mistake. They'll be back stronger than ever next year.

Count on it.

Republicans take another 25 seats in the House and between 12 and 15 Senate Seats.

The end of obama's presidency.

dimocrap scum are shitting bricks everywhere.

All 15 dimocrap senators that are up for re-election made a deal with the scumbag in chief yesterday. They're scared shitless. The deal is that they can criticize obamacare but that they won't call for a delay. LOSERS!!

There are five (5) more dimocrap scum that are retiring and one (1) appointee position is up for grabs.

Twenty-One (21) dimocrap seats in all. dimocraps will EASILY lose between 12 and 15 of those spots.

In 2010, the Teaparty lost the Senate for the Republicans
O'Donnell, Angle and company gave sure Republican seats to the Dems

Republicans would have won the House without the TeaTards
Mitch McConnell draws a line in the sand for the Tea Party « Hot Air

“The most important election yesterday wasn’t the governor of New Jersey and it wasn’t the governor of Virginia, it was the special election for Congress in South Alabama, where a candidate who said the shutdown was a great idea, the president was born in Kenya, and that he opposed Speaker Boehner came in second.” The victory of a more electable Republican, is significant, Mr. McConnell says. To govern, parties must win. To win, parties must “run candidates that don’t scare the general public, [and] convey the impression that we could actually be responsible for governing, you can trust us—we’re adults here, we’re grown-ups.”

Mitch finally is telling the TP leaders to SHUT UP! Now the TP will go after him with a vengeance. Yup, they will push another loon through the Primaries and the Dems will pick up another seat.

This script is playing out again and again.

McConnell is trying to save his ass in his own election after the miserable way he has performed in Congress. He needs to lose this election and we need representation we can count on in the Senate. He is a traitor for the Republican cause.
I see the left wing spin machine is strong in this thread.

The first "spin"..... Cuchinelli would have and should have won Virginia except for the fake Libertarian running on Democrat money. As it was, a mere 2.5% of the votes gave the Seat to the Democrats.

The MSM is the spokesperson for the Democrat Party. Any Republican who wins usually wins in spite of the Lies, distortions, and biased reporting of the media.

Several studies have given some evidence that if it were not for the illegal actions of the IRS, the Tea Party would have had enough influence and money to not only have taken over the Senate, but to elect Romney.

The Lefties can spin all the lies they want.. We know the truth.
The Tea Party is a figment of the Democrat party imagination. It does not exist as an entity sanctioned by statute from the Federal Election Commission.

Prove me wrong.
Know why the Tea Party was ineffective in 2012? The illegal and criminal use of the IRS to illegally and criminally harass them.

Big mistake. They'll be back stronger than ever next year.

Count on it.

Republicans take another 25 seats in the House and between 12 and 15 Senate Seats.


You had the same idiotic reaction when you were told that we would take 63 Seats in the House and 6 seats in the Senate, too.


Remember to wipe the drool off your face
I also have to say this..

The Republican establishment is scared to death of the Tea Party people. People who are tired of the "Liberal Lite" actions and are speaking out against it.

We didn't elect them to Congress to be liked by the Democrats or the Media. We elected them to represent us and our views. That is what they promised to do and by God, we will hold them to that promise or replace them with people, like Cruz and Lee, who will.
The Tea Party is a figment of the Democrat party imagination. It does not exist as an entity sanctioned by statute from the Federal Election Commission.

Prove me wrong.

They may be a figment of the Democratic Party imagination

But they are a Nightmare for Republicans
The Tea Party is a figment of the Democrat party imagination. It does not exist as an entity sanctioned by statute from the Federal Election Commission.

Prove me wrong.

They may be a figment of the Democratic Party imagination

But they are a Nightmare for Republicans

Grass roots popular movements are always a nightmare for established politicians. Democrats saw the same thing a few years ago.
The Tea Party is a figment of the Democrat party imagination. It does not exist as an entity sanctioned by statute from the Federal Election Commission.

Prove me wrong.

They may be a figment of the Democratic Party imagination

But they are a Nightmare for Republicans

Yeah, especially when they took 63 House Seats away from dimocraps.

2014 is gonna make 2010 look like a picnic for dimocraps.

You ain't seen NOTHING yet.

It is even possible that dimocraps lose 50% of their current seats depending on how this obamacare abortion works out.

I'm thinking we pick up 25 seats in the House and 12-15 in the Senate.

And I'm being conservative

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