Millie Weaver of info wars arrested


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Millie and her husband were arrested this afternoon after the premiered of her new youtube video. Apparently from reports its a Grand jury indictment for burglary related to info gotten that is released in the video. Some in video clips saying its a publicity stunt by infowars. I suppose we'll learn more later.

Millie and her husband were arrested this afternoon after the premiered of her new youtube video. Apparently from reports its a Grand jury indictment for burglary related to info gotten that is released in the video. Some in video clips saying its a publicity stunt by infowars. I suppose we'll learn more later.

This is political persecution in my humble opinion :smoke:
Apparently from reports its a Grand jury indictment for burglary related to info gotten that is released in the video
They pulled the same trick on Richard Nixon with Watergate, forced him to resign even though he didn't do anything wrong.

The DNC headquarters, to which operatives of a hostile political party had varying levels of access, was allegedly burglarized by Republicans.

The Federal assholes who arrested the Infowars newscasters are obviously Democrats or Establishment RINOs in cahoots with James Comey and his gang of crooked cops. That sorry ass is in contempt of Congress for intimidating witnesses and refusing to appear, and a whole laundry list of other crimes for which that вор в законе will never be adequately brought to justice in the crooked system instituted by him and his kind in America.
Millie and her husband were arrested this afternoon after the premiered of her new youtube video. Apparently from reports its a Grand jury indictment for burglary related to info gotten that is released in the video. Some in video clips saying its a publicity stunt by infowars. I suppose we'll learn more later.

Some Russian stuff, I presume.
Apparently from reports its a Grand jury indictment for burglary related to info gotten that is released in the video
They pulled the same trick on Richard Nixon with Watergate, forced him to resign even though he didn't do anything wrong.

The DNC headquarters, to which operatives of a hostile political party had varying levels of access, was allegedly burglarized by Republicans.

The Federal assholes who arrested the Infowars newscasters are obviously Democrats or Establishment RINOs in cahoots with James Comey and his gang of crooked cops. That sorry ass is in contempt of Congress for intimidating witnesses and refusing to appear, and a whole laundry list of other crimes for which that вор в законе will never be adequately brought to justice in the crooked system instituted by him and his kind in America.
We'll have to wait and see. I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet and hopefully it won't be taken down before I do.
Well, if they really did take her away, why is that video still up?
Wouldn't it be up to youtube whether it gets taken down or not.
Yeah, I watched it. It insinuated that part of the active measures had to do with the doxing, shadow banning, and the infiltration of these spooks have into silicon valley.

It seems like these folks have dirt and connections on anyone whose anyone. Senators, congressmen, judges, CEO's. . . not like they would need crap to get the leaders of Google to play ball.

It also implies, though doesn't come out and say it, that this is how they targeted her for arrest and organized a Grand Jury friendly to sending out an indictment for a past youthful indiscretion.

Just in case, for anyone that comes back to look at this thread later, here are some mirrors, and that Whistle Blower Tore's Podcast Plateform;

Millie and her husband were arrested this afternoon after the premiered of her new youtube video. Apparently from reports its a Grand jury indictment for burglary related to info gotten that is released in the video. Some in video clips saying its a publicity stunt by infowars. I suppose we'll learn more later.

Oh, no! I LOVE Millie. She is SO hot AND SO smart.
This article caught my attention this morning.

It reminded me about the end of her documentary. I am just not sure we are there yet for fully automated policing though. . .

Bald eagle attacks state’s $950 drone in U.P., sends it to bottom of Lake Michigan

Bald eagles have rebounded in Michigan, with more than 800 nesting sites in the state.
This article caught my attention this morning.

It reminded me about the end of her documentary. I am just not sure we are there yet for fully automated policing though. . .

Bald eagle attacks state’s $950 drone in U.P., sends it to bottom of Lake Michigan

Bald eagles have rebounded in Michigan, with more than 800 nesting sites in the state.
Kudos to the bird.
Millie and her husband were arrested this afternoon after the premiered of her new youtube video. Apparently from reports its a Grand jury indictment for burglary related to info gotten that is released in the video. Some in video clips saying its a publicity stunt by infowars. I suppose we'll learn more later.

Oh, no! I LOVE Millie. She is SO hot AND SO smart.

Yes, like Tore, too smart.

We must remain vigilant. If nothing comes of it, it could just be a play to affect the vote, nothing more.

It certainly is a more truthful paradigm than what we have been receiving through the corporate MSM, but? The rule of law seems to have been dispensed with some time ago, hasn't it?

In the intel. community, they call that;

They sound like your typical conspiracy nut cases. Speaking of which, have you noticed how those Qnon nuts have found a home with the Republican party.
Dude, this stuff is well known going back to Ike.

You go remain in your bubble of ignorance.

Here, this article is from The Nation, a pretty left leaning, biased organization. But. . they still get the facts right;

5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry
This unaccountable oligarchy of spies controls the information that guides our military and civilian leaders.
5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry


Director of National Intelligence James Clapper at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in Washington in February 2016. Previously, Clapper held a position in the private sector with SRA International. (AP Photo / Alex Brandon)

". . . In August, Leidos Holdings, a major contractor for the Pentagon and the National Security Agency, completed a long-planned merger with the Information Systems & Global Solutions division of Lockheed Martin, the global military giant. The 8,000 operatives employed by the new company do everything from analyzing signals for the NSA to tracking down suspected enemy fighters for US Special Forces in the Middle East and Africa.

The sheer size of the new entity makes Leidos one of the most powerful companies in the intelligence-contracting industry, which is worth about $50 billion today. According to a comprehensive study I’ve just completed on public and private employment in intelligence, Leidos is now the largest of five corporations that together employ nearly 80 percent of the private-sector employees contracted to work for US spy and surveillance agencies.

This is incredibly risky for a country so dependent on intelligence to fight global wars and prevent domestic attacks.

Yes, that’s 80 percent. For the first time since spy agencies began outsourcing their core analytic and operational work in the late 1990s, the bulk of the contracted work goes to a handful of companies: Leidos, Booz Allen Hamilton, CSRA, SAIC, and CACI International. This concentration of “pure plays”—a Wall Street term for companies that makes one product for a single marketmarks a fundamental shift in an industry that was once a highly diverse mix of large military contractors, small and medium technology companies, and tiny “Beltway Bandits” surrounding Washington, D.C.

As I argue below, these developments are incredibly risky for a country more dependent than ever on intelligence to fight global wars and prevent domestic attacks. “The problem with just five companies providing the lion’s share of contractors is that the client, the U.S. government, won’t have much alternative when a company screws up,” says David Isenberg, the author of Shadow Force: Private Security Contractors in Iraq.

Moreover, the fact that much of this privatized work is top secret—and is generally underreported in the press—undermines the accountability and transparency of our spy agencies. That should deeply concern the American public. . . . "
Apparently from reports its a Grand jury indictment for burglary related to info gotten that is released in the video
They pulled the same trick on Richard Nixon with Watergate, forced him to resign even though he didn't do anything wrong.

The DNC headquarters, to which operatives of a hostile political party had varying levels of access, was allegedly burglarized by Republicans.

The Federal assholes who arrested the Infowars newscasters are obviously Democrats or Establishment RINOs in cahoots with James Comey and his gang of crooked cops. That sorry ass is in contempt of Congress for intimidating witnesses and refusing to appear, and a whole laundry list of other crimes for which that вор в законе will never be adequately brought to justice in the crooked system instituted by him and his kind in America.

There is no ‘they.’
I think this was the first topic posted about this so I'm weighing here with my 2 cents. I watched the film. Just search YouTube for Shadowgate and look for Millie Weaver. She's a Trump sycophant without doubt, making the final two minutes or so of the film very disappointing, but the rest is well done and highly nonpartisan considering. I then looked for more about Millie and found, wow, she was arrested on clearly trumped up charges just two days ago. This is a story with real legs. Don't blow this off as simply partisan BS. There's a real cover up going on right here and now because real whistleblowers have exposed some of the most powerful people in the world like never before, doing what they do, how they do it, and largely why.
My wife's watching the film on TV now, and I just heard Millie saying something about General Jones being a Democrat, implying partisanship being a major factor. But it clearly isn't. These people don't give a toss about political parties. They easily use and threaten members of both, thereby insulating themselves from public scrutiny while quietly controlling much of the world. Absolutely real and profoundly disgusting.
Ok, this is going to be really controversial. (Especially when you hear what he says about Trump.) But I just wanted to share a different perspective. I don't necessarily agree with everything he's saying here, but just sharing it FWIW.

Fast forward it to 3:35, that's where the part on Millie Weaver starts.


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