Miss. Passes anti gay discrimination law.

And with that post, "the_human_being" (who isn't really) shows his belief that small %s of citizens don't get full Constitutional protection because they are a small %. Like Jews.

Exactly. Majority should always win out over the wishes of the minority. Your vote counts the same as mine.
So...the Majority can vote to take away the civil rights of the minority in your world. :lmao:

Exactly. Why would I be for 7% of the voters over-ruling and imposing their wishes upon the majority 93% of the voters? You should also realize that I am not gay and therefore have little concern with gay rights as you call them. I also do not live in Mississippi and have little concern with the laws the citizens of Mississippi pass upon themselves. I'm concerned with the laws passed in Tallahassee because the laws passed there do effect me. I also realize that the mayor of Chicago is allowing mass murders to occur in his city but those murders really have no effect upon me here in Pensacola.
So, you are against the Bill of Rights. That doesn't surprise me at all that you believe that the majority should be allowed to vote away the civil rights of the minority.

What a shame that P-cola has to put up with the fascist likes of you. Tell me, does it still have those great gay bars?

I believe I have made it perfectly clear enough even for someone with a third-grade education as to what I believe. Why not simply accept it and move on? You are not about to change my views. As far as the gay bars, I assume they do but since I don't patronize them, I really can't say.
I have no problem continuing to help you point out that you believe that the Majority should be able to vote away the civil rights of the Minority.
I have no problem continuing to help point out that you are against the Bill of Rights....and any other parts of the Constitution that protect our civil rights.
I will continue to do so.
Where are the hetero married couples being discriminated against ?

Heterosexual couples are the norm. They comprise the larger portion of the population. Gays are estimated to only comprise some 7% of the total population therefore 7% of the voters. Heterosexuals comprise 93% of the population and therefore 93% of the voters. It appears you are a member of a very small and fairly insignificant group of misfits and "flukes" of society.
And with that post, "the_human_being" (who isn't really) shows his belief that small %s of citizens don't get full Constitutional protection because they are a small %. Like Jews.

Exactly. Majority should always win out over the wishes of the minority. Your vote counts the same as mine.
So...the Majority can vote to take away the civil rights of the minority in your world. :lmao:

:lmao: You people do that regularly. You know, like Obamacare?
Where are the hetero married couples being discriminated against ?

Heterosexual couples are the norm. They comprise the larger portion of the population. Gays are estimated to only comprise some 7% of the total population therefore 7% of the voters. Heterosexuals comprise 93% of the population and therefore 93% of the voters. It appears you are a member of a very small and fairly insignificant group of misfits and "flukes" of society.
And with that post, "the_human_being" (who isn't really) shows his belief that small %s of citizens don't get full Constitutional protection because they are a small %. Like Jews.

Exactly. Majority should always win out over the wishes of the minority. Your vote counts the same as mine.
So...the Majority can vote to take away the civil rights of the minority in your world. :lmao:

:lmao: You people do that regularly. You know, like Obamacare?
Obamacare taxes all equally. Unwisely, but equally.
Exactly, PayPal is doing the right thing.
Here is some more ..doing it right companies...
Disney To Boycott Georgia If Gov. Signs Anti-Gay Legislation
Consequences of discriminatory legislation would reach deep into Georgia’s business community March 16, 2016

Coalition of 400 companies fight Georgia's proposed 'religious liberty' bill

Choice does = freedom.
North Carolina's "bathroom bill" just cost the state 400 future jobs.
North Carolina loses 400 jobs as PayPal pulls facility!

And it could be more these jobs and counting.
Choice = Freedom

Choice = freedom
oh well. At least they are doing the right thing..
Exactly, PayPal is doing the right thing.
Here is some more ..doing it right companies...
Disney To Boycott Georgia If Gov. Signs Anti-Gay Legislation
Consequences of discriminatory legislation would reach deep into Georgia’s business community March 16, 2016

Coalition of 400 companies fight Georgia's proposed 'religious liberty' bill

Choice does = freedom.
North Carolina's "bathroom bill" just cost the state 400 future jobs.
North Carolina loses 400 jobs as PayPal pulls facility!

And it could be more these jobs and counting.
Choice = Freedom

Choice = freedom
oh well. At least they are doing the right thing..
awesome!Thats lets us know which companies don't believe in freedom!
Exactly. Majority should always win out over the wishes of the minority. Your vote counts the same as mine.
So...the Majority can vote to take away the civil rights of the minority in your world. :lmao:

Exactly. Why would I be for 7% of the voters over-ruling and imposing their wishes upon the majority 93% of the voters? You should also realize that I am not gay and therefore have little concern with gay rights as you call them. I also do not live in Mississippi and have little concern with the laws the citizens of Mississippi pass upon themselves. I'm concerned with the laws passed in Tallahassee because the laws passed there do effect me. I also realize that the mayor of Chicago is allowing mass murders to occur in his city but those murders really have no effect upon me here in Pensacola.
So, you are against the Bill of Rights. That doesn't surprise me at all that you believe that the majority should be allowed to vote away the civil rights of the minority.

What a shame that P-cola has to put up with the fascist likes of you. Tell me, does it still have those great gay bars?

I believe I have made it perfectly clear enough even for someone with a third-grade education as to what I believe. Why not simply accept it and move on? You are not about to change my views. As far as the gay bars, I assume they do but since I don't patronize them, I really can't say.
I have no problem continuing to help you point out that you believe that the Majority should be able to vote away the civil rights of the Minority.
I have no problem continuing to help point out that you are against the Bill of Rights....and any other parts of the Constitution that protect our civil rights.
I will continue to do so.

You can continue to blow smoke out of your ass if you wish to waste your time.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Heterosexual couples are the norm. They comprise the larger portion of the population. Gays are estimated to only comprise some 7% of the total population therefore 7% of the voters. Heterosexuals comprise 93% of the population and therefore 93% of the voters. It appears you are a member of a very small and fairly insignificant group of misfits and "flukes" of society.
And with that post, "the_human_being" (who isn't really) shows his belief that small %s of citizens don't get full Constitutional protection because they are a small %. Like Jews.

Exactly. Majority should always win out over the wishes of the minority. Your vote counts the same as mine.
So...the Majority can vote to take away the civil rights of the minority in your world. :lmao:

:lmao: You people do that regularly. You know, like Obamacare?

You take money from the minority because the majority voted for it, you support tyranny of the majority all the time. That you respect minority rights is just a laugh
Heterosexual couples are the norm. They comprise the larger portion of the population. Gays are estimated to only comprise some 7% of the total population therefore 7% of the voters. Heterosexuals comprise 93% of the population and therefore 93% of the voters. It appears you are a member of a very small and fairly insignificant group of misfits and "flukes" of society.
And with that post, "the_human_being" (who isn't really) shows his belief that small %s of citizens don't get full Constitutional protection because they are a small %. Like Jews.

Exactly. Majority should always win out over the wishes of the minority. Your vote counts the same as mine.
So...the Majority can vote to take away the civil rights of the minority in your world. :lmao:

:lmao: You people do that regularly. You know, like Obamacare?
Obamacare taxes all equally. Unwisely, but equally.

No it is funded by the general fund and we have progressive taxes. Other people get their Obamacare fully or partially paid for. There is nothing "equally" about it.

And that wasn't my point. My point was the significant percent of us who oppose it got it rammed down our throats against our will


Sure it does. They are exercising their right of freedom too, get it!!!!

Exactly, PayPal is doing the right thing.
Here is some more ..doing it right companies...
Disney To Boycott Georgia If Gov. Signs Anti-Gay Legislation
Consequences of discriminatory legislation would reach deep into Georgia’s business community March 16, 2016

Coalition of 400 companies fight Georgia's proposed 'religious liberty' bill

Choice does = freedom.
North Carolina's "bathroom bill" just cost the state 400 future jobs.
North Carolina loses 400 jobs as PayPal pulls facility!

And it could be more these jobs and counting.
Choice = Freedom

Choice = freedom
oh well. At least they are doing the right thing..
awesome!Thats lets us know which companies don't believe in freedom!
Sure it does. They are exercising their right of freedom too, get it!!!!

Exactly, PayPal is doing the right thing.
Here is some more ..doing it right companies...
Disney To Boycott Georgia If Gov. Signs Anti-Gay Legislation
Consequences of discriminatory legislation would reach deep into Georgia’s business community March 16, 2016

Coalition of 400 companies fight Georgia's proposed 'religious liberty' bill

Choice does = freedom.
North Carolina's "bathroom bill" just cost the state 400 future jobs.
North Carolina loses 400 jobs as PayPal pulls facility!

And it could be more these jobs and counting.
Choice = Freedom

Choice = freedom
oh well. At least they are doing the right thing..
awesome!Thats lets us know which companies don't believe in freedom!
I do. I have no problem with them making their own business decisions :)
Sure it does. They are exercising their right of freedom too, get it!!!!

Exactly, PayPal is doing the right thing.
Here is some more ..doing it right companies...
Disney To Boycott Georgia If Gov. Signs Anti-Gay Legislation
Consequences of discriminatory legislation would reach deep into Georgia’s business community March 16, 2016

Coalition of 400 companies fight Georgia's proposed 'religious liberty' bill

Choice does = freedom.
North Carolina's "bathroom bill" just cost the state 400 future jobs.
North Carolina loses 400 jobs as PayPal pulls facility!

And it could be more these jobs and counting.
Choice = Freedom

Choice = freedom
oh well. At least they are doing the right thing..
awesome!Thats lets us know which companies don't believe in freedom!

Absolutely, private citizens and companies have every right to decide who they want to do business with
Then that is just fine. Let the bigots do what they need to do and the others will do their job.

Sure it does. They are exercising their right of freedom too, get it!!!!

Exactly, PayPal is doing the right thing.
Here is some more ..doing it right companies...
Disney To Boycott Georgia If Gov. Signs Anti-Gay Legislation
Consequences of discriminatory legislation would reach deep into Georgia’s business community March 16, 2016

Coalition of 400 companies fight Georgia's proposed 'religious liberty' bill

Choice does = freedom.
North Carolina's "bathroom bill" just cost the state 400 future jobs.
North Carolina loses 400 jobs as PayPal pulls facility!

And it could be more these jobs and counting.
Choice = Freedom
oh well. At least they are doing the right thing..
awesome!Thats lets us know which companies don't believe in freedom!
I do. I have no problem with them making their own business decisions :)
Then that is just fine. Let the bigots do what they need to do and the others will do their job.

Sure it does. They are exercising their right of freedom too, get it!!!!

Exactly, PayPal is doing the right thing.
Here is some more ..doing it right companies...
Disney To Boycott Georgia If Gov. Signs Anti-Gay Legislation
Consequences of discriminatory legislation would reach deep into Georgia’s business community March 16, 2016

Coalition of 400 companies fight Georgia's proposed 'religious liberty' bill

oh well. At least they are doing the right thing..
awesome!Thats lets us know which companies don't believe in freedom!
I do. I have no problem with them making their own business decisions :)

I object to comedians having a straight man, seems completely bigoted. Why do they have to be straight?
Does everyone know that gays can discriminate against straights as in not allowing straights into gay bars. It just seems like what is good for the geese is good for the geese?
And with that post, "the_human_being" (who isn't really) shows his belief that small %s of citizens don't get full Constitutional protection because they are a small %. Like Jews.

Exactly. Majority should always win out over the wishes of the minority. Your vote counts the same as mine.
So...the Majority can vote to take away the civil rights of the minority in your world. :lmao:

:lmao: You people do that regularly. You know, like Obamacare?
Obamacare taxes all equally. Unwisely, but equally.

No it is funded by the general fund and we have progressive taxes. Other people get their Obamacare fully or partially paid for. There is nothing "equally" about it.

And that wasn't my point. My point was the significant percent of us who oppose it got it rammed down our throats against our will
It is a tax. The power to tax is the broadest gummit power. The power to compel one person to contract with another is extremely limited. However, it a private person is performing a government service (or state action), the gummit's power to allow private discrimination is typically limited.

All people are taxed equally because all people in the same income level with the same eligibility for deductions and credits are treated the same.

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