Minnesota: Vax rates up, Booster rates up, Covid hospitalizations climbing, Covid deaths climbing...BUT WE MUST BELIEVE THE SCIENCE!!!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Minnesota continues to defy "The Science" of Covid vaccines. Not only are vaccine rates the highest in the nation, booster rates are also among the highest. Yet serious Covid cases and Covid deaths keep climbing. So much for the "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" narrative.

In the summer the Covid rates jumped to the nation's highest in hot Florida.

Now as Winter approaches it is cold Minnesota.

The issue is, Covid is an indoor disease and as people move out doors the incidence decreases.

It's not rocket science.

And no, vaccines don't stop it, but they may help treat it. As a result, they should be called treatments and not vaccines.
Stop touching your faces...I see people wearing useless cotton masks in the market grabbing at them and tugging on them while touching their faces too....masks are a super spreader....
Minnesota continues to defy "The Science" of Covid vaccines. Not only are vaccine rates the highest in the nation, booster rates are also among the highest. Yet serious Covid cases and Covid deaths keep climbing. So much for the "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" narrative.

What do you suggest Ivermectin?
I went and got my booster today...

And then as predicted I couldn't feel God anymore as I felt Satan's lips push his foul breath into my body and then I died....

And then my wife showed up with some steak fingers from the grocery store we were in and we headed to the checkout paid and left...

If it actually killed as many people as the antivaxxers claimed then why is everyone wanting the manufacturers of the mRNA vaccines to give away the formulas? (And the WHO is demanding it too)
Minnesota continues to defy "The Science" of Covid vaccines. Not only are vaccine rates the highest in the nation, booster rates are also among the highest. Yet serious Covid cases and Covid deaths keep climbing. So much for the "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" narrative.

Worrying. I've been expecting this European surge to hit here soon; I hope Minnesota is not one of the first signs. The Hopkins graphs of cases, deaths, and hospitalizations are acting funny --- not turning up yet, but sort of ---- pausing.

I think some of you are still locked into being angry about all the lies. I think I moved past that: obviously they lied about how good the vaccines are, maybe because they believed what they hoped, or for more sinister reasons. But it is so obvious by now that the surges have a life of their own independent from vaccines, that I think we need to go on from there.

Obviously the mandates, masks and vaccines, need to stop. As to what to do if the surge does go up, as in Europe, I would advise not buying into the lies again. I think we need to face that we haven't affected the disease at all and probably can't.

Maybe in the future. Needs work. But let's don't buy the lies.
I went and got my booster today...

And then as predicted I couldn't feel God anymore as I felt Satan's lips push his foul breath into my body and then I died....

And then my wife showed up with some steak fingers from the grocery store we were in and we headed to the checkout paid and left...

If it actually killed as many people as the antivaxxers claimed then why is everyone wanting the manufacturers of the mRNA vaccines to give away the formulas? (And the WHO is demanding it too)
Funny....but why is someone who chooses not to get a vaccine a non-vaxxer? I don't always get my flu shot or shingles vaccine but I am not against vaccines.
Funny....but why is someone who chooses not to get a vaccine a non-vaxxer? I don't always get my flu shot or shingles vaccine but I am not against vaccines.
There are non-vax and anti-vax...
Miles of difference between the two...

But since you are on here promoting "non-vax" you now have become anti-vax...
You know.... militant group that tries to harm people by contaminating vaccine vials and scaring people from getting vaccinated so they get maimed and kept from working because they can't walk for more than ten minutes.
In the summer the Covid rates jumped to the nation's highest in hot Florida.

Now as Winter approaches it is cold Minnesota.

The issue is, Covid is an indoor disease and as people move out doors the incidence decreases.

It's not rocket science.

And no, vaccines don't stop it, but they may help treat it. As a result, they should be called treatments and not vaccines.
It jumped in Montana, Idaho and Alaska months ago when it was temperate. It’s not cold in Minnesota.

You are justifying your opinion by being selective.
There are non-vax and anti-vax...
Miles of difference between the two...

But since you are on here promoting "non-vax" you now have become anti-vax...
You know.... militant group that tries to harm people by contaminating vaccine vials and scaring people from getting vaccinated so they get maimed and kept from working because they can't walk for more than ten minutes.
No I didn't. I am not promoting anything except what an individual decides to do.
No I didn't. I am not promoting anything except what an individual decides to do.
Well...we will see about that...

But if you are protesting the mandates...right there with you. But if I was you I'd get vaccinated...this ain't no tinkertoy virus...it does real damage to a lot of people...but the gubberment can't force people to get medical treatment they don't want... even trying is reason to revolt.
Minnesota continues to defy "The Science" of Covid vaccines. Not only are vaccine rates the highest in the nation, booster rates are also among the highest. Yet serious Covid cases and Covid deaths keep climbing. So much for the "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" narrative.

I told colfax_m that to be truly protected you have to get the virus and survive. He and his fellow idiot leftists don't seem to understand that.
Well...we will see about that...

But if you are protesting the mandates...right there with you. But if I was you I'd get vaccinated...this ain't no tinkertoy virus...it does real damage to a lot of people...but the gubberment can't force people to get medical treatment they don't want... even trying is reason to revolt.
Vaccinated in March, booster this week. As I said, not here promoting anything except individual choice.
Vaccinated in March, booster this week. As I said, not here promoting anything except individual choice.
You up for a revolution?
Clean slate?

Let's put it this way...Congress did NOTHING when Biden put forth his mandates...and they are fully responsible for stopping him with illegal mandates, illegal Immigration, and contractual agreements he withdrew from.

That's reason enough right there. Doesn't matter what excuse Congress gives...they have exceeded their authority into the Judiciary, the judiciary into legislative and the president threw the constitution out the window.

Then there's all the fascist silencing of social media...both Congress and President are guilty of that one.

This whole government is not following the constitution...time to get one who will.
And no, vaccines don't stop it, but they may help treat it. As a result, they should be called treatments and not vaccines.

but if they claimed it to be what it really is, they'd not be able to sell it like they are


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