Milo Yiannopolous..the war on Christmas is real.....

This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.

You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons....who use the government to attack their enemies....

Oh so if I'm a Muslim who adheres to Sharia law you are ok with that.

As long as you don't harm others, I don't care whether you are a Muslim who adheres to Sharia law, or a Christian who adheres to Old Testament law, or a Jew who adheres to rabbinical law.

So- no stoning of adulterers- even though the Koran and the Bible says to stone adulterers
This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.

You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons....who use the government to attack their enemies....

So if I say Happy Holidays, you take that as an attack on your religion? Wow. Your religion must be a pussy.

True, Pres Obamas said Merry Christmas a million times, yet the right didn't hear him.

President Obama- and his war on Christmas

Weekly Address: Merry Christmas from the President and First Lady

WASHINGTON, DC — In this week's address, the President and First Lady wished Americans a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. They celebrated the values of the season, and in that spirit of gratitude honored all the brave men and women in uniform fighting to keep us safe, as well as the families that stand by them. The President and First Lady asked that everyone take time this holiday season to visit, and find out how to give back to the troops, veterans, and military families in your community.

The audio of the address and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m. ET, December 25, 2015.
I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.
Then leave.

This *IS* a Christian nation with around 80% being eiher members of a local church or consider themselves Christian and between churches.

That makes us a Christian nation and it really is a crying shame that snowflakes like you dont like it.

So leave then.

Remember- this thread is about the Conservative snowflakes who feel oppressed because a store doesn't welcome them by saying Merry Christmas.

But thanks for telling us you think that we are whatever kind of nation the majority agrees with.
I love it when the right cries "War on Christmas" annually. But during the offseason doesn't want to help the poor, weak and elderly, along with their desire to destroy the Earth with mining and pollution. I take itese clowns have never read the Bible and what is says about helping the poor or that God will destroy those who destroy God's Earth. No, they are too busy demonizibng the Pope for repeating God's Word by calling him a Socialist Communist.
Look at who's crying about the "War on Christmas" and then look what they have to say about more important issues that the Bible actually does address.

Nice myth.....the more to charity and puts in more hours helping the needy than the left.....

the Right appear to be a bunch of snowflakes who feel threatened if someone doesn't reassure their 'faith' by constantly telling them "Merry Christmas'

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