Mistaken, missinformed, or outright liars? Why do pastors shovel their Bull?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I challenge David Paul Jeremiah the evangelical Christian author, founder of Turning Point Radio and Television Ministries and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church, a Southern Baptist megachurch in El Cajon, California to a debate on his claim that Jesus is prophesied in the Book of Isaiah.
NOT 1 SINGLE PRIEST, PASTOR, OR THEOLOGIAN HAS EVER REFUTED my refutation of the placement of Jesus into the OT by these backwoods preachers.
David Jeremiah loses the argument at first of his declarations that fulfilling just 48 prophecies would be astronomical yet not only would those 48 prophecies be proven falsely stated or placed thus fallaciously used, but he'd also lose in the fact that I myself fulfill over 1200 verses, which is 4x the fraudelent 300 used by missionaries to deceive the flock.
Regarding Isaiah, the pastor(s) use non messianic verses, and nowhere does he mention Jesus by name, however Isaiah and commentary of Isaiah does mention my first and last name.
So according to David Jeremiah he must be saying I'm The Biblical Moshiach and thus Jesus the first fallen false prophet who was the thief of the Shiloh.
all David Jeremiah did was admit he's promoting Lucifer and
his Luciferous Church.
or my name isn't in the Mikdash or
the Holy City.
Some believe it's implied in scripture relating to Armageddon.
---Isaiah 13:9 “Behold, the day of the Lord comes, cruel, with wrath and fierce anger, to make the land a desolation and to destroy its sinners from it.”---
---Visions of Apocalypse...What Jews, Christians, and Muslims Believe about the End Times...On their way to the Golden Gate the risen will pass several prominent Christian churches that were built there to commemorate the Jews’ rejection of a man who was later crucified and became the founder of a worldwide faith related to (but often in conflict with) Judaism. The Christians disagree with the Jews, because they believe that man was and remains the Messiah that the Jews are waiting for.---
Lol... Isaiah walked around naked because he carried the “ naked “ truth but Christianity and the followers and leaders have tried over the centuries to cover up the naked truth by making up fancy stories and utter nonsense printed in their covering book the New Testament .. They used more and more pages to try to coverup the simple truths found in the Hebrew Scriptures by placing their idol Jesus where he did not belong but all their lies and fantasies have been exposed over the years and now their emperor Jesus has been found a complete lie and waste of time....Funny how they always push a horrible ending to the earth in fire and brimstone to scare the most guilable to buy their lousy product using scare tactics if all else fails....Tabloids sell no matter the content and the “ good news” is on par with the national enquirer in any facts that can be found there because there is no truth to be found...
I challenge David Paul Jeremiah the evangelical Christian author, founder of Turning Point Radio and Television Ministries and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church, a Southern Baptist megachurch in El Cajon, California to a debate on his claim that Jesus is prophesied in the Book of Isaiah.
NOT 1 SINGLE PRIEST, PASTOR, OR THEOLOGIAN HAS EVER REFUTED my refutation of the placement of Jesus into the OT by these backwoods preachers.
David Jeremiah loses the argument at first of his declarations that fulfilling just 48 prophecies would be astronomical yet not only would those 48 prophecies be proven falsely stated or placed thus fallaciously used, but he'd also lose in the fact that I myself fulfill over 1200 verses, which is 4x the fraudelent 300 used by missionaries to deceive the flock.
Regarding Isaiah, the pastor(s) use non messianic verses, and nowhere does he mention Jesus by name, however Isaiah and commentary of Isaiah does mention my first and last name.
So according to David Jeremiah he must be saying I'm The Biblical Moshiach and thus Jesus the first fallen false prophet who was the thief of the Shiloh.
all David Jeremiah did was admit he's promoting Lucifer and
his Luciferous Church.
or my name isn't in the Mikdash or
the Holy City.
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Oops have they dropped the 300 verse fulfillment for a mere 48 now or is that just the claimed nonsense they picked in Isaiah... Well they might have a rude awakening there if they push Isaiah that is for sure...lol... Wink...
And yet Israel is in its land and the prophetic clock ticks on. Antisemitism is on the rise. Wickedness is increasing and preparations for rebuilding the Temple are in progress.
And yet Israel is in its land and the prophetic clock ticks on. Antisemitism is on the rise. Wickedness is increasing and preparations for rebuilding the Temple are in progress.
That's more like it, a discussion not an
ad hominem hit and run.
Now discuss with us, whom do they say the Temple is being prepared for, as in who is it that gathered the many Temple building orgs into one?
They have the precious metals, the blocks, the anointing oil and Temple items, even the heifers.
Tabloids sell no matter the content and the “ good news” is on par with the national enquirer in any facts that can be found there because there is no truth to be found...
Skip the tabloids. Tone down prophecies that see into the future. Consider foreshadowing.
Temple is an anachronism of bygone era. Simply not necessary anymore.
You would think, however the imposter church is doing everything in their power to prevent it, that's because they would lose their spiritual authority which lets face it, is just the age old baal harvest scam, as seen by them asking out of work and closed businesses for donation money to stay open themselves. Without the Temple there is no platform and no trusted orator.
This is provwn a problem as the world complains, there is no direction or stability, well they gave trust in the imposter temple for that which caused the instability and wrong path.
They give a grown man a baal harvest stick and his father Dagon's fishhead hat and fish scaled robe a platform, but the Moshiach with solutions they give not.
Temple is basically being built to mark prophetic timeline and its desecration by Anti-Christ
Temple is an anachronism of bygone era. Simply not necessary anymore.
That is incorrect...If it is unnecessary then why are all the horrible bad teachings continuing to flourish and take root all over the world.Remember you shall know them by their fruits( teacHings).. The temple to be rebuilt will be rebuilt on Mt Moriah which comes from the Hebrew YORET which means “ to teach” Thus in a new temple it will be used as a platform to shine light( truth and knowledge) into the four corners of the world and all the gross darkness( lies and folly and really bad teachings) will be removed...You look at the physical but forget the spiritual and the need to focus our energies to remove anything that is based on lies and folly...
Temple is basically being built to mark prophetic timeline and its desecration by Anti-Christ
No the temple will be rebuilt to correct all the mistakes and horrible teachings that pervade the earth by giving us a platform to teach the correct ways and remove any errors that have been errounsly taught...
Organized religion generally hides the truth.
No, not necessarily true. It is the congregations who may not realize that there is so much more to learn and to fathom than they can possibly get from an hour or two at church each week.

A new Temple can open. It can teach. However, teaching even 24/7 can only do so much if the students can only attend or tune in a very small fraction of that. The information is already here--just not the time (and perhaps not even the inclination) for people to study.
Organized religion generally hides the truth.
No, not necessarily true. It is the congregations who may not realize that there is so much more to learn and to fathom than they can possibly get from an hour or two at church each week.

A new Temple can open. It can teach. However, teaching even 24/7 can only do so much if the students can only attend or tune in a very small fraction of that. The information is already here--just not the time (and perhaps not even the inclination) for people to study.
In a round about way you answered his concern about the purpose of THE Temple (Mikdash) in YeruShalem. Basically admitting the teachings are all over the place and look where that got us, so he must understand without a real central source for teaching the teachers who go out and teach, then there will be many paths leading away from our purpose and direction rather then towards one in understanding.
Organized religion generally hides the truth.
No, not necessarily true. It is the congregations who may not realize that there is so much more to learn and to fathom than they can possibly get from an hour or two at church each week.

A new Temple can open. It can teach. However, teaching even 24/7 can only do so much if the students can only attend or tune in a very small fraction of that. The information is already here--just not the time (and perhaps not even the inclination) for people to study.
In a round about way you answered his concern about the purpose of THE Temple (Mikdash) in YeruShalem. Basically admitting the teachings are all over the place and look where that got us, so he must understand without a real central source for teaching the teachers who go out and teach, then there will be many paths leading away from our purpose and direction rather then towards one in understanding.
I would like to point out at this time that most schools, churchs , synagogues, temples for various religions have all been closed for some time now mostly worldwide. Children and adults are learning via conducting virtual classes etc but it is in a rudimentary stage using such forums like Zoom... The virus will eventually go its merry way but we are now seeing how such classes can be conducted online to reach not just mere classes or towns or cities but whole countries or the whole world at once...It is easy to see how with a rebuilt temple as a platform in YeruShalem the word can get out to all peoples, All nations and certainly people who cannot travel this may allay the fear that organized religion hides the truth as with a central authority willing to teach and be open and honest.... Now some people may say with this reasoning and technology that we would not need to build a physical temple now because we can do all this online virtually. But I would point out that some people(more then some....lots) need a physical focal point . Then need to see and participate.... This was acknowledged previously when people from all over not just Israel but elsewhere used to physically "go up" to Yerushalem to be there to participate and join in together and become like one community....It is a great uNITING force that can be used to bring all of us together as ONE in our determination to better this world not just for us but for all those that will come in the future as well..
Organized religion generally hides the truth.
No, not necessarily true. It is the congregations who may not realize that there is so much more to learn and to fathom than they can possibly get from an hour or two at church each week.

A new Temple can open. It can teach. However, teaching even 24/7 can only do so much if the students can only attend or tune in a very small fraction of that. The information is already here--just not the time (and perhaps not even the inclination) for people to study.
In a round about way you answered his concern about the purpose of THE Temple (Mikdash) in YeruShalem. Basically admitting the teachings are all over the place and look where that got us, so he must understand without a real central source for teaching the teachers who go out and teach, then there will be many paths leading away from our purpose and direction rather then towards one in understanding.
I would like to point out at this time that most schools, churchs , synagogues, temples for various religions have all been closed for some time now mostly worldwide. Children and adults are learning via conducting virtual classes etc but it is in a rudimentary stage using such forums like Zoom... The virus will eventually go its merry way but we are now seeing how such classes can be conducted online to reach not just mere classes or towns or cities but whole countries or the whole world at once...It is easy to see how with a rebuilt temple as a platform in YeruShalem the word can get out to all peoples, All nations and certainly people who cannot travel this may allay the fear that organized religion hides the truth as with a central authority willing to teach and be open and honest.... Now some people may say with this reasoning and technology that we would not need to build a physical temple now because we can do all this online virtually. But I would point out that some people(more then some....lots) need a physical focal point . Then need to see and participate.... This was acknowledged previously when people from all over not just Israel but elsewhere used to physically "go up" to Yerushalem to be there to participate and join in together and become like one community....It is a great uNITING force that can be used to bring all of us together as ONE in our determination to better this world not just for us but for all those that will come in the future as well..
Yep, and the message won't be hands out
"gimmee gimmee gimmee!"
Organized religion generally hides the truth.
No, not necessarily true. It is the congregations who may not realize that there is so much more to learn and to fathom than they can possibly get from an hour or two at church each week.

A new Temple can open. It can teach. However, teaching even 24/7 can only do so much if the students can only attend or tune in a very small fraction of that. The information is already here--just not the time (and perhaps not even the inclination) for people to study.
In a round about way you answered his concern about the purpose of THE Temple (Mikdash) in YeruShalem. Basically admitting the teachings are all over the place and look where that got us, so he must understand without a real central source for teaching the teachers who go out and teach, then there will be many paths leading away from our purpose and direction rather then towards one in understanding.
Understanding what. You going back to burnt offerings?

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