Mississippi IS NOT like California

Today every state has problems,
And every state has its good points
The fact is that our homeless problem has spread like wild fire.
Gaining power & money now rules.
Those states trying to help the low income or poorest among us,
Are making many mistakes, What are we supposed too do?
THOSE running our government refuse to work together.
Everything is about political power, Not the better interest of OUR country.



Where have you been? Mississippi has been the poverty stricken stepchild since Reconstruction. Gambling casinos only help organized crime and politicians. Did liberals just discover Mississippi or is it merely a smokescreen to take the focus off California?
It's most certainly the latter.
If you prefer to live in a city like San Francisco where a billion dollar hotel is closing because street druggies are driving the tourists away, rather than a deep south state thats safe and clean but living life at a slower pace thats your choice
I don't have to live in San Fransico to live in CA, it is the biggest tourist state in the country. You have just as many druggies in Miss as you do in Cally.
I don't have to live in San Fransico to live in CA, it is the biggest tourist state in the country. You have just as many druggies in Miss as you do in Cally.
California has many natural advantages going for it but is cursed by stupid democrats running the state

Its in decline now when it should be striding forward
You're just a world traveler, land owner, business tycoon....

I'm not impressed lol.... you've utilized the internet

My life is pretty normal for an oil brat. I inherited the farm.. I sold the timber to provide for my grandparents.
The most uneducated. The poorest. The unhealthiest. Mississippi is #1
Why do you hate black people?

"The District of Columbia has the highest relative population of Black Americans in the United States with 48%, followed by Mississippi with 39%, Georgia and Louisiana with 34% each, and Maryland with 33%."

Fucking racists...the Democrat Party is full of 'em. 😡
Why do you hate black people?

"The District of Columbia has the highest relative population of Black Americans in the United States with 48%, followed by Mississippi with 39%, Georgia and Louisiana with 34% each, and Maryland with 33%."

Fucking racists...the Democrat Party is full of 'em. 😡
Equating truth with hate? Fuck off.

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