Milo Yiannopolous..the war on Christmas is real.....

I love it when the right cries "War on Christmas" annually. But during the offseason doesn't want to help the poor, weak and elderly, along with their desire to destroy the Earth with mining and pollution. I take itese clowns have never read the Bible and what is says about helping the poor or that God will destroy those who destroy God's Earth. No, they are too busy demonizibng the Pope for repeating God's Word by calling him a Socialist Communist.
Look at who's crying about the "War on Christmas" and then look what they have to say about more important issues that the Bible actually does address.
This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.

We will never expect stupid people to stop being stupid. So do carry on.

Incidentally --- It has been many large box stores and the like who have TOLD their employees they SHOULD NOT say merry christmas to anyone!! Now you tell me that is the Christians fault or is it the fucked up world we live in where haters of anything Christian act like little snowflakes all out of sorts because they heard those words? Or they heard someone in a public square singing - - -

I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play
And mild and sweet their songs repeat
Of peace on earth good will to men

Or something similar. What is my point? People are stupid and they will one day pay dearly for it. Especially those in Christian nations who ignore anything about God, even worse mock Him.
Got any proof? Or it is speculative on your knowledge as to what happens in every business operation? When did God say the Christ was born in December?
Milo is a great thorn in the side of the left.....

This except you posted is by no means Milo at his most cutting best. But having said that, Milo in a dead sleep would make the entire left journalist wing and most of the right wing look like whiny, stupid little grade schoolers. The MSM does not dare take on this man, but when they once did, he made a mockery of them.

Do you still hold the contempt for gays you always have? Or is this a slip in tradition?
I love it when the right cries "War on Christmas" annually. But during the offseason doesn't want to help the poor, weak and elderly, along with their desire to destroy the Earth with mining and pollution. I take itese clowns have never read the Bible and what is says about helping the poor or that God will destroy those who destroy God's Earth. No, they are too busy demonizibng the Pope for repeating God's Word by calling him a Socialist Communist.
Look at who's crying about the "War on Christmas" and then look what they have to say about more important issues that the Bible actually does address.

Nice myth.....the more to charity and puts in more hours helping the needy than the left....who sit around expecting government to do it for them. The left believes that if they empower the government to take money from those who have it and then give some of it to those who don't......allowing greedy politicians to keep and use the bulk of it....that that counts as being charitable......that is essentially Al Caponism.......he stole, beat and murdered get their money, then opened a few soup kitchens.........

That is not charity, that is hiding your criminal behavior behind a charity...just ask the clintons....
Milo is a great thorn in the side of the left.....

This except you posted is by no means Milo at his most cutting best. But having said that, Milo in a dead sleep would make the entire left journalist wing and most of the right wing look like whiny, stupid little grade schoolers. The MSM does not dare take on this man, but when they once did, he made a mockery of them.

Do you still hold the contempt for gays you always have? Or is this a slip in tradition?

You asked me earlier if I have any proof for "business operations" or whatever vague point that was?, and then you switch to being all full of doubt about the Christian faith because the December 25 date is spurious. Well, whatever... how much time you think I have?

Now you accuse me of having contempt for gays. Where is your proof of that?
#42 asks the prisoners to believe that Theo does not benefit from capitalism's debauch of the Earth. We would assume that #42 is also a petroleum addict.
Thank You, #42, we enjoy 'having' you.

'In life as in death, Jean Paul II was not a reformist. He was content to reveal, to a dumbfounded, global world,the genius of Catholicism, This is extraordinary in these times of nihilistic distress and its maniacal underside, fundamentalism.

Paradoxically, this man of faith was not universally heeded when he proclaimed his faith in the "rights of man". Pronounced in French, with his Polish accent and a detectable dash of slyness, the expression today makes extraordinary sense, initiating the everlasting exit of religion cheek by jowl with the ongoing emergence of humanism.

Since God is unconscious, and the clash of civilizations reveals the truth of metaphysics, today unleashed and unbridled, in the global rise of technology and the stock market bubble, we in the West wondered what a pope could do. Jean Paul II had the genius to turn the most generous elements of Catholicism against the drifting off course of this very metaphysics, to which his faith belonged, so as to embody an unprecedented, spectacular, and peace-bringing resistance.

When he said, to the anguish of the peoples crushed by Stalinian totalitarianism, "Don't be afraid!" this is the voice of a two-thousand-year-old theology, careful to recognize each conscience, suddenly transformed into a political act. It opened a breach in the Berlin Wall before the economy finished the job.'
(Kristeva, This Incredible Need to Believe)
#3 morphs in Disneyland. There is no place that capitalism has not penetrated with its axiomatic, an axiomatic intimate to the schizophrenic process. This is the U.S. Constitution deception via those prepositions, because the State is always already fundamentally terrorist. (Apollon, A Lasting Heresy). The pathology is especially well shown when rad Islam does sharia, a copulation of church and state par excellence.
#42 asks the prisoners to believe that Theo does not benefit from capitalism's debauch of the Earth. We would assume that #42 is also a petroleum addict.
Petroleum, addict ? You are not using smoke signals to post on this site so stop using you computer/phone immediately many of the components that go into building it are made from petroleum. Capitalism has raised more people from poverty than any other economic system in the history of the world.
You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons ....who use the government to attack their enemies....
You can't have freedom OF religion without freedom FROM religion. Why do you think people are worried about Shariah law? Isn't that a case of wanting freedom FROM religion?

No....what we are talking about is forcing Christmas musicals to be called holiday musicals and getting rid of religious Christmas songs......

I can't turn on the radio without hearing religious Christmas songs.

But I can see why you would be threatened if a "White Christmas" was called a 'holiday musical' instead of a Christmas musical.

I went into a Jewish deli the other day and the asshole said "Happy Holidays" to me rather than Merry Christmas- the war on Christmas continues......LOL

Those fucking jews!
Thank You, #42, we enjoy 'having' you.

'In life as in death, Jean Paul II was not a reformist. He was content to reveal, to a dumbfounded, global world,the genius of Catholicism, This is extraordinary in these times of nihilistic distress and its maniacal underside, fundamentalism.

Paradoxically, this man of faith was not universally heeded when he proclaimed his faith in the "rights of man". Pronounced in French, with his Polish accent and a detectable dash of slyness, the expression today makes extraordinary sense, initiating the everlasting exit of religion cheek by jowl with the ongoing emergence of humanism.

Since God is unconscious, and the clash of civilizations reveals the truth of metaphysics, today unleashed and unbridled, in the global rise of technology and the stock market bubble, we in the West wondered what a pope could do. Jean Paul II had the genius to turn the most generous elements of Catholicism against the drifting off course of this very metaphysics, to which his faith belonged, so as to embody an unprecedented, spectacular, and peace-bringing resistance.

When he said, to the anguish of the peoples crushed by Stalinian totalitarianism, "Don't be afraid!" this is the voice of a two-thousand-year-old theology, careful to recognize each conscience, suddenly transformed into a political act. It opened a breach in the Berlin Wall before the economy finished the job.'
(Kristeva, This Incredible Need to Believe)

I'm not sure God is unconscious, but many of his follwers certainly seem to be.
Area #52's uncertainty is understandable. It is the reaction seen on the Dylann Roof thread, whereby Challenger wishes to see Roof hung by black boys while white girls fondle their genitals: it leaves out the thing that helped make the black boys in the first place, that is to say, the black vagina. Telltale are Precious's first words, which reveal a profound fear of incest with the mother because if that was actually acted out, completing them as men, there could be big trouble in da 'hood.

'Reinforcing social codes, but often asocial or even antisocial, religions may harden into obscurantism, just as they may be received as a revelation, in the strongest sense of the term, of the unconscious logic imposed by, unless it transgresses, the (prohibition against incest [italics]) and (murdering the father [it.]).

However partial this revelation may be, however illusory or dogmatic its promises and consolations, precisely because it offers interpretations affecting the basis of the social pact, it gives breathing space to social constraints. It seduces (homo economicus [it.]) and (homo politicus [it.]), doubled from time immemorial by (homo religiosus [it.]).'
(Kristeva, op cit)
#50 opts for the side accesories of petroleum, and this post-genocide of the Indigenes and the passing of hunter-gatherers, as the striated state space of domestic agriculture turned the prisoners into automatons who think square miles of green Iowa corn is normalcy. Capitalism began during the Neolithic.

We're not as stupid as you are, #50. While your dumb post-genocide White Eyes ass will look the other way pretending, like the chickenshit you are, not to notice as Wisconsin gets its bowels plowed for the second time by Enbridge.

As this corksucking Pimp, Enbridge, installs triple the danger of oil spills with triple the capacity and volume, the pipes under the Great Lakes are past their lifespan. You move your lips and play with your schmuck.

European tunnel-wall slime, redistributed to other continents does not suffice to remove Stupidity from the genome. Jonesing for recognition, not one stinking Lakota punk nor their ho's went along with the Biketheline people who were ahead of any Indigenous conservation effort, they only cared about their local Anus and a spot on msm.
I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.
Then leave.

This *IS* a Christian nation with around 80% being eiher members of a local church or consider themselves Christian and between churches.

That makes us a Christian nation and it really is a crying shame that snowflakes like you dont like it.

So leave then.
Milo is the only gay guy that the right thinks is not mentally deficient, all other gays are sick perverts, according to the right..
Not true. You really dont understand the various opinions on the topic.

Homosexuality is disordered mentally, but it is not 'deficient', it is different in a way that interferes with normal natural procreation.

And there have been plenty of faggots that conservatives find interesting or even admirable for their ability to think, analyze and persuade, such as Gore Vidal.

Gore Vidal - Wikipedia

In the multi-volume memoir The Diary of Anaïs Nin (1931–74), Anaïs Nin said she had a love affair with Vidal, who denied her claim in his memoir Palimpsest (1995). Vidal also said that he had an intermittent romance with the actress Diana Lynn, and alluded to possibly having fathered a daughter.[106][107] Yet, regarding Nin, in the online article "Gore Vidal's Secret, Unpublished Love Letter to Anaïs Nin" (2013), author Kim Krizan said she found an unpublished love letter from Vidal to Nin, which contradicts his denial of a love affair with Nin. Krizan said she found the love letter whilst researching Mirages, the latest volume of Nin's uncensored diary, to which Krizan wrote the foreword.[108] Moreover, he was briefly engaged to the actress Joanne Woodward before she married the actor Paul Newman; after marrying, they briefly shared a house with Vidal in Los Angeles.

In 1950, Gore Vidal met Howard Austen, who became his life-partner in a 53-year relationship.[109] He said that the secret to his long relationship with Austen was that they did not have sex with each other: "It's easy to sustain a relationship when sex plays no part, and impossible, I have observed, when it does."[110] In Celebrity: The Advocate Interviews (1995), by Judy Wiedner, Vidal said that he refused to call himself "gay" because he was not an adjective, adding: “to be categorized is, simply, to be enslaved. Watch out. I have never thought of myself as a victim. . . . I've said – a thousand times? – in print and on TV, that everyone is bisexual."[111]

In an interview with Esquire magazine in 1969, Gore said: "Homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality. Notice I use the word natural, not normal."[39] Commenting his life's work and his life, he described his style as: "Knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn."
This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.

You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons....who use the government to attack their enemies....

So if I say Happy Holidays, you take that as an attack on your religion? Wow. Your religion must be a pussy.

True, Pres Obamas said Merry Christmas a million times, yet the right didn't hear him.
This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.

You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons....who use the government to attack their enemies....

Oh so if I'm a Muslim who adheres to Sharia law you are ok with that. Or maybe a satan worshipper, is that ok. I mean as long as I'm a member of religion right. :rolleyes:
You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons ....who use the government to attack their enemies....
You can't have freedom OF religion without freedom FROM religion. Why do you think people are worried about Shariah law? Isn't that a case of wanting freedom FROM religion?

No....what we are talking about is forcing Christmas musicals to be called holiday musicals and getting rid of religious Christmas songs......

I can't turn on the radio without hearing religious Christmas songs.

But I can see why you would be threatened if a "White Christmas" was called a 'holiday musical' instead of a Christmas musical.

I went into a Jewish deli the other day and the asshole said "Happy Holidays" to me rather than Merry Christmas- the war on Christmas continues......LOL

Those fucking jews!

Why isn't Milo warning us about the 'war on Chanukkah'?

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