Mississippi IS NOT like California

Historically Mississippi was one of the states African Americans fled from during the Great Migration.
This is the kind of capitalism that Conservatives have longed for....

Sooner or later, one side pointing the finger at California and the other side pointing the finger at Alabama or Mississippi -- isn't really improving things in Alabama and Mississippi....

And the minute tech companies begin to invest in states like Mississippi and Alabama, these same right wingers will start complaining about how the demographic shift is causing them to lose even more elections than they have been losing....

Yes it has crime

And drugs

But it also has a valid reason for its poverty

No jobs

That excuse wont work for the Golden State with its high tech and an economy larger than most countries

The homeless epidemic is a drug abuse epidemic with a scourge of liberal democrat party politicians running everything

Keep voting for Republicans who deny global warming
The weather will change and the the river will flood again

And you wont have to immigrate to Mars after all
Are you sure? We here in Michigan worry Nestle is taking too much water out of the great lakes. I doubt Mississippi is properly regulated to stop such a thing.
Are you sure? We here in Michigan worry Nestle is taking too much water out of the great lakes. I doubt Mississippi is properly regulated to stop such a thing.
I suspect michigan has more important thing to worry about than that
Please don't come here. I'm asking, politely. (-: Esp if you need a job or can't afford a house where you live. Stay away! It's dangerous and dirty here.

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