Mike Lindell's Cybersecurity Expert: MyPillowGuy's Data is "Illegitimate"


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
And he's taken the $5 million off the table!

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — The cyber expert on the “red team” hired by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell now says the key data underpinning the theory that China hacked the 2020 election unveiled at the Cyber Symposium is illegitimate.​
Mr. Lindell said he had 37 terabytes of “irrefutable” evidence that hackers, who he said were backed by China, broke into election systems and switched votes in favor of President Biden. The proof, he said, is visible in intercepted network data or “packet captures” that were collected by hackers and could be unencrypted to reveal that a cyberattack occurred and that votes were switched.​
But cyber expert Josh Merritt, who is on the team hired by Mr. Lindell to interrogate the data for the symposium, told The Washington Times that packet captures are unrecoverable in the data and that the data, as provided, cannot prove a cyber incursion by China.​
“So our team said, we’re not going to say that this is legitimate if we don’t have confidence in the information,” Mr. Merritt said on Wednesday, the second day of the symposium.​
Mr. Merritt’s break from Mr. Lindell accelerated the unraveling of the MyPillow millionaire’s months of spinning of a conspiracy theory that he said would reverse the outcome of the 2020 election and restore former President Donald Trump to the White House.​
Mr. Lindell delayed a scheduled unveiling of his evidence on Wednesday at the symposium.​
He had offered $5 million to any in-person attendee who can disprove his claims. The offer is no longer on the table, Mr. Merritt said.​
Leading up to the seminar, Mr. Lindell had displayed a video of scrolling, incomprehensible text, which he claimed were the packet captures he had received — proof, he claimed, of his China hacking theory. The video was featured in his documentary “Absolute 9-0” and was played on loop on screens throughout the convention center during the symposium.​
Cybersecurity expert J. Kirk Wiebe, a former senior National Security Agency analyst and whistleblower, also said Mr. Lindell did not have the actual data sets.​
He said the scrolling text was likely meant to resemble what the packet captures would look like in the data set but were not actual packet captures, which are vital to prove the claims.​

Yeah, well "D'uh!"


It's all about the grift and yer feelings!
The proof, he said, is visible in intercepted network data or “packet captures” that were collected by hackers and could be unencrypted to reveal that a cyberattack occurred and that votes were switched.
Are you fucking kidding me? His proof was intercepted encrypted packets collected by hackers? Anyone that knows networking should know he was fucking lying. :auiqs.jpg:
And it won't matter one damn bit to the Trumpsters.

There's no way Trump lost to Biden. It just can't be. Someone must have cheated. Yeah, that's it.

Well, I do have to agree with you there.

If you don't believe that there are powerful forces at work, that would potentially kill to maintain the narrative? IMO, you are naive.

From the article;

"Mr. Lindell delayed a scheduled unveiling of his evidence on Wednesday at the symposium."


". . .Mr. Montgomery is a former government contractor who developed cyber tools named HAMMER and SCORECARD, which were allegedly used by the U.S. to influence foreign elections. Mr. Montgomery came forward with the data after he said the tools were being used to influence U.S. elections, according to Mr. Wiebe.

Mr. Merritt confirmed that Mr. Montgomery was the source of the data.

But the data Mr. Montgomery sent contains no packet captures and cannot be used to validate Mr. Lindell’s marquee theory, which he planned to unveil at the symposium, said the two experts.

Mr. Montgomery reportedly suffered a stroke on the eve of the symposium and has not been in contact with Mr. Lindell’s team or any cyber experts at the symposium.

He has been behind several other high-profile conspiracy theories, including allegations that U.S. security agencies wiretapped Trump Tower while Mr. Trump was running for president in 2016.

Mr. Montgomery said he presented the wiretap evidence to then-FBI Director James B. Comey, who dismissed the information. Mr. Montgomery later sued Mr. Comey, alleging a cover-up. The lawsuit was dropped.. . . "

Well, I do have to agree with you there.

If you don't believe that there are powerful forces at work, that would potentially kill to maintain the narrative? IMO, you are naive.

From the article;

"Mr. Lindell delayed a scheduled unveiling of his evidence on Wednesday at the symposium."


". . .Mr. Montgomery is a former government contractor who developed cyber tools named HAMMER and SCORECARD, which were allegedly used by the U.S. to influence foreign elections. Mr. Montgomery came forward with the data after he said the tools were being used to influence U.S. elections, according to Mr. Wiebe.

Mr. Merritt confirmed that Mr. Montgomery was the source of the data.

But the data Mr. Montgomery sent contains no packet captures and cannot be used to validate Mr. Lindell’s marquee theory, which he planned to unveil at the symposium, said the two experts.

Mr. Montgomery reportedly suffered a stroke on the eve of the symposium and has not been in contact with Mr. Lindell’s team or any cyber experts at the symposium.

He has been behind several other high-profile conspiracy theories, including allegations that U.S. security agencies wiretapped Trump Tower while Mr. Trump was running for president in 2016.

Mr. Montgomery said he presented the wiretap evidence to then-FBI Director James B. Comey, who dismissed the information. Mr. Montgomery later sued Mr. Comey, alleging a cover-up. The lawsuit was dropped.. . . "

I know, it's a big conspiracy by powerful forces, I know....
I know, it's a big conspiracy by powerful forces, I know....
So nice that you can be so snarky.

Maybe you should study history and realpolitik (political realism.)

IMO? You watch too much GD Tee Vee. The intel services weaponized the term "conspiracy," in order to keep folks like you from considering things that are too awful to consider.

"See political realism for branches and antecedents more relevant to contemporary diplomacy and the particular modern, international relations paradigm.

And he's taken the $5 million off the table!

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — The cyber expert on the “red team” hired by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell now says the key data underpinning the theory that China hacked the 2020 election unveiled at the Cyber Symposium is illegitimate.​
Mr. Lindell said he had 37 terabytes of “irrefutable” evidence that hackers, who he said were backed by China, broke into election systems and switched votes in favor of President Biden. The proof, he said, is visible in intercepted network data or “packet captures” that were collected by hackers and could be unencrypted to reveal that a cyberattack occurred and that votes were switched.​
But cyber expert Josh Merritt, who is on the team hired by Mr. Lindell to interrogate the data for the symposium, told The Washington Times that packet captures are unrecoverable in the data and that the data, as provided, cannot prove a cyber incursion by China.​
“So our team said, we’re not going to say that this is legitimate if we don’t have confidence in the information,” Mr. Merritt said on Wednesday, the second day of the symposium.​
Mr. Merritt’s break from Mr. Lindell accelerated the unraveling of the MyPillow millionaire’s months of spinning of a conspiracy theory that he said would reverse the outcome of the 2020 election and restore former President Donald Trump to the White House.​
Mr. Lindell delayed a scheduled unveiling of his evidence on Wednesday at the symposium.​
He had offered $5 million to any in-person attendee who can disprove his claims. The offer is no longer on the table, Mr. Merritt said.​
Leading up to the seminar, Mr. Lindell had displayed a video of scrolling, incomprehensible text, which he claimed were the packet captures he had received — proof, he claimed, of his China hacking theory. The video was featured in his documentary “Absolute 9-0” and was played on loop on screens throughout the convention center during the symposium.​
Cybersecurity expert J. Kirk Wiebe, a former senior National Security Agency analyst and whistleblower, also said Mr. Lindell did not have the actual data sets.​
He said the scrolling text was likely meant to resemble what the packet captures would look like in the data set but were not actual packet captures, which are vital to prove the claims.​

Yeah, well "D'uh!"


It's all about the grift and yer feelings!
Trump won

he did not.

ha ha.

& neener neener.
No proof either way. . . and that is how the establishment wants it.

The chaos and argument is more important, and the policy implications which result are what will be important.

Most folks, when this all comes down to it, will eventually support a unified ID that will serve as both a Voter ID, health ID, travel ID, and financial information ID. . . it is a Problem>Reaction>Solution operation.

It will enable folks to even vote via their smart phone/PC, etc.

Whether that vote will mean anything? That will be another debate entirely, which would be ignored.

This, of course, means you need to be vaxed to vote, work, travel, and shop. . . or hell, do anything.

And he's taken the $5 million off the table!

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — The cyber expert on the “red team” hired by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell now says the key data underpinning the theory that China hacked the 2020 election unveiled at the Cyber Symposium is illegitimate.​
Mr. Lindell said he had 37 terabytes of “irrefutable” evidence that hackers, who he said were backed by China, broke into election systems and switched votes in favor of President Biden. The proof, he said, is visible in intercepted network data or “packet captures” that were collected by hackers and could be unencrypted to reveal that a cyberattack occurred and that votes were switched.​
But cyber expert Josh Merritt, who is on the team hired by Mr. Lindell to interrogate the data for the symposium, told The Washington Times that packet captures are unrecoverable in the data and that the data, as provided, cannot prove a cyber incursion by China.​
“So our team said, we’re not going to say that this is legitimate if we don’t have confidence in the information,” Mr. Merritt said on Wednesday, the second day of the symposium.​
Mr. Merritt’s break from Mr. Lindell accelerated the unraveling of the MyPillow millionaire’s months of spinning of a conspiracy theory that he said would reverse the outcome of the 2020 election and restore former President Donald Trump to the White House.​
Mr. Lindell delayed a scheduled unveiling of his evidence on Wednesday at the symposium.​
He had offered $5 million to any in-person attendee who can disprove his claims. The offer is no longer on the table, Mr. Merritt said.​
Leading up to the seminar, Mr. Lindell had displayed a video of scrolling, incomprehensible text, which he claimed were the packet captures he had received — proof, he claimed, of his China hacking theory. The video was featured in his documentary “Absolute 9-0” and was played on loop on screens throughout the convention center during the symposium.​
Cybersecurity expert J. Kirk Wiebe, a former senior National Security Agency analyst and whistleblower, also said Mr. Lindell did not have the actual data sets.​
He said the scrolling text was likely meant to resemble what the packet captures would look like in the data set but were not actual packet captures, which are vital to prove the claims.​

Yeah, well "D'uh!"


It's all about the grift and yer feelings!
giphy (22).gif
"...ho wrote The Art of War that foreshadowed elements of Realpolitik developed later."

Developed later? lol You make it sound like The Art of War was a work in progress. And "later" typically does not mean almost 2,000 years.
I was just commenting that many writers throughout history have developed these types of ideas.

The point is, this is NOT an ideological idea, that forces could be mobilized to produce results through extra-electoral means, because, let's face it, great rewards via power and money are involved. To think, just because we are Americans, we are above such temptations? And any suggestion at such a thing is lunacy flies in the face of thousands of years of human political state craft.

There is a history of precedent, many, many writers, historians, and philosophers have written about such things, and just because we have a tradition of not resorting to such things? It would be supremely naive, IMO, to think, we have a two hundred year history, where there is no "acknowledged" activity of such thing going on among our elites. . . so it never has or never will?


IMO? It just shows a person watches more TEE VEE, then they have a familiarity with the political, historical and philosophical literature of the millennia of what the elites do to the masses and the nation state.

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