Millions will die and we will be far less great because of loserterianism

Millions will die and we will be far less great because of loserterianism.
-Old people will lose their safetynet and find themselves dying on the side of the road. Most people within our nation that are over 50 are far more likely to currently be in debt. People that do work will spend the rest of their lives slaving away under a loserterian 19th century model. One that if they're not well off won't allow them to ever do better.

-People with health problems will lose their insurance and tens of thousands will die as they're told no. Please don't get sick if you made a mistake tuesday as our current government be it the federal or state government will become more cold hearted towards you. Wouldn't at all surprise me if the ER rules are changed so they can tell you no if you don't have a few hundred thousand bucks. You can fucking count on the corporations that run these hospitals to jack up rates to mind blowing levels...But, hell, if the government dares do anything about it = fascism..Don't you fucking know.

-The poor will become poorer and the rich will become richer. This is within the way of a central American shit hole and not so much like the current poor that can afford the niceties. This will become a fact for many reasons ranging from less education will being available for the lower classes, poorer food standards, less food and many of the problems of the third world starting to show up here in America. The rich will become richer as I believe anti-trust laws, unions and laws preventing dirty dealings by the part of corporations will also be phased out as loserterianism is about taking us back to the 19th century. Pretty much ugly for all but a few percent at the top.

-Education will become harder to get for the poor and some of the middle class as government aid will dry up. This will make the poor poorer and collapse our living standards as a nation. Many cities in the 18th and 19th century had two areas which were defined by class either super rich or super poor. The super poor areas were slums as people lived pretty much in their own shit and lived a lot like people do in current day Haiti or the poorer parts of India. The rich of course didn't give a damn about them and scuffed.

People that can afford private education will of course become richer and the poor poorer. This is just the sad facts of loserterianism. Education will become the definer that it once was as less people will have it.

-Monopolies will grow and shut out small businesses. As I said above such anti-trust laws will likely be phased out under losererianism and this will allow a few super powerful corporations to run everyone out of town as they did in the 1880s. This will be a huge part of the reason for the increase between the rich at the top and the poor on the bottom.

-Air, water and food quality within our country will slide to mexico or even China levels as Government deregulates. Cancer and food poisoning will become very real concerns within your lives. People will start watching their children die before they make it to adulthood and far worse diseases will start to reappear and rage through the country side as government won't raise a hand to stop it.

-Funding for research will dry up and allow for those diseases to do just that. Funding for warnings on extreme meteorological events from flash floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will be stripped to the bone and thousands of people will die once again as they once did during the 19th into the early portion of the 20th century.

-Roads will become toll roads and for profit. Once again if you're not well off = you're fucked. The few good roads that are tolls will also be taken advantage of by the riches within our society, while the poor that will make up the vast majority of this country in 20 years will have to use far shittier infrastructure.

-Loserterians for some reason will keep the drug war going and the for profit prisons...So don't you dare lite up you poor piece of shit. Don't you dare.
Biggest fucking liar award to you. Also biggest pos award.
Millions will die and we will be far less great because of loserterianism.
-Old people will lose their safetynet and find themselves dying on the side of the road. Most people within our nation that are over 50 are far more likely to currently be in debt. People that do work will spend the rest of their lives slaving away under a loserterian 19th century model. One that if they're not well off won't allow them to ever do better.

-People with health problems will lose their insurance and tens of thousands will die as they're told no. Please don't get sick if you made a mistake tuesday as our current government be it the federal or state government will become more cold hearted towards you. Wouldn't at all surprise me if the ER rules are changed so they can tell you no if you don't have a few hundred thousand bucks. You can fucking count on the corporations that run these hospitals to jack up rates to mind blowing levels...But, hell, if the government dares do anything about it = fascism..Don't you fucking know.

-The poor will become poorer and the rich will become richer. This is within the way of a central American shit hole and not so much like the current poor that can afford the niceties. This will become a fact for many reasons ranging from less education will being available for the lower classes, poorer food standards, less food and many of the problems of the third world starting to show up here in America. The rich will become richer as I believe anti-trust laws, unions and laws preventing dirty dealings by the part of corporations will also be phased out as loserterianism is about taking us back to the 19th century. Pretty much ugly for all but a few percent at the top.

-Education will become harder to get for the poor and some of the middle class as government aid will dry up. This will make the poor poorer and collapse our living standards as a nation. Many cities in the 18th and 19th century had two areas which were defined by class either super rich or super poor. The super poor areas were slums as people lived pretty much in their own shit and lived a lot like people do in current day Haiti or the poorer parts of India. The rich of course didn't give a damn about them and scuffed.

People that can afford private education will of course become richer and the poor poorer. This is just the sad facts of loserterianism. Education will become the definer that it once was as less people will have it.

-Monopolies will grow and shut out small businesses. As I said above such anti-trust laws will likely be phased out under losererianism and this will allow a few super powerful corporations to run everyone out of town as they did in the 1880s. This will be a huge part of the reason for the increase between the rich at the top and the poor on the bottom.

-Air, water and food quality within our country will slide to mexico or even China levels as Government deregulates. Cancer and food poisoning will become very real concerns within your lives. People will start watching their children die before they make it to adulthood and far worse diseases will start to reappear and rage through the country side as government won't raise a hand to stop it.

-Funding for research will dry up and allow for those diseases to do just that. Funding for warnings on extreme meteorological events from flash floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will be stripped to the bone and thousands of people will die once again as they once did during the 19th into the early portion of the 20th century.

-Roads will become toll roads and for profit. Once again if you're not well off = you're fucked. The few good roads that are tolls will also be taken advantage of by the riches within our society, while the poor that will make up the vast majority of this country in 20 years will have to use far shittier infrastructure.

-Loserterians for some reason will keep the drug war going and the for profit prisons...So don't you dare lite up you poor piece of shit. Don't you dare.

With any luck you'll be the first one to go. Then we won't be constantly subjected to your lunatic ravings all the time.
90% of all advancements within our society since 1880 was because of progressivism. Do I believe it is perfect? No. They have some weird ideas but we're shooting ourself's in the ass if we believe that none of our greatness and quality of life came about because of it.
Progressivism is just another word for control freak… Shit for brains LOL

No, you just prefer concentrated coporate state control, that's all.
Progressivism basically depends on taking other peoples money, when that money runs out the bitches cry like bitches.

This version of "capitalism" does the same, Trump ran on it.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That’s America.
Millions will die and we will be far less great because of loserterianism.
-Old people will lose their safetynet and find themselves dying on the side of the road. Most people within our nation that are over 50 are far more likely to currently be in debt. People that do work will spend the rest of their lives slaving away under a loserterian 19th century model. One that if they're not well off won't allow them to ever do better.

-People with health problems will lose their insurance and tens of thousands will die as they're told no. Please don't get sick if you made a mistake tuesday as our current government be it the federal or state government will become more cold hearted towards you. Wouldn't at all surprise me if the ER rules are changed so they can tell you no if you don't have a few hundred thousand bucks. You can fucking count on the corporations that run these hospitals to jack up rates to mind blowing levels...But, hell, if the government dares do anything about it = fascism..Don't you fucking know.

-The poor will become poorer and the rich will become richer. This is within the way of a central American shit hole and not so much like the current poor that can afford the niceties. This will become a fact for many reasons ranging from less education will being available for the lower classes, poorer food standards, less food and many of the problems of the third world starting to show up here in America. The rich will become richer as I believe anti-trust laws, unions and laws preventing dirty dealings by the part of corporations will also be phased out as loserterianism is about taking us back to the 19th century. Pretty much ugly for all but a few percent at the top.

-Education will become harder to get for the poor and some of the middle class as government aid will dry up. This will make the poor poorer and collapse our living standards as a nation. Many cities in the 18th and 19th century had two areas which were defined by class either super rich or super poor. The super poor areas were slums as people lived pretty much in their own shit and lived a lot like people do in current day Haiti or the poorer parts of India. The rich of course didn't give a damn about them and scuffed.

People that can afford private education will of course become richer and the poor poorer. This is just the sad facts of loserterianism. Education will become the definer that it once was as less people will have it.

-Monopolies will grow and shut out small businesses. As I said above such anti-trust laws will likely be phased out under losererianism and this will allow a few super powerful corporations to run everyone out of town as they did in the 1880s. This will be a huge part of the reason for the increase between the rich at the top and the poor on the bottom.

-Air, water and food quality within our country will slide to mexico or even China levels as Government deregulates. Cancer and food poisoning will become very real concerns within your lives. People will start watching their children die before they make it to adulthood and far worse diseases will start to reappear and rage through the country side as government won't raise a hand to stop it.

-Funding for research will dry up and allow for those diseases to do just that. Funding for warnings on extreme meteorological events from flash floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will be stripped to the bone and thousands of people will die once again as they once did during the 19th into the early portion of the 20th century.

-Roads will become toll roads and for profit. Once again if you're not well off = you're fucked. The few good roads that are tolls will also be taken advantage of by the riches within our society, while the poor that will make up the vast majority of this country in 20 years will have to use far shittier infrastructure.

-Loserterians for some reason will keep the drug war going and the for profit prisons...So don't you dare lite up you poor piece of shit. Don't you dare.
Biggest fucking liar award to you. Also biggest pos award.

No kidding, he shouldn't be allowed to have his own thoughts.
Millions will die and we will be far less great because of loserterianism.
-Old people will lose their safetynet and find themselves dying on the side of the road. Most people within our nation that are over 50 are far more likely to currently be in debt. People that do work will spend the rest of their lives slaving away under a loserterian 19th century model. One that if they're not well off won't allow them to ever do better.

-People with health problems will lose their insurance and tens of thousands will die as they're told no. Please don't get sick if you made a mistake tuesday as our current government be it the federal or state government will become more cold hearted towards you. Wouldn't at all surprise me if the ER rules are changed so they can tell you no if you don't have a few hundred thousand bucks. You can fucking count on the corporations that run these hospitals to jack up rates to mind blowing levels...But, hell, if the government dares do anything about it = fascism..Don't you fucking know.

-The poor will become poorer and the rich will become richer. This is within the way of a central American shit hole and not so much like the current poor that can afford the niceties. This will become a fact for many reasons ranging from less education will being available for the lower classes, poorer food standards, less food and many of the problems of the third world starting to show up here in America. The rich will become richer as I believe anti-trust laws, unions and laws preventing dirty dealings by the part of corporations will also be phased out as loserterianism is about taking us back to the 19th century. Pretty much ugly for all but a few percent at the top.

-Education will become harder to get for the poor and some of the middle class as government aid will dry up. This will make the poor poorer and collapse our living standards as a nation. Many cities in the 18th and 19th century had two areas which were defined by class either super rich or super poor. The super poor areas were slums as people lived pretty much in their own shit and lived a lot like people do in current day Haiti or the poorer parts of India. The rich of course didn't give a damn about them and scuffed.

People that can afford private education will of course become richer and the poor poorer. This is just the sad facts of loserterianism. Education will become the definer that it once was as less people will have it.

-Monopolies will grow and shut out small businesses. As I said above such anti-trust laws will likely be phased out under losererianism and this will allow a few super powerful corporations to run everyone out of town as they did in the 1880s. This will be a huge part of the reason for the increase between the rich at the top and the poor on the bottom.

-Air, water and food quality within our country will slide to mexico or even China levels as Government deregulates. Cancer and food poisoning will become very real concerns within your lives. People will start watching their children die before they make it to adulthood and far worse diseases will start to reappear and rage through the country side as government won't raise a hand to stop it.

-Funding for research will dry up and allow for those diseases to do just that. Funding for warnings on extreme meteorological events from flash floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will be stripped to the bone and thousands of people will die once again as they once did during the 19th into the early portion of the 20th century.

-Roads will become toll roads and for profit. Once again if you're not well off = you're fucked. The few good roads that are tolls will also be taken advantage of by the riches within our society, while the poor that will make up the vast majority of this country in 20 years will have to use far shittier infrastructure.

-Loserterians for some reason will keep the drug war going and the for profit prisons...So don't you dare lite up you poor piece of shit. Don't you dare.
Biggest fucking liar award to you. Also biggest pos award.

No kidding, he shouldn't be allowed to have his own thoughts.
Have you porked Hillary yet?
90% of all advancements within our society since 1880 was because of progressivism. Do I believe it is perfect? No. They have some weird ideas but we're shooting ourself's in the ass if we believe that none of our greatness and quality of life came about because of it.
Progressivism is just another word for control freak… Shit for brains LOL

No, you just prefer concentrated coporate state control, that's all.
Progressivism basically depends on taking other peoples money, when that money runs out the bitches cry like bitches.

This version of "capitalism" does the same, Trump ran on it.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That’s America.
Progressives cannot function without thinking they need a nanny state behind them, that's why Socialism has never been successful in the history of the planet long-term… Fact
And they cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them..
90% of all advancements within our society since 1880 was because of progressivism. Do I believe it is perfect? No. They have some weird ideas but we're shooting ourself's in the ass if we believe that none of our greatness and quality of life came about because of it.
Progressivism is just another word for control freak… Shit for brains LOL

No, you just prefer concentrated coporate state control, that's all.
Progressivism basically depends on taking other peoples money, when that money runs out the bitches cry like bitches.

This version of "capitalism" does the same, Trump ran on it.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That’s America.
Progressives cannot function without thinking they need a nanny state behind them, that's why Socialism has never been successful in the history of the planet long-term… Fact
And they cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them..
Now don't try to confuse these idiots with facts. All they know how to do is tunes to CNN and get fed.
America will become a third world country with the super rich having it all.That is what removing all of the government out of our economy means.

Hopefully one day the poor will get tired of the beating and rise up once again as they did in the early 20th century.

Until then I hope all you stupid poor backwards hicks that voted for people like Ryan and the so called freedom caucus enjoys the nice rich ass fucking.
Millions will die and we will be far less great because of loserterianism.
-Old people will lose their safetynet and find themselves dying on the side of the road. Most people within our nation that are over 50 are far more likely to currently be in debt. People that do work will spend the rest of their lives slaving away under a loserterian 19th century model. One that if they're not well off won't allow them to ever do better.

-People with health problems will lose their insurance and tens of thousands will die as they're told no. Please don't get sick if you made a mistake tuesday as our current government be it the federal or state government will become more cold hearted towards you. Wouldn't at all surprise me if the ER rules are changed so they can tell you no if you don't have a few hundred thousand bucks. You can fucking count on the corporations that run these hospitals to jack up rates to mind blowing levels...But, hell, if the government dares do anything about it = fascism..Don't you fucking know.

-The poor will become poorer and the rich will become richer. This is within the way of a central American shit hole and not so much like the current poor that can afford the niceties. This will become a fact for many reasons ranging from less education will being available for the lower classes, poorer food standards, less food and many of the problems of the third world starting to show up here in America. The rich will become richer as I believe anti-trust laws, unions and laws preventing dirty dealings by the part of corporations will also be phased out as loserterianism is about taking us back to the 19th century. Pretty much ugly for all but a few percent at the top.

-Education will become harder to get for the poor and some of the middle class as government aid will dry up. This will make the poor poorer and collapse our living standards as a nation. Many cities in the 18th and 19th century had two areas which were defined by class either super rich or super poor. The super poor areas were slums as people lived pretty much in their own shit and lived a lot like people do in current day Haiti or the poorer parts of India. The rich of course didn't give a damn about them and scuffed.

People that can afford private education will of course become richer and the poor poorer. This is just the sad facts of loserterianism. Education will become the definer that it once was as less people will have it.

-Monopolies will grow and shut out small businesses. As I said above such anti-trust laws will likely be phased out under losererianism and this will allow a few super powerful corporations to run everyone out of town as they did in the 1880s. This will be a huge part of the reason for the increase between the rich at the top and the poor on the bottom.

-Air, water and food quality within our country will slide to mexico or even China levels as Government deregulates. Cancer and food poisoning will become very real concerns within your lives. People will start watching their children die before they make it to adulthood and far worse diseases will start to reappear and rage through the country side as government won't raise a hand to stop it.

-Funding for research will dry up and allow for those diseases to do just that. Funding for warnings on extreme meteorological events from flash floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will be stripped to the bone and thousands of people will die once again as they once did during the 19th into the early portion of the 20th century.

-Roads will become toll roads and for profit. Once again if you're not well off = you're fucked. The few good roads that are tolls will also be taken advantage of by the riches within our society, while the poor that will make up the vast majority of this country in 20 years will have to use far shittier infrastructure.

-Loserterians for some reason will keep the drug war going and the for profit prisons...So don't you dare lite up you poor piece of shit. Don't you dare.

Are you trying to tell us that guy who was just elected is a libertarian? You mean the guy that proposed entitlements that Bernie would have blushed over? The Guy who believes that America should assume more debt? The guy who's gonna LOVE to use the power of state to bully folks and force his "deals" on them?

You have no Fucking idea what a Libertarian is. So you should really STOP yourself from sounding MORE stupid and panicked than you are already..
90% of all advancements within our society since 1880 was because of progressivism. Do I believe it is perfect? No. They have some weird ideas but we're shooting ourself's in the ass if we believe that none of our greatness and quality of life came about because of it.

Many never learned about the labor wars, sharecropping, child labor, what women went through to get the vote, the depression; none of that. It takes balance, not too far in one direction, not too far in the other, but americans prefer imbalance and worship the wealthy more than god. Some folks are just going to have to learn all over again the hard way, that's all. Won't be pretty , will take time, the pendulum swings back and forth, but too widely sans balance.

What a load of horse poo. Yes, Americans like balance. That's the lesson that the Democrat Party just learned.
90% of all advancements within our society since 1880 was because of progressivism. Do I believe it is perfect? No. They have some weird ideas but we're shooting ourself's in the ass if we believe that none of our greatness and quality of life came about because of it.
Progressivism is just another word for control freak… Shit for brains LOL

No, you just prefer concentrated coporate state control, that's all.

Really? The shrilary is the one who sold her soul to the corporate masters. You show your imbecilic grasp of politics, and history, yet again.
90% of all advancements within our society since 1880 was because of progressivism. Do I believe it is perfect? No. They have some weird ideas but we're shooting ourself's in the ass if we believe that none of our greatness and quality of life came about because of it.

Many never learned about the labor wars, sharecropping, child labor, what women went through to get the vote, the depression; none of that. It takes balance, not too far in one direction, not too far in the other, but americans prefer imbalance and worship the wealthy more than god. Some folks are just going to have to learn all over again the hard way, that's all. Won't be pretty , will take time, the pendulum swings back and forth, but too widely sans balance.

What a load of horse poo. Yes, Americans like balance. That's the lesson that the Democrat Party just learned.

Right, all about party for you, I've seen that already.
90% of all advancements within our society since 1880 was because of progressivism. Do I believe it is perfect? No. They have some weird ideas but we're shooting ourself's in the ass if we believe that none of our greatness and quality of life came about because of it.
Progressivism is just another word for control freak… Shit for brains LOL

No, you just prefer concentrated coporate state control, that's all.

Really? The shrilary is the one who sold her soul to the corporate masters. You show your imbecilic grasp of politics, and history, yet again.

Yes, she did, long ago, and so did Bill. What you're having difficulty with is partisanshit son.
The fuck you talkin bout kid? Why don't you go suck your thumb in your Safe Space. The real world's a tough place. People say and do bad things to you all the time. And you gotta work hard too. Sanders just duped y'all. There is no Safe Space. There's only this tough unfair world. Better stop whining and instead start dealing with that.
The fuck you talkin bout kid? Why don't you go suck your thumb in your Safe Space. The real world's a tough place. People say and do bad things to you all the time. And you gotta work hard too. Sanders just duped y'all. There is no Safe Space. There's only this tough unfair world. Better stop whining and instead start dealing with that.

I see how much it's fucked you up.
The fuck you talkin bout kid? Why don't you go suck your thumb in your Safe Space. The real world's a tough place. People say and do bad things to you all the time. And you gotta work hard too. Sanders just duped y'all. There is no Safe Space. There's only this tough unfair world. Better stop whining and instead start dealing with that.

I see how much it's fucked you up.

Hasn't fucked me up. It made me grow up. And that's what you Safe Spacers are gonna have to do. Like or not, the world is unfair. And no one owes you anything. Sanders and the Democrats just dupe y'all on that. They're very wealthy con men & women. Conning is what they do.
The fuck you talkin bout kid? Why don't you go suck your thumb in your Safe Space. The real world's a tough place. People say and do bad things to you all the time. And you gotta work hard too. Sanders just duped y'all. There is no Safe Space. There's only this tough unfair world. Better stop whining and instead start dealing with that.

I see how much it's fucked you up.

Hasn't fucked me up. It made me grow up. And that's what you Safe Spacers are gonna have to do. Like or not, the world is unfair. And no one owes you anything. Sanders and the Democrats just dupe y'all on that. He's a very wealthy con man. It's what he does.

Ah, so this is all grown up, got it. I'll pass this on to a democrat if I see one for ya.
America will become a third world country with the super rich having it all.That is what removing all of the government out of our economy means.

Hopefully one day the poor will get tired of the beating and rise up once again as they did in the early 20th century.

Until then I hope all you stupid poor backwards hicks that voted for people like Ryan and the so called freedom caucus enjoys the nice rich ass fucking.

Look at the little Trot calling for revolution...

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