Misinformation And Listening To The Experts

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Well, we now have both the FBI and the US Department of Energy stating that their main theory for the Covid pandemic is the China lab leak theory. This after years of the left claiming this was nothing but a right wing conspiracy theory and attacks on Fauci's good name by the MAGA Republican crowd. And, the left have always maintained that we should listen to the medical experts and yet medical experts who did not conform to the government's official doctrine had their professional licenses taken away and were labeled as spreading misinformation. Social media banned them and cancelled them out of existence as their first amendment rights were taken away and they were punished for speaking something different than the official government line.

Can we now see the dangers of one side labeling everything that doesn't conform to their views as misinformation and conspiracy theories, systematically removing their opinions into silence, much the same as Communist countries stifle all discontent against the government? Even now, if you ask Biden and the lefties about this, they will deny, deny, deny, and claim that there is no strong evidence of how the pandemic started, even as their very own departments now say what they believe to be the most likely cause.
It is hard for me to get too excited about a theory that the Dept of Energy itself labeled as "low confidence".

And why the hell is the Dept of Energy looking into this, how does that fall under their realm?
Well, we now have both the FBI and the US Department of Energy stating that their main theory for the Covid pandemic is the China lab leak theory. This after years of the left claiming this was nothing but a right wing conspiracy theory and attacks on Fauci's good name by the MAGA Republican crowd. And, the left have always maintained that we should listen to the medical experts and yet medical experts who did not conform to the government's official doctrine had their professional licenses taken away and were labeled as spreading misinformation. Social media banned them and cancelled them out of existence as their first amendment rights were taken away and they were punished for speaking something different than the official government line.

Can we now see the dangers of one side labeling everything that doesn't conform to their views as misinformation and systematically removing their opinions into silence, much the same as Communist countries stifle all discontent against the government? Even now, if you ask Biden and the lefties about this, they will deny, deny, deny, and claim that there is no strong evidence of how the pandemic started, even as their very own departments now say what they believe to be the most likely cause.
Yeah, the Marxists/Demofascists lied to US again. They and China working together, so they could steal the 2020 election said that some china man had eaten a bat and got infected, while we know that Tony Fauxci who gave millions of dollars to Wuhan, developed that virus just incase they needed it to steal an election. But they denied others who actually knew where the Kung Flu came from and called them conspiracists.

Also told was that the cloth masks that everyone wore was useless against the Kung Flu even Fauxci wearing 6 of them. I was one who said the only good mask was the military masks that had filters on them. So i got the mask below to show my displeasure being FORCED to mask up to get on a plane or eating at restaurants, that at the table, eating and drinking you didnt have to wear a mask. Democrooks really are stupid as shit.

It's not about Covid, it's just another opportunity for Americans to express hate.
It is hard for me to get too excited about a theory that the Dept of Energy itself labeled as "low confidence".

And why the hell is the Dept of Energy looking into this, how does that fall under their realm?
I was sort of wondering about that too.

I figure the tater administration had them release it so the left would call it into question and at the same time spin-up resentment toward the chi-coms because they plan on siding with the Russians in Ukeland.

Well sorry Tater, anyone that has two brain cells to rub together already knew about it and anyone that has not seen the chi-coms as a threat for years by now doesn't have any brain cells.....Dems in other words.

All you are getting out of me is a "I told you so".
It is hard for me to get too excited about a theory that the Dept of Energy itself labeled as "low confidence".

And why the hell is the Dept of Energy looking into this, how does that fall under their realm?

Who do you think should be looking into this?
Seems like "Health and Human Services" would be more appropriate to me.

Then again, have you seen the head of the HHS department? :omg:

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