Millionaires to Congress: Raise our taxes, please!

Hedge Fund gamblers make more in one day than the average middle class family makes in 47 years.

Hedge Funds make money through extreme risk. They produce nothing. They don't educate our children or build life-saving technology. They represent phantom wealth. Welcome to the pure financialization of the economy where gambling is rewarded more than real investment.

Investment in jobs? Nope. That's not where the Bush tax cuts went. The Bush tax cuts went to largest derivatives fraud in modern history. Before the GOP changed the tax code, that money used to be more broadly distributed to middle class pockets. What did the middle class do with that money? They poured it into the real economy of goods and services. This represented demand. What does the capitalist do when faced with immense demand? What does the capitalist do when consumers have money to spend? He adds jobs and innovates in order to capture that money. Those days are over. Now all the money is stuck on top where it is used to bribe politicians and play the Wall Street casino. America got rid of the tax and regulatory system which put money in the hands of middle class consumers.

The GOP protects the wealth of the Hedge Fund Manager. They call it freedom. They tell us all that money will find its way into investments and jobs. They were wrong. Corporate America is sitting on more cash than at any time in the past 30 years. They aren't adding jobs. Why? Because the buying power of middle class consumers has been undermined by 30 years of tax and regulatory policy designed to benefit the Hedge Fund gambler. His money used to be taxed and converted into programs which stimulated middle class consumption. Those days are gone. Concentrated wealth captured Washington and the media. They convinced people that a system where Hedge Fund managers make more in a day than hard working families make in a lifetime is one which lifts all boats. Who knew that all that wealth - which could be pumping through the economy if it were in the hand of middle class consumers - would be stuffed into the pockets of politicians or piled into dynastic inheritances.

Americans don't get it. The economy requires middle class consumption. The middle class was created mostly by postwar tax policy (as well as pre-NAFTA protectionism).

We killed the goose that laid the golden egg. The money never trickled down, but too many voters are not permitted to see this failure. They are held prisoner in a hermetically sealed FOX bubble.

The game is over. They destroyed the postwar distribution system which ensured that the middle class had money to spend. America used to reward hard work with a decent living. Now it rewards hedge gamblers and derivative crooks.

As Warren Buffet so famously pointed out he pays less of a percentage in taxes than his Secretary.

These millionaires don't need you guys to defend them. They've got hoardes of lobbyists, accountants and politicians in their pockets.


If Warren Buffet is so amoral that he advocates taxing the rich then hires accountants to evade taxes then anything that scum bucket says should be ignored out of hand

So you must agree, then, that the 35% tax rate on the wealthiest really isn't ever actually paid because of all the tax writeoffs. Good, let's all remember that the next time you folks start shrieking that they shouldn't up the rate a mere 4 points. It would be a drop in the bucket to their bottom line, but would add millions to the Treasury.
If they are advocating yet more taxes for the rich, why aren't they paying them now? What are they waiting for?

Why do people make these arguments? There is no such thing as a voluntary "donation" to the treasury. You have to fill out a tax return every year, right? What do you think happens when you do that? The government holds you accountable for EXACTLY your legally mandated tax liability. No more, no less. Hell, this year when I did my taxes my return ended up being MORE than I expected, because I had made a mistake on my forms that would have cost me a couple hundred dollars. The IRS automatically made the adjustment.

Wrong, they actually do take donations to the treasury.

As for why do we make the argument, what do you think of someone who advocates making abortion illegal then has a fling and pays for his girlfriend's abortion? Would you have any criticism over that? These people are advocating taxes for themselves, which they could pay and don't. It's flat out hypocrisy, they are liars and frauds.

Again, how do you know they don't?

And your abortion non-sequitur doesn't even make sense in the context of the thread.
Hedge Fund gamblers make more in one day than the average middle class family makes in 47 years.

Hedge Funds make money through extreme risk. They produce nothing. They don't educate our children or build life-saving technology. They represent phantom wealth- the pure financialization of the economy designed to channel the immense surplus at the top into garbage. Investment in jobs? Nope. That's not where the Bush tax cuts went. They went to largest derivatives fraud in modern history. Before the GOP changed the tax code, that money used to be more broadly distributed to middle class pockets. And the middle class actually poured that money into the real economy of goods and services. This represented demand, which forced the capitalist to add jobs. Those days are over. Now all the money is stuck on top where it is used to bribe politicians and play the Wall Street casino.

The GOP protects the wealth of the Hedge Fund Manager. They call it freedom. They tell us all that money will find its way into investments and jobs. They were wrong. Corporate America is sitting on more cash than at any time in the past 30 years. They aren't adding jobs. Why? Because the buying power of middle class consumers has been undermined by 30 years of tax and regulatory policy designed to benefit the Hedge Fund gambler. His money used to be taxed and converted into programs which stimulated middle class consumption. Those days are gone. Concentrated wealth captured Washington and the media. They convinced people that a system where Hedge Fund managers make more in a day than hard working families make in a lifetime is one which lifts all boats. Who knew that all that wealth - which could be pumping through the economy if it were in the hand of middle class consumers - would be stuffed into the pockets of politicians or piled into dynastic inheritances.

Americans don't get it. The economy requires middle class consumption. The middle class was created mostly by postwar tax policy (as well as pre-NAFTA protectionism).

We killed the goose that laid the golden egg. The money never trickled down, but too many voters are not permitted to see this failure. They are held prisoner in a hermetically sealed FOX bubble.

The game is over. They destroyed the postwar distribution system which ensured that the middle class had money to spend. America used to reward hard work with a decent living. Now it rewards hedge gamblers and derivative crooks.

'Corporate America is sitting on more cash than at any time in the past 30 years.'

Well No shit you think? now why not explain why that's likely the case....could it have to do with the uncertainty in the market or the insane polices of this administration such as NHC which unless funds are available will quickly bankrupt most company s Business are not risk intolerant they are Stupid Intolerant which this administration seems to generate on a daily basis fix that and we will see the money flow back into the market place.

They weren't investing in Main Street USA long before NHC was even introduced. If you think the rich give a shit about middle America, you're dilusional.

Do the Rich Need the Rest of America? - The Wealth Report - WSJ
If the American rich increasingly do not depend for their wealth on American workers and American consumers or for their safety on American soldiers or police officers, then it is hardly surprising that so many of them should be so hostile to paying taxes to support the infrastructure and the social programs that help the majority of the American people. The rich don’t need the rest anymore.
This is ridiculous.
Why would the GOP listen to anything The Agenda Project advocates?
The Agenda Project is a progressive org. that advocates voting against Republicans, not to mention running a 'F^ck Tea' campaign demonizing the Teaparty and supported the mosque being built near ground zero.
Sgt. Puss N' Boots, this OP is a non-starter.

So why wouldn't the more sane among us advocate voting against Republicans? Look at their roster and then tell us why we shouldn't be laughing. THINKING Republicans are either low on the totem pole or hiding out until the little "party" is over and their own swamp can be drained.
As Warren Buffet so famously pointed out he pays less of a percentage in taxes than his Secretary.

These millionaires don't need you guys to defend them. They've got hoardes of lobbyists, accountants and politicians in their pockets.

And were it not for envious and avaricious little socialist turds, that money would most likely be directed toward productive and profitable pursuits instead.

Talk about enabling the people you claim to detest.

You mean like the rich used it productively for the last 10 years? Where? Do we have new manufacturing plants? New technology labs? A slew of charter schools? Was there trickle down and I just missed reading about it?

Why would new Manufacturing plants be built by the so-called RICH when the Statists tax the crap outta them and make the environment too hostile for them to do so?

*I* Don't blame them for going elsewhere.
These sadly misguided people are perfectly free to make voluntary donations to the Federal Treasury. They don't need to wait for the tax rates to be changed for others to do this.

How do you know they don't?

What makes you think they do?

There's a literary name for trying to prove an unknown as a known, but I've forgotten what it is. If you don't know, don't say you do was my point.
And were it not for envious and avaricious little socialist turds, that money would most likely be directed toward productive and profitable pursuits instead.

Talk about enabling the people you claim to detest.

You mean like the rich used it productively for the last 10 years? Where? Do we have new manufacturing plants? New technology labs? A slew of charter schools? Was there trickle down and I just missed reading about it?

Why would new Manufacturing plants be built by the so-called RICH when the Statists tax the crap outta them and make the environment too hostile for them to do so?

*I* Don't blame them for going elsewhere.

But during the early and mid-2000's, they WEREN'T taxed and they WEREN'T overly regulated (actually they're not now, either). So what was the excuse?
Why do people make these arguments? There is no such thing as a voluntary "donation" to the treasury. You have to fill out a tax return every year, right? What do you think happens when you do that? The government holds you accountable for EXACTLY your legally mandated tax liability. No more, no less. Hell, this year when I did my taxes my return ended up being MORE than I expected, because I had made a mistake on my forms that would have cost me a couple hundred dollars. The IRS automatically made the adjustment.

Wrong, they actually do take donations to the treasury.

As for why do we make the argument, what do you think of someone who advocates making abortion illegal then has a fling and pays for his girlfriend's abortion? Would you have any criticism over that? These people are advocating taxes for themselves, which they could pay and don't. It's flat out hypocrisy, they are liars and frauds.

Again, how do you know they don't?

And your abortion non-sequitur doesn't even make sense in the context of the thread.

If Massachusetts is representative of Rich Liberals (and many live there), then the odds are they don't:

So far this tax season, the state Department of Revenue has received 1,971,000 returns.

And of those 1.971 million filers, exactly 862 have checked the box to pay at the old, higher 5.85 percent rate rather than the current 5.3 percent rate.

That works out to approximately one-25th of one percent of filers making the selfless gesture — somewhat lower than the percentage of moonbats in the population, wouldn’t you say?

Of course, this is an old tradition in Massachusetts, liberals running up the tab and then when the check arrives — hey, come back here you ponytailed carpetbagger! They play the political equivalent of the old chew ’n’ screw. And I don’t just mean their heroes, such as Sen. John Kerry, with his $7 million yacht, the SS Deadbeat. Or the assorted state solons loading up on booze and smokes in tax-free New Hampshire.

Liberals on the run from voluntary tax -
You mean like the rich used it productively for the last 10 years? Where? Do we have new manufacturing plants? New technology labs? A slew of charter schools? Was there trickle down and I just missed reading about it?

Why would new Manufacturing plants be built by the so-called RICH when the Statists tax the crap outta them and make the environment too hostile for them to do so?

*I* Don't blame them for going elsewhere.

But during the early and mid-2000's, they WEREN'T taxed and they WEREN'T overly regulated (actually they're not now, either). So what was the excuse?

You got Chinese working for 50 cents an hour vs. Americans doing the same job for $25 an hour.

You do the math.

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